Petechiae on arm

Posted by walk4life @walk4life, Nov 13, 2023

I have developed some Petechiae on my arms. I had one or two on my right arm which have gone away. Now i have several on my left arm and one on my left hand . I would say the sizes are around 1 mm. Should i see my doctor about this?

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More info please? What else is going on? are you on blood thinners? Do you take aspirin? Any numbness or tingling? How old are you?


I get purple spots that are quite large and sometimes bleed, as well as smaller petechiae. Docs tell me it is from thinning skin and is normal. If you are young , that is a different matter. There are products to wear on arms to hide them, available on Amazon!


@sueinmn , i am not on blood thinners, do not take aspirin. I have no numbness or tingling. I am 72.


@sueinmn , i am not on blood thinners, do not take aspirin. I have no numbness or tingling. I am 72.

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I think @windyshores is right - these are normal, unless they become numerous, bleed through the skin or you have other symptoms, as my friends like to say "Welcome to the joys of an aging body." I get them on my ankles if I am on my feet too much without proper shoes and on my face when I cough hard - that never happened when I was younger.
For example, yesterday my PT was evaluating some new symptoms in a previously repaired (not replaced) knee - after several minutes of manipulation, he said "The miniscus feels a little ragged around the edges." My reply - "not surprised, I've been using it for 72 years!"


Thanks, yes my skin is thinning and i notice that it can tear easily.

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