Permanent loss of smell after surgery. Food suggestions?

Posted by prettyflower @prettyflower, Dec 27, 2023

My husband is 81 and just had sinus cancer surgery (either sarcoma or carcinoma, they're still unsure). His olfactory nerve had to be severed and his interest in eating is very low. He is losing weight, and I need your experienced suggestions for foods that have shown to be stimulating in other ways and will keep him chewing. I'm currently approaching it from a texture or temperature angle, as well as the theory of spicier or fermented foods having an extrasensory effect that at least allows him to have some kind experience. What has helped for you? Thank you, everyone.

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@prettyflower, I wonder if you might find some helpful tips in this related discussion:
- How long before my taste buds recover after H&N treatments?

I assume without a sense of smell, your husband's sense of taste is off too. I like your creative approach to experiment with textures and temperatures. It seems to be helping. Has he been working with a dietitian?


@prettyflower, I wonder if you might find some helpful tips in this related discussion:
- How long before my taste buds recover after H&N treatments?

I assume without a sense of smell, your husband's sense of taste is off too. I like your creative approach to experiment with textures and temperatures. It seems to be helping. Has he been working with a dietitian?

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Thanks so much for commenting. We recently saw the radiation oncologist and he will be referring us to a dietician in their center. So I feel hopeful about that. My husband had slight improvement in his enjoyment level after getting the packing removing from his nose. His Pinot Grigio suddenly became somewhat enjoyable again.😉 But I know that things will change again with radiation.

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