Correlation between peripheral neuropathy and low RBC?

Posted by Ray Kemble @ray666, Jul 1, 2023

I have idiopathic peripheral neuropathy. I've no pain but terrible balance. I also have two swollen feet. Doctors noticed my swollen feet long before I received my PN diagnosis, but they've never figured out why. I also have a low RBC (red blood count), for which I have seen a hematologist; he didn't appear to be terribly alarmed. I'm wondering: Do any of you with PN also have swollen feet? And has anyone (doctor-type) linked it to your PN? Same thing for a low RBC: Have any of you had a low RBC connected in some credible way to your PN? I'd sure love to know.

Ray (@ray666)

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Thank you for sharing such good advice. I do not have Diabetes but When I was diagnosed with Severe Depression , Fibromyalgia, Degenerative Joint Disease, Arthritis on my Spine over 20 years ago , and maybe 2-3 years Severe Peripheral Neuropathy I thought I would lose it , I began to mentally spiral but only in my mind , which now that I look at it is the worst place, only in your mind. Fortunately, fast forward 2-3 years later I am still battling these ailments but with a higher power, that has never forsaken me or left my side and for that I am thankful as well as grateful. I cannot and will not lie I was devastated. Woke up one day numb from my waist down, stumbling, hard to stand , hard to walk and I still don’t know where it came from other than Severe Peripheral Neuropathy. Numbness tingling in your hands and feet constantly , agony pain and all of the other ailments that comes with each and every one of these diseases. However I began to trust God and understand that I can beat this or allow it to beat me, and trust me it is taking a lot out of me and I still am overwhelmed but each day I realize that the battle is not mines, it’s the Lord’s. That has been the best prescription that I could ever ask for , is just stay prayerful. I feel better each and every day because I look to the hills from which my help/my strength comes from the Lord the 1 I know will see me through. I don’t know if this has helped you at all I pray that it has and please feel free to reach out if I can be of any further assistance.

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Please DONT give up as I wanted to years ago. When its time its time! I am performing and ignoring the pain and discomfort regardless of the symptoms. I have been terminated over and over but still keeping active and dedicated to my life and dog.

My prayers are with you.


Please DONT give up as I wanted to years ago. When its time its time! I am performing and ignoring the pain and discomfort regardless of the symptoms. I have been terminated over and over but still keeping active and dedicated to my life and dog.

My prayers are with you.

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Hi, Michael
Never fear, I won't give up. Giving up is not in my vocabulary. And that's less a matter of bravery than it is something that's essential to my keeping my spirits up. I've had my down moments. It takes practice to learn how to climb out of those down moments. I'm not going to let PN defeat me. PN is big and powerful and has all the statistics on its side, but I'm tougher. If I didn't know that was true, that's when I might start thinking about giving up. Ain't gonna happen! 😀


Please DONT give up as I wanted to years ago. When its time its time! I am performing and ignoring the pain and discomfort regardless of the symptoms. I have been terminated over and over but still keeping active and dedicated to my life and dog.

My prayers are with you.

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Thank you so much for the advice, and NO GIVING UP is definitely NOT and optional for me. I will continue to press forward and believe that everything will be fine. I have 2 beautiful daughters that I adore. I will continue to support all of us and encourage because we need each other. Thank you so much again, have an amazing weekend.


Perfect! I am content with the pain and discomfort BUT learned how to ignore it. I may not have much long to live but ultimately planning to enjoy and remain happy each and every day!

My prayers are with you.


Thank you so much for the advice, and NO GIVING UP is definitely NOT and optional for me. I will continue to press forward and believe that everything will be fine. I have 2 beautiful daughters that I adore. I will continue to support all of us and encourage because we need each other. Thank you so much again, have an amazing weekend.

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You are a very good man! Although we have poor mental and health symtoms we will move forward and enjoy our family and pets, etc... WE WILL NOT BE DEEPLY, POORLY MODIFIED NOR DEFEATED !!!

Enjoy the weekend!


Perfect! I am content with the pain and discomfort BUT learned how to ignore it. I may not have much long to live but ultimately planning to enjoy and remain happy each and every day!

My prayers are with you.

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You're a champion in my book, Michael!



Thank you much, Ray!

Enjoy the weekend!


You are a very good man! Although we have poor mental and health symtoms we will move forward and enjoy our family and pets, etc... WE WILL NOT BE DEEPLY, POORLY MODIFIED NOR DEFEATED !!!

Enjoy the weekend!

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I am a women but thank you thank you again for the very kind words and encouragement.


You are a very good man! Although we have poor mental and health symtoms we will move forward and enjoy our family and pets, etc... WE WILL NOT BE DEEPLY, POORLY MODIFIED NOR DEFEATED !!!

Enjoy the weekend!

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No we will not be defeated by ANYTHING BY NO MEANS. Together we stand.


Thanks you too! Have you found anything that’s given some relief from the cramps?

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This may seem silly, but since I started taking Bragg Organic Vinegar (1 tablespoon in 4 oz of your preferred liquid, 3 times per day) I have not had cramps. I used to get terrible cramps in my feet & was so desperate, I would try anything. Believe it or not, this worked for me.

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