PEMF Mat and an update

Posted by Laura Dropps @ldropps, Jul 23, 2023

Has anyone used a PEMF mat or pillow?

I just spent 30min on a mat and it felt so good. I tend to be skeptical and while I don't know if it will really do anything, it felt soothing.

I had been really struggling with post Covid syndrome until I got diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Now I'm on Savella and Lyrica and I feel almost like I did pre-Covid.

Now that I have more energy I find it hard to relax. I think that's why the PEMF mat felt so good. I didn't have to do anything and could just relax.

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Ok, I had to google what it was! Where do you go for this therapy? Or do you own?
From what I did read seems to be very beneficial to overall health.
Have you continued? Have you had positive results?
Thank you for posting. Always looking for something to help with symptoms.


Ok, I had to google what it was! Where do you go for this therapy? Or do you own?
From what I did read seems to be very beneficial to overall health.
Have you continued? Have you had positive results?
Thank you for posting. Always looking for something to help with symptoms.

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@lindy1956 My first experience was at a local yoga studio. It was so good that I bought my own. It was rather expensive, but I haven't had that sense of calm without having a massage. I figured it would be worth it to have that feeling at home. I use it a couple times a day and I'm not sure if it's the PEMF or the heat or both, but I feel like I'm benefiting from it. I believe I have less pain.

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