Paxlovid Rebound?

Posted by lovemypups @lovemypups, Mar 2, 2023

I tested positive on February 17 and started the 5-day treatment of Paxlovid that evening.
By February 24, I started to improve and thought that I was on the mend. But by Sunday, February 26 the symptoms returned with a vengeance (severe congestion, cough, fever, headache, fatigue).
I went to the sick clinic at my doctors office on Tuesday, February 28 and was seen by a nurse who said she didn’t think it was rebound and only a sinus infection. She put me on antibiotics. I felt unheard and unseen. It seems to me to be classic rebound, but it was as if she didn’t want to acknowledge it (maybe they didn’t want to report it?).
Isolation is recommended for 5 days following the first day of rebound, so I have treated it as a rebound to protect my husband who is diabetic.
Has anyone else experienced rebound with Paxlovid? Anyone end up with a sinus infection with COVID?

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I also took Paxlovid and had a rebound on it. I tested positive for covid last November and I was given this med on the second day for five days and I too felt better after the second dose. I finished the five day treatment and felt much better but by the second day I was sick again. When I researched it I found out that the reason I rebounded was because they only allowed people to take it for a short time, it wasn’t fully approved by the fda. It’s now approved for full usage. I was still glad to take because I could have been much worse without it. It took me two weeks for a negative test and I still have some symptoms but I hope they will eventually pass. I have researched covid a lot and learned that some people have what they call long covid and I feel so sad for them because they’re so sick and unable to live their lives not to mention, they don’t have much help for them. I’m glad at this time that I took the Paxlovid but my cynical nature about drugs is wondering what I might expect later on, they’re always finding something new to scare us with lol.


I have recently been given a 15 day course of Paxlovid for long covid that I've had since August 1. No change during or after the 15 days. Low grade fever every day, lethargy, brain fog in abundance, anxiety.
I am wondering if weight has a bearing on long covid. ??? I have gained weight and wonder if that factors into how "long" Long Covid likes to be in one's body....


I have recently been given a 15 day course of Paxlovid for long covid that I've had since August 1. No change during or after the 15 days. Low grade fever every day, lethargy, brain fog in abundance, anxiety.
I am wondering if weight has a bearing on long covid. ??? I have gained weight and wonder if that factors into how "long" Long Covid likes to be in one's body....

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@judyfa43 Interesting - I didn’t know they prescribed Paxlovid for long haul COVID. So sorry it hasn’t helped.
I hadn’t heard of any studies on weight related to outcomes for COVID, but just found an article but connect won’t allow me to post the link. But if you go to the CDC website and search for “obesity and COVID” it should come up.
That’s a really good observation!


I too received Paxlovid for a five-day dosage. I had a relapse two days after finishing the dosage. I was out of work for three weeks from Jan 30 through Feb 20.

I lost 12 lbs, and went down to 132 lbs. Recently, I seem to be recovering and gained back eight pounds. However, I continue to experience bouts of nausea, extreme headaches, shortness of breath and using an inhaler for my asthma, and diarrhea.

I too had a sinus infection (I have a sinus disease, Rhinosinusitis), and I had the flu with COVID.

Equally as others inquire, I am concerned about these affects on long-haul COVID.


@judyfa43 Interesting - I didn’t know they prescribed Paxlovid for long haul COVID. So sorry it hasn’t helped.
I hadn’t heard of any studies on weight related to outcomes for COVID, but just found an article but connect won’t allow me to post the link. But if you go to the CDC website and search for “obesity and COVID” it should come up.
That’s a really good observation!

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@lovemypups, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to an article for @dudyfa43 with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe. Clearly the link you wanted to post is not spam. Please allow me to post it for you.

- Obesity, Race/Ethnicity, and COVID-19

Is this the right article?


@lovemypups, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to an article for @dudyfa43 with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe. Clearly the link you wanted to post is not spam. Please allow me to post it for you.

- Obesity, Race/Ethnicity, and COVID-19

Is this the right article?

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yes, thank you

that was probably a typo, but I just wanted to be sure
I already have the brain fog of being 80, and combined with longcovid anxiety and brain-????whatever, make so many typos myself.......
again, thanks for the considerate much appreciated reply
I think illness makes us appreciate the ways we have been kind, and want to be even kind-er


yes, thank you

that was probably a typo, but I just wanted to be sure
I already have the brain fog of being 80, and combined with longcovid anxiety and brain-????whatever, make so many typos myself.......
again, thanks for the considerate much appreciated reply
I think illness makes us appreciate the ways we have been kind, and want to be even kind-er

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It was a typo, Judy. Apologies.


@lovemypups, I noticed that you wished to post a URL to an article for @dudyfa43 with your post. You will be able to add URLs to your posts in a few days. There is a brief period where new members can't post links. We do this to deter spammers and keep the community safe. Clearly the link you wanted to post is not spam. Please allow me to post it for you.

- Obesity, Race/Ethnicity, and COVID-19

Is this the right article?

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Yes - that’s it! Thank you for sharing the link ☺️

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