Palpable Lump not visible on scans..what now?

Posted by tracestew @tracestew, Oct 2, 2023

Hello. I have a lump that was felt in 2022, right before my regular mammogram. I felt it, the tech felt it. It didn’t show up on the mammogram. I was called back for an ultrasound. The tech felt the lump. Again, it didn’t show. I basically got a pat on the head, and sent on my way.

This June, I became aware of a radiating pain in my breast. When I felt around for the source, I landed on that lump. It had grown. So, I made note to mention at my mammogram last Friday. Again, it didn’t show up. Report says, I could have a targeted US, but nothing is there. Breast is “clear”

I just spoke with my GP’s office who said that nothing can be done if nothing shows on the scans. There is a lump! I’m trying not be snippy to these people, but surely they understand how ludicrous this sounds?
Can I ask if anyone has any advice for me on how to proceed? I really need resolution on what this lump is.

Thank you.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

I had 3 contiguous tumors that hid behind my nipple in 2006 . Malignant Area removed was 2.5 cm.

Go for the targeted biopsy: if it’s palpable ( as mine was too), there’s something there. [[ Duh]] Call an oncologist. They will be my much better informed than a general practitioner.

Luckily, it sounds like you tumor is slow growing, whether malignant or not. Mine grew fast and was malignant. Your may well be benign. But you Deserve to find out from a knowledgeable source.

Best wishes🙏


PS my clinic didn’t take my palpable lump seriously either and wasn’t prompt in scheduling the next step appointments,,,,and by the time I had the area removed, it had spread to 5 lymph nodes,,,which is not good


Please be persistent even if that means going someplace else to get a second opinion.


You should see a breast surgeon. Many years back I had a lump that did not show on mammo, but the breast surgeon felt it and o had a biopsy. It was DCIS.
Please be persistent. Find a breast surgeon/ oncologist. Blessings


@tracestew I am going to chime in and agree with the surgeon recommendation. Most of the time you cannot get in to an oncologist without a diagnosis, but a surgeon should be easier.
I had a walnut sticking out from my chest wall that came back nothing on a scan. My surgeon said you can feel it, and I can feel it, let’s take it out and get it under a microscope.
Sure enough, really aggressive, er+ her2+ breast cancer. This was before herceptin was even approved for front line therapy, so if I had taken “no” for an answer or my surgeon hadn’t been on top of this, I shudder to think how fast this thing would have taken over.
Hint; snippy never helps, but sometimes begging does, even if it is insincere. It is sad that we have to do that but……needs must.
Has your doctor felt this lump? I know you said the tech did, but has any doctor felt it?


I had pain and nothing showed on mammo and had to keep insisting something wasnt right. Finally got US which revealed lump and biopsy showed IDC with nerve involvement. Definitely you need to insist on further tests!


Lobular tumors tend to not show up on mammograms. Is there a dense breast note on your mammogram? Dense breasts hide things, too. Insist on further tests, please.


I had ILC (invasive lobular cancer) that did not show up on a screening mammo, diag 3D mammo, & ultrasound. It had been tender/painful off & on. There was something hard that I’d feel and then it would disappear and I’d only feel a “weird” area at 12 noon on my R breast. Fortunately my breast radiologist believed me that there was something different that I was concerned about and did a biopsy “so I could leave and sleep soundly.” She was very kind! 5 days later I got the ILC diagnosis and breast surgery led to a 4.2 cm area of ILC being removed, no nodes. I’m grateful for our breast radiologist!


Lobular tumors tend to not show up on mammograms. Is there a dense breast note on your mammogram? Dense breasts hide things, too. Insist on further tests, please.

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Yes. I do have dense breasts, and this lump is right in an area of dense tissue.


Thank you for all your responses and your stories.. I’ve called my GP’s office again and spoke with his nurse. Insurance requires another US, so that will be scheduled, she said. She agrees that it has to be addressed. I won’t let this go without resolution.

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