Pain/resistance after TTO/scar tissue removal

Posted by zdsmith10 @zdsmith10, Jun 7, 2023

Basic history of knee issue:
Had arthritis in knee due to it being not aligned properly. Had a scope done to harvest some cartilage to grow more. 2nd surgery was a tibial tubercle transfer with a lateral release with a MACI transplant. While recovering from that, I was having knee pain at around 30 degrees from full extension that was constant even through PT. After over a year of that pain and PT, did another scope and they saw scar tissue build up, they cleaned it up and also did another lateral release because it was scarred up also. Now post operation, the old pain is gone but new pain has appeared at about 10 degrees from full extension along with resistance at the angle of pain.

The strange thing with it, doing the test for
Hoffas syndrome, I have the negative of the results. I have pain in the hoffas fat pad and pushing into it negates the pain and allows me to move through full ROM without any pain or resistance.

The incisions and other areas do not have any pain when pressing on them, and full passive ROM is completely pain free, only active motion is when the pain happens.

Is this more scar tissue build up? I think I heard mayo has a process of degrading scar tissue in people that have consistent build up. The surgeon believes that it is just weakness in the quad muscle that is causing the pain.

The pain is a 6-8 depending on the activity at that exact angle during active motion.

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