Pain after robotic assisted lobectomy: How long does it last?
I had a robotic assisted lobectomy about 5 weeks ago and still experiencing pain. Seems like there has been very little improvement in past couple of weeks although incisions look great. The pain is mostly when I am moving and at night when trying to get comfortable in bed. Just wondering how long others had pain after this type of surgery? I feel bad even asking this as so many people have went through so much more in their cancer journey than I have. I know I should feel fortunate.
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Welcome to Mayo Connect @marybrandeberrysoldi, I'm sorry that you are still dealing with this post-surgical pain. That has to be hard. I'm glad you found this post.
Here's a link to another that may be helpful. At least you know you aren't alone.
I too am still having discomfort after a right lobe, robotic assist surgery in February 2022
Mine seems to be where the chest tube was pulled of before I came home. I'm on 400mg of Gabapentin that helps some. I sure would like to get off from it but can't at this point.
I have tabletop hand bicycle, pulley system, and rubber bands. I have to them daily; I can reduce some swelling. The Va has been great at helping me. I had adhesions which made things more difficult for the surgeon. The pain is deep tissue along the sides of my ribcage. If I'm just atypical, this is getting ready for the double transplant. Which I should get in next 6-7 years. But on the bright side I live my life better now than before. I travel, ride my motorcycle, etc. Thank you for your response.
Welcome to Mayo Connect @mylungs2023. Some people are slower to heal from lung surgeries, but I'm sure it's no fun being 'atypical'. Did your doctor have any suggestions to reduce the inflammation? Is the pain like nerve pain, or general discomfort?
I had to look this one up:
It may be helpful if you posted to the Lung Health group. Others here have lung cancer experience, so many certainly have lung surgery experience, but recovery may be different too. (
I thought it had been longer, that is why I changed my first comment. If it is only 7 weeks I think I would go back to the surgeon and see what he says. If you do not feel comfortable with the response you get, get a second opinion.
I have had 2 of these procedures. First was a 12 cm encapsulated mucoid tumor. The pain with that one was pretty bad. No PT but I am an avid indoor cyclist. The surgery on that one was March 2023. All lymph nodes
clear, 12. Ribs still hurt from that one. Its been 16 months and still have rib pain. Not bad an Advil type product suffices. This time I have a 6.8 cm mucoid tumor on the right lower lobe. I am experiencing what feels like a tight band underneath my breast. It also feels like someone is pulling as tight as they can on my skin on the side incisions. Has anyone experienced this type of pain? I have chemo brain and can't remember if this occurred on the other side. . Down to 1 pain pill a day and this is postop day 10. My sodium dropped while in the hospital to a critical value of 120, normal is 135-145 also has anyone had that problem.
I had bilaterial lung volume reduction surgery on May 17 th of 2024. I'm still swollen and in pain. I was told by a pulmonary Dr. that I'm just atypical. Now 15 months later, feel that something is wrong. Any suggestions?
Ahhh thank you it's the best !
@allstaff, That's great news. Sometimes we need to celebrate those baby steps, like sleeping in your own bed!
I am on my 8th week after and just now turning the corner. Last night was the first night I slept in bed but still can't sleep on surgery side. Doc said 6-8 week recovery. I'm still adjusting