Polycythemia Vera: What foods should I eat?

Posted by tnleiserscheer2 @tnleiserscheer2, Feb 22, 2023

what foods should I eat ?

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Oh, how I love my junk food (worst person to asked)! @tnleiserscheer2, welcome to PV team. I love nuts. I was told anti-inflammatory foods https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/13-anti-inflammatory-foods You can do the research, but this is a start. Find the best diet for you and what helps you feel better . I have (PV and MF) witch causes severe bone pain and have trouble walking/ moving after few hours; doctor said Yoga and stretching excises keep your body fit (The doctor wants me to watch for signs/symptoms of cachexia - which my mother died of and close family members but never knew the what they were struggle with; cachexia)


The disease is not caused by dietary factors, and it cannot be reversed or managed with any specific diet. However, if you have polycythemia vera, it is important that you understand that many serious complications can be exacerbated by certain foods. You need to consider dietary issues to make sure that you eat in a way that helps minimize your risk of polycythemia vera complications.
Both my hematologist and PV specialist agreed, emphasizing that food iron consumption really doesn’t make that much of an impact on red blood cell production.


I was encouraged by my doctor to drop some weight so I went on a diet to put me into Nutritional Ketosis. I met with a bariatric doctor who described the process to me and provided a plan for what to eat, when to eat, etc. While in full ketosis, I experienced considerably longer durations between therapeutic phlebotomies. When eating a "normal" American diet, I was requiring a phlebotomy once every 4-6 weeks or so. While in ketosis, I was seeing the time between phlebotomies extend up to 5 months between phlebotomies. Your mileage may vary, and you should always consult with your care team to see if it is a healthy and safe option for you.


@chadknudson started this discussion a while back that may interest you.
- Polycythemia Vera and Nutritional Ketosis https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/polycythemia-vera-and-nutritional-ketosis/

@tnleiserscheer2, is polycythemia vera a new diagnosis for you or have you been living with PV for a while?


The disease is not caused by dietary factors, and it cannot be reversed or managed with any specific diet. However, if you have polycythemia vera, it is important that you understand that many serious complications can be exacerbated by certain foods. You need to consider dietary issues to make sure that you eat in a way that helps minimize your risk of polycythemia vera complications.
Both my hematologist and PV specialist agreed, emphasizing that food iron consumption really doesn’t make that much of an impact on red blood cell production.

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I was just diagnosed... You mention that you have a hematologist and a PV specialist. I only saw an oncologist and feel that I wasn't well educated or informed, just prescribed a treatment plan that has some elements I am not comfortable with. When were you referred to a PV specialist, and how?


I was just diagnosed... You mention that you have a hematologist and a PV specialist. I only saw an oncologist and feel that I wasn't well educated or informed, just prescribed a treatment plan that has some elements I am not comfortable with. When were you referred to a PV specialist, and how?

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@crosseter, have you considered getting a second opinion?


I have Polycythemia Vera. I'm seeing a Hematologist but never discuss diet, can anyone expand on this?


I have Polycythemia Vera. I'm seeing a Hematologist but never discuss diet, can anyone expand on this?

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Hi @jackiecarey, I moved your question about diet and polycythemai vera to this existing discussion:
- Polycythemia Vera: What foods should I eat? https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/p-v/

- Polycythemia Vera and Nutritional Ketosis https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/polycythemia-vera-and-nutritional-ketosis/

I did this so you can read previous posts and connect with fellow PV members like @chadknudson @mwear @sunshine2344 @wendy517 and others

You might also be interested in this related discussion:
- Polycythemia Vera: Just been diagnosed

You're wise to learn more about the role certain foods may play in your management of PV and these discussions can help prepare questions for an upcoming appointment with your hematologist.

Jackie, how is your PV currently being managed?


I have a hematologist @ MDAnderson. Just dropped the hydrox 500mg to three times a week from 7 days a week with two days of 1000mg. ..I have blood work soon to see if the new dose holds me. Hope this answers your question.

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