Ovarian Vein Thrombosis

Posted by sonyarountree @sonyarountree, Dec 6, 2022

Has anyone experienced having Ovarian Vein Thrombosis? It's very rare to get and I was just diagnosed with this and non of the Dr's here are familiar with this bc it's so rare. I would love to find more information or someone to go to that has more knowledge on this type of diagnosis. Thanks for your time.

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Hi @sonyarountree Ovarian Vein Thrombosis is unfamiliar to me so I did a little sleuthing on your behalf. According to the National Institute of Health it is a well known but rare event. Treatments often include antibiotics and anticoagulants. The clotting can happen during the postpartum period after giving birth, with women on birth control and with certain pelvic inflammatory conditions.

I haven’t been able to find any members in the forum who have this condition but I did find several articles online from reputable sources to provide you with some information.


Have you been given any anticoagulant to dissolve the blood clot?


Hi @sonyarountree Ovarian Vein Thrombosis is unfamiliar to me so I did a little sleuthing on your behalf. According to the National Institute of Health it is a well known but rare event. Treatments often include antibiotics and anticoagulants. The clotting can happen during the postpartum period after giving birth, with women on birth control and with certain pelvic inflammatory conditions.

I haven’t been able to find any members in the forum who have this condition but I did find several articles online from reputable sources to provide you with some information.


Have you been given any anticoagulant to dissolve the blood clot?

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I appreciate you so much. I have done a lot of research on it as well and have found nothing on someone as me. I have not recently had a baby nor any surgeries of any kind nor anything that would even lead to me getting this. I'm just dumbfounded over it all. I am now trying to find a physician that does know about this diagnosis that's can help me to better understand how & why I possibly got it and answer all of my questions. I'm on Eliquis now to hopefully get it to go away as well as antibiotics. Thanks so much for your response back.


I appreciate you so much. I have done a lot of research on it as well and have found nothing on someone as me. I have not recently had a baby nor any surgeries of any kind nor anything that would even lead to me getting this. I'm just dumbfounded over it all. I am now trying to find a physician that does know about this diagnosis that's can help me to better understand how & why I possibly got it and answer all of my questions. I'm on Eliquis now to hopefully get it to go away as well as antibiotics. Thanks so much for your response back.

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I hope you’re able to get connected with a physician who can help you find answers. Sometimes going to a larger medical teaching hospital can be a good place to start. The good news is that your current doctor has you on, what appears to be, the standard protocol for this and hopefully it’s just a one-off situation.

What were your symptoms?


Abdominal pain, chest pain, tachycardia, nausea. Had a CT scan with contrast and a Ultrasound done. Both showed it.


Abdominal pain, chest pain, tachycardia, nausea. Had a CT scan with contrast and a Ultrasound done. Both showed it.

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That had to be frightening! Well, I’m relieved for you that it was diagnosed so quickly and treatment started. But I can sure understand wanting to find out what caused the thrombosis to happen in the first place. Do you have any more blood work coming up?


That had to be frightening! Well, I’m relieved for you that it was diagnosed so quickly and treatment started. But I can sure understand wanting to find out what caused the thrombosis to happen in the first place. Do you have any more blood work coming up?

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I am done with all of that as of now. I have blood cultures taken when I was admitted to the hospital. I will have a follow up ultrasound in Jan. I only take the blood thinners for 2 weeks (seems like that's not long enough to me) but we will see. If it's not gone I may ask about doing a full hysterectomy


I am done with all of that as of now. I have blood cultures taken when I was admitted to the hospital. I will have a follow up ultrasound in Jan. I only take the blood thinners for 2 weeks (seems like that's not long enough to me) but we will see. If it's not gone I may ask about doing a full hysterectomy

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Two weeks does seem like a short time to take blood thinners after an unexplained embolism. Clots can take weeks to months to dissolve and from researching this morning, patients with pulmonary embolisms are on for several months. I know yours is in a different location but it would seem to follow…

What I did find was information about how an Ovarian Vein Thrombosis might occur and it often has to do with a condition called Pelvic Congestion Syndrome.

An excerpt from an article I’ve posted below:
“Pelvic congestion syndrome, also known as ovarian vein reflux, is a painful condition resulting from the presence of varicose veins in the pelvis. The condition is caused by valves in the veins that help return blood to the heart against gravity becoming weakened and not closing properly, allowing blood to flow backwards and pool in the vein causing pressure and bulging veins. Diagnosis of the condition is done through one of several methods: pelvic venography, magnetic resonance imaging and pelvic and transvaginal ultrasound”

Were you having any discomfort before this happened, not just at the time? I’m not a doctor and absolutely not diagnosing your situation but this does give some possibility of why you developed an embolism out of the blue in your ovarian vein if you’re pooling blood there.

One avenue you might want to pursue is getting an appointment with an Interventional Radiologist or a vascular specialist (a doctor who corrects varicose veins). who can map your veins and see if your have a weakening in your pelvic reaction. You often don’t need a referral to a vascular specialist. They treat varicose veins and are interventional radiologists. I saw an IR for my legs. No more issues!

It would be worth a visit for you to find out and there are treatments to correct Pelvic Congestion Syndrome.
“Ovarian vein embolization is a minimally invasive treatment for pelvic congestion syndrome that is used to close off faulty veins so they can no longer enlarge with blood, thus relieving the pain. “ (from the same article posted below)

I also found some information in our forum regarding PCS with this little video. Not sure if it’s relevant to your situation but any information at this point might be helpful for you.

Are you currently having any more discomfort?


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I will definitely follow up with this. I will be in touch and let you know what they say


Hey there..I was just diagnosed with the same thing right before Christmas. I’m just as clueless as you. No recent pregnancies or pelvic surgeries. Found on a routine CT scan (I get them every six month due to a cancer I had six years ago). I’m on Eliquis for at least six months. I did learn that it can take 3 to 6 months for it to dissolve. Interested to hear what you learn too.


@sonyarountree @loribmt is this Ovarian VT possible in invasive DIE II patients that have 2.2 cm cyst and had chocolate cysts removed under laparoscopy surgery? I have extreme pain in groin area where the cyst is currently… asking since DIE II it’s linked with lots of cardiovascular and vascular issues.

Thank you so much 🙏🏻

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