Osteoporosis treatment

Posted by mmodestti @mmodestti, Apr 5, 2023

My osteoporosis has gotten out of hand. In February 2022, I suffered five compression fractures (L1-L-5) and in November, three more (T-10- T-12). Each time I spent 10 to 12 weeks in excruciating pain.
My endocrinologist has suggested starting me on Tymlos for 2 years, and then moving on to Prolia. Has anybody used this medication (Tymlos)? How was your experience?

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I know you did not ask about non-medication treatments, but I was able to increase my bone density within 11 months of working the Better Bones Program taught by Dr. Susan Brown, a medical anthropologist. I highly recommend taking her online course which covers assessment of bone strength, the Alkaline Diet, nutritional supplementation, enhanced digestion, exercise, and stress reduction. All these factors figure into bone health. My lumbar spine t-scores went from -2.5 - -1.9 utilizing the knowledge and practices that Dr. Brown advocates.


I know you did not ask about non-medication treatments, but I was able to increase my bone density within 11 months of working the Better Bones Program taught by Dr. Susan Brown, a medical anthropologist. I highly recommend taking her online course which covers assessment of bone strength, the Alkaline Diet, nutritional supplementation, enhanced digestion, exercise, and stress reduction. All these factors figure into bone health. My lumbar spine t-scores went from -2.5 - -1.9 utilizing the knowledge and practices that Dr. Brown advocates.

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@ckramer57 Thank you so much! I am new to all of this and had not heard about the Better Bones Program. I will surely check it out as a better diet, exercise and stress reduction never hurt anyone and will probably help. I will have to go on medication, though, because -4.3 T-score in my spine, -3.2 on my femoral neck, and 8 fractured vertebrae in ten months (and 4 ribs in the previous four years) call for a more aggressive approach.


@ckramer57 Thank you so much! I am new to all of this and had not heard about the Better Bones Program. I will surely check it out as a better diet, exercise and stress reduction never hurt anyone and will probably help. I will have to go on medication, though, because -4.3 T-score in my spine, -3.2 on my femoral neck, and 8 fractured vertebrae in ten months (and 4 ribs in the previous four years) call for a more aggressive approach.

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I understand the need for medication assistance and also hope that you will find hope in a better future for you and your bones using Dr. Brown's extensive knowledge as your guide! She also offers a tremendous online support presence. Good luck!


Thanks I found at least a relief in having an IV drip for my osteoporosis which apparently got marginally better from one year to the next…let’s see what happens this year on my annual physical…I have terrible posture as a result of computer use for example…


Thanks I found at least a relief in having an IV drip for my osteoporosis which apparently got marginally better from one year to the next…let’s see what happens this year on my annual physical…I have terrible posture as a result of computer use for example…

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Spending many hours in front of a computer because of my work is, partly, what got me here. Not only because of the posture, but also because of not exercising enough. My husband got me an Apple watch, which measures my daily exercise. It turns out I was walking less than 3,000 steps a day and since the pandemic started, I have been working from home, I wasn't going out in the sun either.
I have started walking outside for 30 minutes each day. I hope it helps.

What did they give you in the IV drip?


Thanks I found at least a relief in having an IV drip for my osteoporosis which apparently got marginally better from one year to the next…let’s see what happens this year on my annual physical…I have terrible posture as a result of computer use for example…

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What was in the IV drip?


I know you did not ask about non-medication treatments, but I was able to increase my bone density within 11 months of working the Better Bones Program taught by Dr. Susan Brown, a medical anthropologist. I highly recommend taking her online course which covers assessment of bone strength, the Alkaline Diet, nutritional supplementation, enhanced digestion, exercise, and stress reduction. All these factors figure into bone health. My lumbar spine t-scores went from -2.5 - -1.9 utilizing the knowledge and practices that Dr. Brown advocates.

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I tried for years to manage my osteoporosis with diet, supplements and exercise. Bones just got worse and worse. I have broken both hips and fracture in lumbar spine. I couldn't figure it out, until 3 weeks ago when I was diagnosed with advanced stage celiac disease. I was absorbing nothing! Got my first prolia shot yesterday and so far, so good!


I tried for years to manage my osteoporosis with diet, supplements and exercise. Bones just got worse and worse. I have broken both hips and fracture in lumbar spine. I couldn't figure it out, until 3 weeks ago when I was diagnosed with advanced stage celiac disease. I was absorbing nothing! Got my first prolia shot yesterday and so far, so good!

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Hi maureenanne,
Thanks for your comment. There are definitely some cases, like yours, in which it is necessary to take bone medication. The first step in Dr. Brown's Better Bones Program is indeed, to identify exactly what is causing your bone loss. I'm glad the Prolia is working for you!


I tried for years to manage my osteoporosis with diet, supplements and exercise. Bones just got worse and worse. I have broken both hips and fracture in lumbar spine. I couldn't figure it out, until 3 weeks ago when I was diagnosed with advanced stage celiac disease. I was absorbing nothing! Got my first prolia shot yesterday and so far, so good!

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Did you have any GI symptoms at all of Celiac? I am surprised you had no lab tests in the past to rule this out? I hope now you have good MD's to support you with both diagnoses.


Not having a plausible explanation for my bone demineralization and is what has delayed my treatment. I have been through countless labs, x-rays, a bone scan, endoscopy, colonoscopy, etc. I am being treated now at an Endocrinology Residency Program at the University of Puerto Rico's School of Medicine. I have had consultations with an orthopedic surgeon specialized in bone cancer, an interventional radiologist, a rheumatologist and a dominican endocrinology professor who did 10 years of research in osteoporosis in Spain. Every lab, every test, except the bone scan and the Dexa, has returned normal, but everything that lit up in the bone scan is directly related to the compression fractures, an avascular necrosis of the hip (diagnosed over 20 years ago) and DJD in my right wrist and both knees. At 63, I am even being screened for Osteogenesis Imperfecta (which, if present, is usually diagnosed during childhood) next week.

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