Osteoporosis, Magnesium, and IBS

Posted by yogagirl57 @yogagirl57, Mar 9 5:33pm

Is there anyone out there that has collagenous colitis and/or IBS and is having trouble with magnesium? I bought a bottle at the health food store that was supposed to be ok for people with CC/ IBS and I've had diarrhea for days. So, obviously stopped taking it. Anyone out there? This is so important because from what I understand, if your magnesium is low, the calcium is not getting to the bones which is pretty depressing. HELP!

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Magnesium Glycinate is the only magnesium that I can tolerate and it is also recommended for those with osteoporosis. My understanding is that some magnesium, like magnesium oxide, is not absorbed well in your body and therefore just moves on to the colon where it ends up being expelled, hence diarrhea. I have tried several brands of magnesium glycinate and the one I like the best is made by Quinol. I take it at bedtime because it helps me with my sleep. However, if you take it during the day, it does not make you sleepy but just a relaxed feeling. I hope this helps.


That is very helpful. Thank you. I have heard of that brand also. So, you don't have to take it with food? I do hear it's vital for we who have osteoporosis. Vitamin K-7 too! Thank you for your info!


That is very helpful. Thank you. I have heard of that brand also. So, you don't have to take it with food? I do hear it's vital for we who have osteoporosis. Vitamin K-7 too! Thank you for your info!

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Sorry that was K-2.


Magnesium Glycinate is the only magnesium that I can tolerate and it is also recommended for those with osteoporosis. My understanding is that some magnesium, like magnesium oxide, is not absorbed well in your body and therefore just moves on to the colon where it ends up being expelled, hence diarrhea. I have tried several brands of magnesium glycinate and the one I like the best is made by Quinol. I take it at bedtime because it helps me with my sleep. However, if you take it during the day, it does not make you sleepy but just a relaxed feeling. I hope this helps.

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Do you take Quinol's with 420mg in each pill? I started taking the brand Doctor's Best with 105mg in each capsule so I could start low and work my way up. I'm currently taking 3 capsules a day (315mg) but my functional medicine NP wants me to take around 400mg a day. I take it about 1.5 hrs before bed and haven't noticed any side effects. It might be helping my sleep but there are other factors that could be affecting that too


That is very helpful. Thank you. I have heard of that brand also. So, you don't have to take it with food? I do hear it's vital for we who have osteoporosis. Vitamin K-7 too! Thank you for your info!

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I too have osteoporosis but I am refusing to take the pharma drugs. I take Vitamin D and K2 (mk7) right after breakfast and the magnesium glycinate at night before bed. I have a very sensitive stomach but through trial and error, this regiment seems to be one I can tolerate. I hope this helps you.


Do you take Quinol's with 420mg in each pill? I started taking the brand Doctor's Best with 105mg in each capsule so I could start low and work my way up. I'm currently taking 3 capsules a day (315mg) but my functional medicine NP wants me to take around 400mg a day. I take it about 1.5 hrs before bed and haven't noticed any side effects. It might be helping my sleep but there are other factors that could be affecting that too

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Quinol's magnesium glycinate is 420mg in 2 capsules. I always start low with every new supplement or med and I did so with this too. I now take 2 capsules at night for the full dosage of 420mg without any problems. Sometimes though, especially if I am feeling stressed during the day, I take one capsule around noon and the 2nd one at night. I don't feel sleepy at all when I take it but just more of a relaxed feeling.


I'm still experimenting too. Yes that was it -- the K2 with Mk7. I'm going to try the Quinol and hope it works for me. I refuse to go on these pharm drugs too. I have a nice woman that works at the health food store, and she too refuses to go on them.


Yes I had same problem. I may try the one yoga girl suggest. A d vitamin K. I have ibs and it really messed up..y stomach.


Yup I just tried a new calcium from health food store and got diarrhea. So then I noticed it has iron in it. That's what did it! It was a low amount of iron and still got the diarrhea. It's so frustrating!


This is an excerpt from the book "The whole body approach to Osteoporosis" by R. Keith Mccormick, DC. His book is excellent. He says "Vitamin K and D work in concert with your calcium. The vitamin D increases calcium absorption from the gut, and vitamin K prevents calcium loss in the urine. He says deficiency in Vitamin K is associated with low BMD (bone mass density) and increased fracture rate ! I just found this out recently too.

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