CAR-T: Opportunity to Connect
Hello Car T Cell Therapy followers,
I just want to advise the followers of this group that I and others are out here ready to respond to any posts on this site.
I know it is a small group of followers on Car T Cell Therapy due to the narrow scope of this particular treatment.
If anyone out there wants to connect on this group for any reason, I encourage you to do so. There is usually someone not too far away that is more than happy do share a few kind words and some guidance.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) & CAR-T Cell Therapy Support Group.
Hi @cracalexander, welcome. Have you started treatment yet? Have you been selected for the CAR-T arm of the study trial or bone marrow transplant?
If everything goes well, I will be an outpatient most of the time.
Good morning, @4health4bonnie You’re big day is getting closer and I know you have a lot of questions on your mind before your CAR-T therapy adventure begins.
I’m not sure if you’ve seen this other discussion in the this support group but here is a link to a current conversation with other members who have gone through the procedure:
CAR-T Cell Therapy: Introduce yourself and connect with others
This is one on many positive replies from other members:
@ntsimpson, whose husband had CAR-T and she had this to share:
Feel free to tag any of the members by adding their @name or by clicking the blue Reply button in their comment. That way a reply box will open where you can type your message. The member will be notified if they have their notifications for messages turned on.
How is your preparation coming along? How soon do you need to be admitted? Are you an inpatient or outpatient for the bulk of the procedure?
Are there long term effects that have been experienced when you have had car t? Are these different depending on what kind of cancer or drug used?
Does life pretty much return to normal? Can you travel and be in crowds? My infusion is March 26. Did everyone not drive for two months? Any long term cognitive effects?
Hi, just wanted to add my reassurance on the whole infection control piece. It really does become second nature pretty quickly, and while it does involve limitations, there’s still a lot you can do. I didn’t miss cleaning the bathroom, but really missed sushi! I am 18 months post transplant and I am still more cautious than I was in the past, they will give you some recommendations for longer-term limitations, I don’t swim in certain types of water and wear gloves when taken care of pet rabbits, which can have some hard to treat germs. But it is definitely doable. I truly hope all goes well for you. Many of us have done it and come out the other side doing just fine.
Autologous marrow transplant.
What is abmt?
Hi, soon I may be facing a trial with Quadruple chemo followed by CAR-T in one arm & ABMT in the other. This is initial treatment for Multiple Myeloma. Any comments?
Lots to see here. I have a couple of questions about this. I know that so far it is only approved for a limited number of blood cancers. On my las visit with my hematologist/oncologist, he noted that they may be starting a phase 1 clinical for my condition. I am very open to these studies and have been doing my best to learn more. There was a good webinar by LLS a few weeks ago that was helpful.
In general what would be the criteria for inclusion/exclusion for a phase 1 CAR-T study? I just missed out on one a year ago with an oncogene inhibitor (0.5% low on an echo). I have seen lots of "success" stories, and have heard of those that were not quite as good, but cannot find out why (the mother of a friend had poor results) so would like to know more of these potential downsides.
I have a small apartment I have rented close to ohsu and the cancer center. Thank you for the detailed instructions. My caregiver is coming from another state, so it will be interesting! I feel better reading the infection control is temporary.