Olivia Newton-John death on August 8, 2022

Posted by Helen, Volunteer Mentor @naturegirl5, Aug 10, 2022

It's taken me a few days to realize that Olivia Newton-John's death from cancer has really shaken me. I knew that she was diagnosed with breast cancer in the early 1990's but did not know that she was being treated for cancer again in 2013 (reported to be breast cancer in her shoulder). I'm going on what the media reported so I'm certain I'm missing many details.

My own cancer journey began in 2019 (endometrial adenocarcinoma treated with hysterectomy) and recurrence in late 2021 (treated with radiation therapy). There are days and weeks that go by where I feel good and don't dwell on cancer. This week has been difficult.

How are you feeling after the announcement of Olivia Newton-John's death? Do you feel like I do that every time you turn around someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer?

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I make sure I get all my tests, this year I had a ultra sound and digital mammogram on both breasts. I also get a CT of my pelvis, abdomen and chest every 6 months but my oncologist has decided that that should be done annually, we will see about that?
I also had an mri on my abdomen and pelvis this year. I also just had an endoscopy and colonoscopy this month. I have a gyno oncologist and a regular oncologist I’m not taking the risk that one might miss something and an oncologist. Plus all my blood tests required. Years ago I had a pet scan, a year later I had another and was told that the cancer did show on the first pet scan. I now know the scans are only as good as the person reading them. One try’s to be as proactive as one can in order to feel that one has done everything they can. My friend said better to find any issues and deal with them than not to know. I also and to Sutter Medical, Stanford for a second opinion and a third at the Mayo Clinic.

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I agree, maybe were getting misinformed. Training needs to rest with reading radiologist. Our life and decisions are in their hands. I have two ct in two different hospitals. The first one showed me a mulitude of issues, second one just showed a cyst. Theirs something fishy going in our country.


I agree, maybe were getting misinformed. Training needs to rest with reading radiologist. Our life and decisions are in their hands. I have two ct in two different hospitals. The first one showed me a mulitude of issues, second one just showed a cyst. Theirs something fishy going in our country.

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My friends ask how do I get so many tests done?
I always tell my drs that my friends ask that question so my doctors make sure I get all my necessary tests so I don’t fall through the cracks again.
Since I have two oncologists and a gynecologist I can always get one of them to order a test I need.


From what I understand, she lived through three decades using medical and holistic weapons.

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