Not MS?

Posted by yomah416 @yomah416, Mar 13, 2023

I’ll try to keep this short. 2012 ran a marathon and somehow got Mono (42yrs old). Shortly after recovery I noticed some weakness in arms. Taught gymnastics and was unable to lift equipment that I had no prob with before. Then as years progressed, numbness started in lower left leg, facial numbness left side, lower arm and hand numbness, most recently my right side has started the numbness. I was a runner and kept tripping up, saw a physical therapist I had seen for years for running injuries. She said my left leg muscles were noticeably atrophied/smaller than before. I have had migraines my entire life. But they seemed to last longer and lights exasperated the migraines. PCP ordered Brain MRI, found a lesion, sent me to Neuro #1. EMG/Spinal Tap all normal, she diagnosed me with complex migraines. Ok. Time goes by and my thumbs and forefingers started twitching uncontrollably. Had difficulty pick up small objects, use my computer mouse, type. My fingers would tremor and the objects would fly out if my hands. Saw Neuro #2, EMG normal and MRI same lesions, nothing new. He told me to come back when I got worse. Forward a year or two ( 48 yrs old). I had a scary episode while driving to pick up dh. I forgot where I was going, thought I was lost, and that scared me. That was a route I’d driven for years. From there short term memory declined. Couldn’t remember a conversation I had just had. Last year I started having problems following recipes bc I would forget ingredients, and measurements. Took me three hours to make a batch of cookies that would normally take 30 minutes. The following symptoms have all started within the last five years from past to present. Bladder incontinence (had sling surgery), intentional tremors, long lasting fatigue upon any exertion, palpitations. Then uncontrollable twitching of left foot, left shoulder, left leg. Similar to falling asleep startle twitching. Sometimes worse than others. Difficulty carrying even a glass of milk, have to use both hands. More patchy numbness, back and head. “Zaps” that are painful, like electrical and stinging, in toes, fingers, down back of neck and now internally feeling tremors and zaps. Diaphragm even twitches. Most recently, Dysphagia, choke on liquids and have to concentrate on how I swallow food, or it “goes down the wrong pipe”. The worst is constipation. I cannot go. I’ve seen a Gastro and he has tried every medication possible from softeners to motility meds. Nothing works. I won’t go into details but it’s caused weakening and diverticulitis multiple times. Now he wants to remove my Sigmoid because it’s become so weakened he is afraid it could perforate. Also within the last year, my eyesight is wonky. Started when I would wake up, double vision and unable to focus. It would ease up as day progressed but now it doesn’t go away. My left eye cannot focus and feels like I’m cross eyed. I’m exhausted. Went to Neuro #3, last year; she is an MS specialist. After more MRIs brain/spine. Lesions in brain are still there, no lesions in spine but have some degeneration of discs and scalloping due an arachnoid cyst. She said it could be MS but she’s not convinced. Ruled out Sjorgens. Now she keeps putting me off. Said she doesn’t know what it is and has referred me to Neuro #4, Neuromuscular doc. I don’t see him until fall, he’s so booked up. But I am exasperated with the run-around. They run the same two or three tests and if it doesn’t give a definitive answer they shrug their shoulders and stop looking. I’m now 52. Had to quit my job, can no longer run, can’t cook, can’t remember much, can’t have a bowel movement, eyesight wonky, migraines and light sensitive is worse. At a complete loss…

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I’m so sorry you are going through this. Call everyday to see if the Neuro has any cancellations. Hopefully he can see you before the fall. I’m in a medical mystery myself. I’ve been experiences all sorts of symptoms and all my tests come out normal. It is very frustrating.
Best of luck to you,


Sounds like dysautonomia.


Hello @yomah416 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. Your experience sounds unbearable and my heart goes out to you.

Members @katcollins and @nancygaide have joined you to share some things to consider. Has dysautonomia been mentioned?

Have you been doctoring at the same hospital or have you been able to get a fresh opinion at another hospital, especially one that coordinates care across specialties to get you the answers you need?

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