not able to pass gas or have bowel movement after prostate removal

Posted by love06092025 @love06092025, 1 day ago

My husband had a RLP on Friday and still has not been able to pass gas or have a bowel movement. Doctor wants him to stay on a clear liquid diet until he passes gas. He is drinking water and decaf tea but he has no desire to eat jello or drink clear broth, says he has no appetite. I don't know what to do. I heard that chewing sugarless gum may help? I would appreciate any suggestions. I am getting him ready to go for our first walk of the day! I am determined for him to pass gas today as he is so uncomfortable that he cannot even sit down. Please advise. Thank you.

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Good news! My husband started passing gas late yesterday afternoon!

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Great….and as all have advised, NO straining on the toilet!! I DID, and paid for it with another surgery.
Add mineral oil to your list of laxatives - no straining required.


For me, a replacement for straining or pushing was taking nice deep belly breaths, which totally relaxed my pelvic floor and gravity took over.


My dr gave me a prescription for Colace for 30 days after surgery. And I have been taking Metamucil for years in morning. I never had problems going but the Dr said everyone’s system slows down so just take Metamucil . Yes the Dr said don’t strain for your bowl movement . But my first few bowl movements were painful. And than got less painful. And yes walking helps the system .

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