Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma- Watch & Wait Approach

Posted by Jackie, Alumna Mentor @travelgirl, Jun 15, 2018

I would like to meet others who were diagnosed with a lymphoma and are on watch and wait treatment.

I have been on a watch and wait lymphoma watch now for 2 1/2 years. I currently get blood work done every 6 months and a CT Scan once a year.
Has or is anyone else having the cancer monitored like this? Are there people who lived their whole life without ever getting treated for lymphoma?
Would love if we could share our progress on here.

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I know I have this from my chronic Epstein barre virus plus had breast cancer Barca 2 positive, have every symptom, I feel like I’m dying and NO one will test me for this


I've been on watch and wait for four and one half years, with Non Hodgekins lymphoma, no treatments in five years.

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Hope you have many more years of W & W.
I was on W & W for a year and started treatment in July because nodes were getting larger. Treatment of Rituxin & bendamustine is not to bad. Nodes shrunk after first treatment.


I've been on watch and wait for four and one half years, with Non Hodgekins lymphoma, no treatments in five years.


I was also having routine testing, an endoscopy because of chronic nausea and weight loss, when a node was found. The biopsy was unremarkable, but the Md insisted to the insurance company that I needed a Pet scan. It showed an egg shaped mass in the small intestine. It was removed with resection of part of the small intestine, and the biopsy showed both indolent follicular and large diffuse lymphoma. So I had surgery. They said I had Stage 1 NHL and recommended chemo, which I did. Now they say I am cured. But I think that if it had only been follicular that they might have suggested the watch and wait. I know it is scary not to have them throw everything they've got at it, but I also hear lots of folks do the more conservative approach. As long as the nodes are shrinking, I would probably watch and wait, too. I hope you contine to do well. gp

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@Ginene05 - Just curious, did you have 3 cycles of RCHOP or 4? The NCCN "guidlines' for stage 1 or 2 NHL is 3 cycles + radiation. But, since your tumor was removed, I assume your didn't have radiation. Im asking because Im in the same boat, having a NHL tumor removed from my large intestine with no metastasis, so nothing to radiate. Ive finished 3 cycles of RCHOP and consider my treatment done. My oncologist says one more cycle is necessary. Ugh!


Thank you Njnana, for describing your rash experience. Mine is suspicious as it just doesn't change, whatever I rub on it. I also thought ringworm when the cortisone cream had no effect, so I used an antifungal, no change. It is aboutvthevdize if a quarter. It gets redder after a shower or bath. I will go get it checked and let you all know.
If it wasn't for my swollen neck glands, that started last July, 2018, I would never have suspected anything out of the ordinary. I have never heard of Morphea, I will research it now.
Jackie, I read the news about your tooth. I hope it's improving, keep us posted.


Please keep us posted on your tooth Jackie..


You need a second opinion from another dentist. Cracks in teeth usually do not show up on X-Rays. Telling you to relax while you sleep to ease up on the pain is ridiculous - it is unconscious - you cannot control the stress in your jaw like that. I used a bite guard (dentist-made) for years, but only really got relief from a new dentist who adjusted my bite by filing down a tooth which was throwing my bite off. She also sent me to jaw therapy with a PT (yes, there really is such a thing), and putting me on a soft diet for 6 weeks to rest my jaw.


I'd like to bring @vonbaron36 into this discussion, who I believe is also on "watch and wait" for non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

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I have been watching a small node in my groin for six months. In two weeks I will have a PET scan to see if it has grown or metastasized. Will let you know the results.


Why are people with no symptoms getting ct scans once a year? This exposes the body to radiation. What is the purpose?


The dentist (or a more skilled one) should be able to make you a special anti-grinding retainer to wear at night. They make them now if lightweight clear plastic. But it must be properly done, or you will grind more. It will discourage grinding and protect your teeth.

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