Non bilateral presentation

Posted by pst @pst, Sep 9, 2023

Last week I decreased on Monday from 5 mg to 4. First day was fine. Second day I woke to a swollen painful left knee. Did not want to bend; very tender to the touch. I anticipated problems with the right knee. That didn’t happen. In addition to feeling all over crumby,I began to experience some serious pain in my RIGHT shoulder. I’ve gone back to 5 mg and for a day it seemed better but today left knee/right shoulder were tormenting me again.

It’s my understanding that pain is usually bilateral so this made no sense to me. Then it occurred to me that the opposite shoulder and knee (right and left respectively) have both had total replacements. Wondering what your thoughts are. Funny coincidence or is it a possibility that replacements aren’t as susceptible to PMR?

Or, of course, something entirely different.

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@pst Did you have any extra activity that might have caused swelling in the joints with replacements? My PMR has been in remission for over 5 years but I do remember some funny flare ups when it was active if I did too much during the day.


Hello John-
It is my shoulder and knee joints that have NOT been replaced that are painful and swollen.

In terms of exercise- nothing unusual; if anything, less than usual.
Thanks John for reaching out.


Hello John-
It is my shoulder and knee joints that have NOT been replaced that are painful and swollen.

In terms of exercise- nothing unusual; if anything, less than usual.
Thanks John for reaching out.

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I have degenerative arthritis in my joints which is why I had my right knee replaced. The left one is bad but not bothering me enough to be replaced. Same with my shoulders. It may be a different story if my PMR comes back. Wondering if it's the joints that haven't been replaced that might be more susceptible because of normal wear and tear? Depending on your age...I'm at that age where everything is wearing out 🙃 My TKR was done after my last occurrence of PMR went into remission.


I think you might be onto something there with the replacement joints not having the pain. If only it was an easy thing to get all of our joints replaced to be done with PMR. Heck, some days I could use a whole replacement body.


I too have experienced far more pain on my left side in both my hips and neck. All I can figure is that these joints have had other issues over many years prior to my diagnosis.

I was in an accident long ago and had a significant case of whiplash. The left side of my neck has been a bit stiff ever since. When I developed PMR my neck was the most painful and that pain is definitely worse on that left side.


I have degenerative arthritis in my joints which is why I had my right knee replaced. The left one is bad but not bothering me enough to be replaced. Same with my shoulders. It may be a different story if my PMR comes back. Wondering if it's the joints that haven't been replaced that might be more susceptible because of normal wear and tear? Depending on your age...I'm at that age where everything is wearing out 🙃 My TKR was done after my last occurrence of PMR went into remission.

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I hadn't thought of that. I'm pretty sure I am unconsciously protective of my surgical joints so they're not subject to the same amount of stress. Maybe with the exception of my right shoulder, since being left handed it's had to suck it up.

I'm too of an age where everything's wearing out. 'You don't know what you've got till you lose it' plays very strongly. I guess we smile and adapt.

Thank you for your thoughts; much appreciated.


I too have experienced far more pain on my left side in both my hips and neck. All I can figure is that these joints have had other issues over many years prior to my diagnosis.

I was in an accident long ago and had a significant case of whiplash. The left side of my neck has been a bit stiff ever since. When I developed PMR my neck was the most painful and that pain is definitely worse on that left side.

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Hi Shannon-
Id not thought of that either. Obviously you have some extreme events in your history that point in that direction.
I was always breaking things falling off horses or just being left handed so there may well be
some forgotten injuries that are susceptible .


It can be hard to separate PMR symptoms from OA. I assumed for months that right hip pain was PMR...PT largely fixed it. I thought for months that left shoulder pain was PMR...nurse son-in-law diagnosed a clear rotator cuff problem which I am getting dealt with. It is a relief to realize that the prednisone is actually doing its job!


I felt SO much better after my shoulder surgery. Good luck!

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