No smell or taste

Posted by rosyz @rosyz, Jul 23, 2023

I am 29 months post Covid with no taste or smell. Have tried smell training, acupuncture, and plasma platelets. No success. Any thoughts are appreciated

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That's awful, I Hope you one day recover. I was in rehab for 3 weeks and there were 18 Covid patients on my floor of 42 patients, had to get tested every few days and it was stressful with my cancer and feeding tube making me susceptible to it and other infections. I survived went home and am never going back. Blessings to you.


Hi Rosy,
I am so sorry that you are going through this! How terrible for you! Have you researched your condition on the Mayo Clinic website? However, it sounds like you may have already tried some of what might be their suggestions but there may be one or two suggestions that you haven't tried. Also research it on The Cleveland Clinic and others that you may find on the web.

You also may try praying and I mean praying adamantly about this situation! God is always there for us and all he asks is that you ask. It states in the Bible; (I can't remember exactly where.) "Ask and it will be given to you." So ask for your taste and smell back! Tell God that he made you, now he could fix you! And, he can and will!

Some years ago on Easter weekend, my 60 year old mom was in the hospital with only 12% of her lungs functioning due to her emphysema and three bleeding ulcers! I was praying like crazy and couldn't be with her because I had the flu. On Easter Sunday Mom's breathing was good and her 3 bleeding ulcers stopped bleeding! The doctors were planning to send her home on Monday. My prayers worked!

Keep praying and doing research. I will remember you in my prayers also. You will get through this.
Best wishes,

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