Nipple Discharge

Posted by mcyr0 @mcyr0, Aug 26, 2023

I’m new here. Hi. Also very nervous and looking for some truthful feedback. Everyone is just telling me what they think I want to hear. I was hoping that maybe someone on here can speak to their experience if it’s similar to mine, and what could potentially be the cause. Google and Med Journals have said a lot. But I’d like feedback from an actual person.

To preface, I’m newly 35. Only breastfed for maybe a combined total of one month between all three of my children. Youngest is 9, so those days have been long gone. No trauma to the breast and not causes by stimulation. But I discovered bloody & clear nipple discharge recently in my left breast. I called my doc, got an appointment, and they sent me for a diagnostic mammo, followed by an ultrasound if medically necessary. They did both forms of imaging and it came back with suspicious findings, not sure the official scoring. I had my breast biopsy yesterday, and now I’m just sitting in the fear of the waiting. Does this sounds familiar to anyone?

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I don't want to cause you any anxiety and also want to be truthful. In 2022 I was 36 and felt an odd lump in my right breast. I went in to my primary doctor and she had me get an appointment for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. The day before that appointment I had a little bit of bloody discharge from my right nipple. I had a biopsy at that appointment and the pathology came back as DCIS, ductal carcinoma in situ. Which means all of the cancer was contained in the milk ducts. I also found out I have extremely dense breast tissue which makes it harder to detect cancer with a mammogram.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions or if you just want to talk.


This could be something benign. Approx. 30 years ago, I had bloody discharge from both breasts. I had surgery and my diagnosis was papillomatosis. Many tumors were removed and biopsied and they were benign.

I am thinking about you, and I hope that your condition is also benign.


I had bloody discharge during my mamo. I have been having greenish discharge before and wish I knew better to advocate for myself as at the time my primary sent me twice to breast surgeon which shrugged it off. I do have dense breast tissues. Anyways, after my bloody discharge, I had MRI/biopsy and ended up with stage II breast cancer. Hope this is not the case for you but if it is, take a deep breath and know you can get through it. Wish you the best.


hi!! im going through the exact same thing, I had my lumpectomy last Wednesday. im 32 my only son is 11. and I only breast feed for maybe one month or two. I had a needle biopsy which had atypical cells that were fragmented, (just floating around) so a lumpectomy was performed. Im waiting on my results now its been over a week. My doc removed some milk ducts and also the 7mm with surrounding tissue. My mass was irregular hyperecho, did you only have a needle biopsy? During my lumpectomy they found bloody nipple discharge. waiting is awful.... my mammogram was a Cat4A.


Hi @mcyr0 I, too, had a discharge from one of my breasts. There was little amount, and I decided to watch it. Months went by, and I had a feeling I should have my mammogram done. There was a small lump discovered, it was biopsied, and I was diagnosed with TNBC. When I opted for surgery, I chose a double mastectomy with skin sparing, not nipple sparing. The surgeon was particularly interested in that my nipple was discharging before diagnosis - so we took it all.

The point being, it's good to check it out. Your results may not be the same as those of us who are posting - but we are posting because we know it's good to have the tests run. At this moment, just breathe in and out. The waiting is the most difficult, in my experience. But you can do this. You can. Try to continue to move through your days as you did before, and they will pass. Test results will come. And you will deal with what you need to at that time.

My hope is that the suspicious area is benign. It could be. :). Hugs


How are you doing, @mcyr0? Any update on your possible diagnosis?


I had bloody discharge during my mamo. I have been having greenish discharge before and wish I knew better to advocate for myself as at the time my primary sent me twice to breast surgeon which shrugged it off. I do have dense breast tissues. Anyways, after my bloody discharge, I had MRI/biopsy and ended up with stage II breast cancer. Hope this is not the case for you but if it is, take a deep breath and know you can get through it. Wish you the best.

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I am currently having a panic attack. I have green nipple discharge, had it for years. Did an MRI/Ultrasound and nothing. Today I saw red when squeezing. How are you doing with your cancer? I’m so scared.


I am currently having a panic attack. I have green nipple discharge, had it for years. Did an MRI/Ultrasound and nothing. Today I saw red when squeezing. How are you doing with your cancer? I’m so scared.

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@pinky2640 I hope it’s not the case for you. I know when I did the MRI, they couldn’t see the primary in the breast as I had dense breast tissues. It showed up in my lymph nodes (stage II). My axillary lymphnodes were swollen before I went in for biopsy. I had started at one clinic (where they were still not finding the primary) and switched to Mayo. Surgeon at Mayo was able to find the primary in the breast. Knowing what I know now, I would push or maybe get 2nd opinion. Listen to your body. I would feel something is not right but unfortunately trusted the initial surgeon that shrugged it off.
Mine ended up being HER2+.
I’m doing good. Done with treatment, had mastectomy , chemo, radiation and now awaiting reconstruction which I had to postpone due to getting pneumonia couple times.
Best of luck to you. Don’t be afraid to take no for an answer. You have to advocate for yourself.


I am currently having a panic attack. I have green nipple discharge, had it for years. Did an MRI/Ultrasound and nothing. Today I saw red when squeezing. How are you doing with your cancer? I’m so scared.

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@pinky2640 i had green nipple discharge as well but the Dr was not concerned, especially if it was squeezed out. They’re mostly concerned with spontaneous clear or bloody discharge, but not if it was squeezed. That has been my experience. If you’re concerned, I’d be persistent and get it checked, again if needed. I hope this info helps and hugs to you! 🤗


I had nipple discharge when squeezing. The radiologist at mammogram initially said i jad nothing but the technician , yes the technician insisted she saw something towards the very back of my breast that was unsettling. Had a biopsy and have DCIS high grade 3.

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