Newbie & scared

Posted by simone1 @simone1, Jul 25, 2023


I just found out I have breast cancer ( stage 1) first I was in shock,
next came depression and crying. I'm just scared and need someone to talk to in this group, thank you

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

Sorry you are dealing with this suddenly. Many of us have been there and are fine now!

You will meet with a surgeon and oncologist. Your biopsy will provide some information but the pathology after surgery provides more.

I bought the Mayo Clinic breast cancer book which I found helpful. But too much googling is not helpful! These days, for certain cancers, a test called the Oncotype is used to determine treatment and many of us avoid chemo as a result.

Keep us posted! The first days of waiting are the hardest. Once you have a plan you just do it. It has been 8 1/2 years for me now since my diagnosis.


Welcome to connect @simone1 I am glad you found us. The day I got the news, I was alone so I went shopping and bought the ugliest purse ever. The next day it finally sunk in and I was shocked and feeling like I was too young.
You said you are stage 1, meaning it is pretty early, this a good thing.
Do you know what kind of BC you have or anything about receptors yet? That will be the next information to absorb.
Was this a needle biopsy or a surgical biopsy?


As your journey moves there will be many unknowns and there will be lots of waiting for more information and decisions to be made. If you have a hobby - get back to it - you'll definitely need activities to keep your mind focused on other things. The "what ifs" can drive you to be really scared. Use this group to chat, to ask questions or just to vent about how you're feeling - when you don't feel like anyone in your personal space will understand what you're going through.

I was amazed how much about BC I didn't know. Knowledge can be power in understanding the decisions you need to make. If you do research on your own, make sure to use reputable sites. Know that if it is one persons website - it is more about their journey and their diagnosis. Everyone's journey will be different - some will be downright scary, others had an easy path to follow. If you want keep a journal of everyone you talk to and what they say. Take someone to meetings with you, if possible, a second set of ears is always helpful to hear what you don't.

As each stage of your journey presents itself there will be more questions - ask; answers will give you the range of what you might experience. This group has been a blessing to me - I'm the first in my family to have a cancer diagnosis. I also didn't know anyone that had previously had cancer to talk to - so this group was a silent blessing while I had my treatments

My heart goes out to you - but know that you are not alone.


Hi fellow new person! (I'm in my second month with breast cancer but I no longer feel new here.) I have been blessed to not feel terribly scared or depressed. But I do remember that it took a while just to absorb the reality of it. You always know it is a possibility but there is something so shocking about hearing someone say, "You have breast cancer." It seems like there must be some mistake. You're talking to me? I took a couple of days off work because I needed to be able to let it sink in and feel like I could act normal. (I'm a psychologist and I need to act normal when I'm working!)

As someone else pointed out, having more information and having a plan help a lot. It's disorienting at first but once you get started, it is a path you just follow and hopefully become able to resume everything else you were doing when the news struck. Feel free to share or ask questions.


Hello MKB. I had the same feelings as you had, as, during my career, I worked for the American Cancer Society and had met hundreds of breast cancer survivors. I simply couldn’t believe it was now I who had breast cancer.

When I first saw my oncologist, through the fear and worry I then couldn’t believe it was me on the exam table and not sitting in the designated “chair in the corner” where I sat during appointments for my husband who has congestive heart failure. I simply couldn’t believe that I was now the “patient.”

It’s now almost five years since my diagnosis and I’m doing great. You will too! ♥️


Thank you, so happy your doing great


It been a few months that I joined the support group. It’s very informative on how we’re are on the same journey. Most of us have will have a different path to take. We are all here to help each other day to day month by month then all of sudden it will be years !!! Your breast cancer is in the early stage there are so many options for you. My breast cancer was stage 2 and I’m doing just fine positive thinking . I went through the same why me then said why not me. I am know making sure all women get mammograms!!! We are women and will fight this disease!! Hugs to all on this journey in live.


I’m sorry to welcome you to the club nobody wants to join. BUT this remarkable group of brave women have so many different “been there done that” experiences and generously and lovingly share them. You really need the results of the oncotype/mammoprint for the surgeon/oncologist/radiologist to make a plan. My hospital’s tumor board discussed my results and came to decision on my course of treatment (with my consent). Be assured there are no dumb questions, no silly feelings, no need to be alone. But get an appointment book and a calendar you can make notes on.


Please get a second opinion before you start any treatments!
It took many years to get Breast Cancer. I started eating healthier, juicing, exercising, and not stressing about life.


Sorry you are having to be on this journey. I am 2 years out from my surgery. 1 is considered early stage. They will probably run some other tests unless they have already it is scary at first but once they tell you how they are going to treat it you will feel better. You will get thru this. Surround yourself with family and friends when you can.
Send8ng hugs.

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