Chronic facial pain, most medications make it worse or headache

Posted by OliviaD @olivia52, Nov 14, 2016

New to this group. Hello! I have learned a few things from other conversations. I have chronic facial pain and most medications make it worse or add on a headache. Also struggling with anxiety for about the same time. Most anti-depressants make my eye hurt worse. Any others out there with the same issues? Neurology has done all the can...

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Hello @olivia52,

Although they have talked about Botox for different conditions, I'd like you to meet @tntredhead, @leigho55, @fleure, @noreenf, @ajgray, @fifi, @medic7054, @diamond22, @bobsconnect, @rickw52.
I also wonder if @bigred80 may have some insight for you?

And, I would encourage you to visit this Mayo Clinic page about Botox:

@olivia52, how have you managed your symptoms since you first joined us in November 2016?

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@olivia52 hi I am currently looking for others with same medical issues my mom has Atypical facial pain same symptoms you have. She has tried most medications and currently her pain clinic which jas done a terrible job with her care jas reduced her medications. I am curious she has eye pain and vision changes but she is not on the same meds. She is on xanax, Percocet, and Tylenol. She has been on lyrics, gabapentin, tramadol, trazodone fluvoxolen etc. Have you been on anything other than current meds? What is the name of the compound? She says she was able to tolerate pain better when she had lortab and had fewer side effects but no one will listen. Do you feel that way like no one listening?


Hello @olivia52,

Although they have talked about Botox for different conditions, I'd like you to meet @tntredhead, @leigho55, @fleure, @noreenf, @ajgray, @fifi, @medic7054, @diamond22, @bobsconnect, @rickw52.
I also wonder if @bigred80 may have some insight for you?

And, I would encourage you to visit this Mayo Clinic page about Botox:

@olivia52, how have you managed your symptoms since you first joined us in November 2016?

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Sorry for jumping in so late.

I had very similar issues like your mom's. One day, a new one popped up; my ears were hurting and I was getting dizzy. I ran to my doctor because it was a Friday and I didn't want to live with an ear 'infection.' My ears were clear. He asked me several strange questions and came up with a diagnosis, TMJ. He sent me to a dentist that specialized in TMJ. My doctor explained that it was a medical problem that is dealt with by a dentist.

It was difficult, but he found me a dentist that specialized in the treatment of TMJ. He explained that the issue probably occurred because of improper alignment from the braces I wore years earlier. My teeth looked good, but the physiology of my mouth was not considered and my jaw was misaligned. He made me a special bite plate that I had to wear 24/7. Without the plate, I could not clench my teeth. Every couple of months he would shave the plate down until my teeth met.

My jaw was realigned and I no longer needed meds or a plate (except at night). All my symptoms were gone.

I don't know if anyone suggested that this might be the problem, but I think if your mom is still suffering, it would be worth a trip to a dentist.

Good luck
Ronnie (GRANDMAr)

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