New Osteoporosis Diagnosis

Posted by scampbellsc @scampbellsc, Feb 9 9:30am

Just diagnosed w osteoporosis. Meeting w doctor to discuss what approach to take w medication. Any suggestions, pros/cons for medications? Totally confused w all options available!

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For me, Tymlos is paid for by United Healthcare/AARP my prescription health ins. I have Medicare with Blue Shield, but my IVIG and TYmlos and other prescriptions are again thru AARP ins. This year, there is a cap on prescription meds for us medicare patients at $2,000. Once you reach that cap for the rest of the year, your ins. will pay. Some prescription ins. companies may not cover Tymlos, in which case you would want to switch to one that does. I hope this is helpful. Tymlos is terrific.

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I’m waiting for the preauth approval will be up to 72 hours. With Medicare and Cigna I will have to pay $836 per month. I did not qualify for any of the patient assistance programs. That is terribly steep for us but we’ll figure it out. I’m still looking for reputable supplement brand for all my supplements. My Dr wants me to get my Calcium from plants. Which I’m fine with. But would still like a Ca supplement w Vit D. Any suggestions???
Thanks everyone for your help.


I’m waiting for the preauth approval will be up to 72 hours. With Medicare and Cigna I will have to pay $836 per month. I did not qualify for any of the patient assistance programs. That is terribly steep for us but we’ll figure it out. I’m still looking for reputable supplement brand for all my supplements. My Dr wants me to get my Calcium from plants. Which I’m fine with. But would still like a Ca supplement w Vit D. Any suggestions???
Thanks everyone for your help.

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Yes nature's way 'Alive' bone support calcium max absorption, 1200 M. G plant source calcium per tablet serving with Vitamin D3 Vitamin K2 and magnesium.
Get the tablet dietary supplement bottle available at Whole Foods or on the internet. Just saw my android canologists yesterday and he said this is excellent


Yes nature's way 'Alive' bone support calcium max absorption, 1200 M. G plant source calcium per tablet serving with Vitamin D3 Vitamin K2 and magnesium.
Get the tablet dietary supplement bottle available at Whole Foods or on the internet. Just saw my android canologists yesterday and he said this is excellent

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Thanks Adam. Great info.


I too was diagnosed with osteoporosis but I do not want to take the drugs. Instead I would like to try diet and exercise. The exercise part is easy but can anyone recommend someone who can provide counsel for the diet part. So many foods that are high in calcium are also high in oxalates or phytates which reduce the ability to absorb calcium. How do you get enough calcium without eating only dairy?

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I posted this SAME thing! Foods that are high in calcium like almonds and spinach also leach calcium! Ugh!


Some great videos on YouTube which have been recommended here. These will help you get up to speed on what is a confusing disease.

Dr. Ben Leder:

Dr. Keith McCormick, author of "Great Bones":

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Not a medical Dr he’s a chiropractor. My endo was not in line with all his advice


Not a medical Dr he’s a chiropractor. My endo was not in line with all his advice

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I would love to know which advice were questionable to your doc. The more thought I have from numerous sources the more it all helps me put the treatment/sequencing pieces together. I think of this bone journey like a jigsaw puzzle.


I just joined the club. I fell on 11/07/24 and have L-1 compression fracture with 54% collapsed vertebrae. I’m still doing PT and can’t yet get through a day without resting in bed in between being up here and there. I am 68 yo never knew I had osteoporosis just osteopenia “ok for my age keep taking your Calcium and Vit D” were my GYN’s recommendations every year. Just had Dexascan in June no osteoporosis. I’m now wrapping my head around never being able to bend over again without risking a fracture. No twisting or picking up anything. I need advice and recommendations. My Endocrinologist appointment is on Monday. She is a Board Certified Fellowship in Osteoporosis so I am looking forward to working with her her. I’m scared to death about the meds. I am a retired nurse so know enough to be dangerous. Thanks for being here I just found the support group last night.

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In my opinion, do not be scared about the meds. I have done the research for myself and meds are needed I think to strengthen the back sufficiently. Exercise, walking especially and use a cane for balance and protection, are important too. Begin by walking around your own personal space in and around your home where it is safe. There are lots of resources available and you can learn how to pick things up differently than straight bending over. Life does get better!


I would love to know which advice were questionable to your doc. The more thought I have from numerous sources the more it all helps me put the treatment/sequencing pieces together. I think of this bone journey like a jigsaw puzzle.

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Agreed! I’ll ask her next time I see her!


In my opinion, do not be scared about the meds. I have done the research for myself and meds are needed I think to strengthen the back sufficiently. Exercise, walking especially and use a cane for balance and protection, are important too. Begin by walking around your own personal space in and around your home where it is safe. There are lots of resources available and you can learn how to pick things up differently than straight bending over. Life does get better!

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Yes I am doing that since my fracture healed. I researched the best osteoporosis endocrinologist and she has a fellowship in osteoporosis. She is 170 miles away. We live in the middle of nowhere. She is great I saw her this past Monday. She seems to be very thorough. I have a lot to learn. 😊


Yes I am doing that since my fracture healed. I researched the best osteoporosis endocrinologist and she has a fellowship in osteoporosis. She is 170 miles away. We live in the middle of nowhere. She is great I saw her this past Monday. She seems to be very thorough. I have a lot to learn. 😊

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Wonderful, and yes, there is a lot to learn

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