New Mom Seeking Postpartum Bladder Prolapse Info

Posted by newmom @newmom, Mar 14, 2022

Hello! I’m nearly six weeks postpartum with my first child and unfortunately have a prolapsed bladder as a result of him being so large, pushing during labor for nearly 3.5 hours and the use of forceps. I will be starting PT next week for the prolapse but am wondering if anyone has experience with medication to help with the symptoms associated with this issue. I’m experiencing an extreme urgency to urinate with burning and stinging feeling prior to actually urinating, similar to UTI symptoms but UTI has been ruled out. The feeling doesn’t go away after urinating and is worse when standing or walking. Because I’m breast feeding I can only take certain types of medications to ease these symptoms, none of which have helped thus far. If anyone has experience with a medication that actually worked to combat these symptoms that would be very helpful to me! Thank u!!!

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I am just 3 weeks after surgery to fix my prolapsed bladder. They tried different medications, but decided I need to have surgery to fix it. But I am a rather old woman, and I don't know if any medications can help with a prolapsed bladder.


Thanks for replying lindes! How are you recovering from your surgery? I heard it’s pretty non-invasive, did you find that to be true? I am interested in any medication(s) anyone may have been prescribed to help with the symptoms that I mentioned…the sensation of having to frequently urinate even though I’ve just urinated; that burning, stinging feeling mostly associated with a UTI. Not sure if you or anyone else experienced that with a prolapsed bladder but it’s pretty debilitating unfortunately and until I finish physical therapy to see if my bladder will go back to its original place, I don’t see how I can live with these symptoms 🙁


I am just 3 weeks after surgery to fix my prolapsed bladder. They tried different medications, but decided I need to have surgery to fix it. But I am a rather old woman, and I don't know if any medications can help with a prolapsed bladder.

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I am scheduled for prolapse surgery on April 28, 2022 at the mayo. Doing a hysterectomy also with it and am a little worried whether it will actually be better afterward or not. Hate the feeling of everything falling out and not emptying each time I go and the frequent trips to the bathroom. Sure cuts into traveling and socializing.


Thanks for replying lindes! How are you recovering from your surgery? I heard it’s pretty non-invasive, did you find that to be true? I am interested in any medication(s) anyone may have been prescribed to help with the symptoms that I mentioned…the sensation of having to frequently urinate even though I’ve just urinated; that burning, stinging feeling mostly associated with a UTI. Not sure if you or anyone else experienced that with a prolapsed bladder but it’s pretty debilitating unfortunately and until I finish physical therapy to see if my bladder will go back to its original place, I don’t see how I can live with these symptoms 🙁

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Well, because thy had to do some work on my vulva/vagina, they went through there to repair the bladder. I was sent home with a Foley catheter and a urine bag attached to my leg. I had to keep the catheter for 10 days. I am now back to normal, and healing pretty well. My vaginal wound is still a little spotting, and generates a bit of pain, depending how I move.
My urination is pretty normal, I still need to get up in the night to empty my bladder, butt hat is not painful or uncomfortable. I am glad that they fixed my bladder issue, and I can live a normal life again.


I am scheduled for prolapse surgery on April 28, 2022 at the mayo. Doing a hysterectomy also with it and am a little worried whether it will actually be better afterward or not. Hate the feeling of everything falling out and not emptying each time I go and the frequent trips to the bathroom. Sure cuts into traveling and socializing.

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If they do the hysterectomy through your vagina, they can use the same wound to repair your bladder. it will all be done in a single procedure.
They did my vulva, vagina and bladder repair during the same surgical procedure.


did you have a hysterectomy as well? How long was your recovery. I have a grade 3 prolapse and they are thinking to do open surgery

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