Spinal cord stimulation: Will Nevro help when Medtronic didn't?

Posted by 24swart @24swart, May 30, 2020

Hi there,

Need your input.
I am 53 and suffer badly from chronic back and nerve pain in my feet, calf, etc. spinal stenosis, arthritis and severe disc degeneration. Basically need new spine with better cartidge. I have had 3 spinal fusions - 2005, 2011 and 2019 (L3-S1 & C5 - C7). Now issues with bone spurs pressing on sciatic nerve and continued disc generation and vertebrae movement above L3. No neuropathy thankfully.

Tried Medtronic trial did not work. Headed to my Dr on 6/2 in Boston to meet him and the Nevro rep. So badly need relief “gabapentin” not doing it. Please share if you could your results on Nevro. I am at a loss as my Dr does not want to do surgery as its very complicated last resort. My posture is terrible as well.

Thank you, very much appreciated.

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After lifting heavy gas powered equipment for 5hrs, my Dr. had to do two bone fusion's. He pulled up a chair and had a long talk. He said I destroyed lumbar muscles turning them into scar tissue. He indicated live nerves are trapped and will be pulled when active when I get older as arthritis sets in. Boy was he correct! Burn worse every year since 2012, I have had 14 lumbar procedures since, just everything you can think of. The only complete relief was short 1 1/2 day after 2022 epidurals. My GP was going nuts as he was running out of options. Somehow, a pain Dr. with 38 yrs. chose the SCS using Medtronic's equipment in 2022-2023. The 6 day trial gave me 60-70% relief, so they agreed to implant barrel electrodes and the stimulator, turned it on and the signal went down my legs into my heels. A happy Medtronic's rep asked over the phone, then went silent after I reminded him I've never had leg pain, only lumbar. Whoops! They waited 5 months to attempt to remove one electrode and insert a new one. Now, nothing only the left and 2" away on the right. My GP told me they couldn't get one out. What? The Dr. never told me! Two weeks later, I get a "Sorry Charlie" email from Medtronic's telling me they could no longer be of service. So Dr. won't take my phone calls, my GP had to take me off of opioids due to nasty letters from DHHS, so now in severe chronic pain (Syndrome) he moved me to Buprenorphine & Naloxone. Later, sent me to a wonderful pain clinic that after second visit, just call for meds, and come back every 3 months. Extreme Fail here! I would like to walk, now the yard and get rid of this unbelievable pain! Now headed into my mid 60's are the sending me out to pasture to quietly go away? I can't believe the sequence of events and left hanging. Do I have to find my own specialist who works with CRPS? Or just plan on a wheel chair? Help! Anyone?


After lifting heavy gas powered equipment for 5hrs, my Dr. had to do two bone fusion's. He pulled up a chair and had a long talk. He said I destroyed lumbar muscles turning them into scar tissue. He indicated live nerves are trapped and will be pulled when active when I get older as arthritis sets in. Boy was he correct! Burn worse every year since 2012, I have had 14 lumbar procedures since, just everything you can think of. The only complete relief was short 1 1/2 day after 2022 epidurals. My GP was going nuts as he was running out of options. Somehow, a pain Dr. with 38 yrs. chose the SCS using Medtronic's equipment in 2022-2023. The 6 day trial gave me 60-70% relief, so they agreed to implant barrel electrodes and the stimulator, turned it on and the signal went down my legs into my heels. A happy Medtronic's rep asked over the phone, then went silent after I reminded him I've never had leg pain, only lumbar. Whoops! They waited 5 months to attempt to remove one electrode and insert a new one. Now, nothing only the left and 2" away on the right. My GP told me they couldn't get one out. What? The Dr. never told me! Two weeks later, I get a "Sorry Charlie" email from Medtronic's telling me they could no longer be of service. So Dr. won't take my phone calls, my GP had to take me off of opioids due to nasty letters from DHHS, so now in severe chronic pain (Syndrome) he moved me to Buprenorphine & Naloxone. Later, sent me to a wonderful pain clinic that after second visit, just call for meds, and come back every 3 months. Extreme Fail here! I would like to walk, now the yard and get rid of this unbelievable pain! Now headed into my mid 60's are the sending me out to pasture to quietly go away? I can't believe the sequence of events and left hanging. Do I have to find my own specialist who works with CRPS? Or just plan on a wheel chair? Help! Anyone?

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Have you considered a spinal cord stimulator? Look back on the topic within this forum, if you would like to look at the discussions.
If you would like to contact me through email, and look into a spinal cord stimulator. I knew about the device five years ago, but it took four years for me to understand it is the option for me.


Have you considered a spinal cord stimulator? Look back on the topic within this forum, if you would like to look at the discussions.
If you would like to contact me through email, and look into a spinal cord stimulator. I knew about the device five years ago, but it took four years for me to understand it is the option for me.

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I have Medtronic's "Intellisus". I have great trial, but the Dr. wanted a grade "A+" instead of a "B-" grade, chose to reposition and placed the barrel/ring type electrodes higher or lower than the trial location. It went down my legs, not up my back. In 42 years as a pain specialist, he told my general practitioner this has never happen! Great, he didn't tell me anything.
So while dreaming up a new reason to get the insurance company to pay again, they took 5 months before trying to remove and install new barrel/ring electrodes now failing worse as right side is 2 inches away from my spine and the left is not doing anything! Still paying cash borrowed for the 20 hours Ketamine I.V. drip taking me to full saturation with no benefits! What was that for? Don't know. But my general practitioner of 30+ years drove me to a pain clinic who did a battery of testing, talking, discussing my case with colleagues and nothing!!! Now, 30 day Rx are phone in and next clinical appointment is 90 days. For what?
Should I find a Medtronic's surgeon/ Dr./MD who can remove the handful of electrodes and start over based upon X-rays from trail period. Or should I expect to be put out to pasture and told to have a nice short life? Long walk on a short pier? Nobody wants to try to help or try! Are they scared?

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