Neuropathy pills: How to avoid scams?

Posted by wideawakechas @wideawakechas, Oct 26, 2021

Has anyone heard of or tried a pill treatment called Vita Soothe Pro? Nerve Savior?

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The hemorrhoid cream 5 % Lidocaine is useful for me only on the neuropathic pain. I don't even have a good name for this type of pain. I am trying the suggestions of users on this thread to study the effects. I would try the cream to see if it helps you. It is not too expensive.

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thanks for the info


just started using Hemp EMU. No results yet/ I'll wait a week and post results.
If any body has used Hemp creams please comment on your results

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Just started using Ananda Professional Topical Salve body balm, 125 mg full spectrum hemp extract. Only used twice - second time it took about a half hour and it relaxed my toes - I don't have pain, just numbness, stiffness and tingling in toes. It was nice to feel them relax. Will keep using it and let you know how it goes.


I am new to this forum although I have been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for 2 years (none diabetic). Like most sufferers I have searched endlessly to find supplements that provide some relief and a possible cure. My search has proved how impossible this quest is and so expensive due to misleading adverts and down right scams.What would be really helpful if members posted their experiences with supplements they’ve tried , which were useless/helpful or obvious scams. I am sure there must be some helpful supplements out there and we would all benefit if these were posted on this forum.

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My neuropathy was triggered by high levels of B6 . So I learned from this site that there is a supplement with NO B6, and lesser amounts of other vitamins, as most brands overdue.
I’ve been using for the last month. I don’t expect it to decrease the neuropathy, but hope it prevents it worsening , as B6 is a neurotoxin and winds up in nerve cell if not nit eliminated via proper hydration and exercise,


Just started using Ananda Professional Topical Salve body balm, 125 mg full spectrum hemp extract. Only used twice - second time it took about a half hour and it relaxed my toes - I don't have pain, just numbness, stiffness and tingling in toes. It was nice to feel them relax. Will keep using it and let you know how it goes.

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thank for the info


just started using Hemp EMU. No results yet/ I'll wait a week and post results.
If any body has used Hemp creams please comment on your results

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I have not used the Hemp EMU yet but have been using Blue EMU, which is somewhat helpful for me with feet and lower leg tingling and seems to cool the bottoms of my feet so I can sleep better. I am very interested in hearing if the Hemp EMU works well or not.


Under scams Anyone tried nooro ultimate foot massager SCAM?Anyone tried the nooro ultimate foot massager they claim it works wonders Been trying it for 5 days now nothing so far 15minutes a day twice.

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Boy, I am on the scam list. Yes I got the Nooro EMS foot massager. I bought Nerve Savior. Nope just spent $$$, Too many to mention now. I wear compression socks which help the swelling from venous insufficiency, I have seen three neurologists, foot doctors, physical therapists for balance ( actually the best). I have ideopathic foot (progressing sice 1990) and hand (newer) neuropathy, I have severe balance issues so thats why the PT. I am 85. I have taken gabapentin (made me dizzy), so no. Last time the PA said to try Duloxetine 30 mg and it made me dizzy. I take monthly injections of Vitamin B12, take B6, Magnesium glycimate, Fish oil, ALA, Vitamin D, Potassium. I even asked a neurologist in Vegas about stem cell. He seemed not to know about it. Its strange, but I have very little pain, just numbness and balance issues. I use a rolling walker byAcre.


Boy, I am on the scam list. Yes I got the Nooro EMS foot massager. I bought Nerve Savior. Nope just spent $$$, Too many to mention now. I wear compression socks which help the swelling from venous insufficiency, I have seen three neurologists, foot doctors, physical therapists for balance ( actually the best). I have ideopathic foot (progressing sice 1990) and hand (newer) neuropathy, I have severe balance issues so thats why the PT. I am 85. I have taken gabapentin (made me dizzy), so no. Last time the PA said to try Duloxetine 30 mg and it made me dizzy. I take monthly injections of Vitamin B12, take B6, Magnesium glycimate, Fish oil, ALA, Vitamin D, Potassium. I even asked a neurologist in Vegas about stem cell. He seemed not to know about it. Its strange, but I have very little pain, just numbness and balance issues. I use a rolling walker byAcre.

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It was high levels of B6 that started my neuropathy. I found a supplement with no B6 , which was what the doctor recommended. Nervive and Voltaren are used at bedtime.


Boy, I am on the scam list. Yes I got the Nooro EMS foot massager. I bought Nerve Savior. Nope just spent $$$, Too many to mention now. I wear compression socks which help the swelling from venous insufficiency, I have seen three neurologists, foot doctors, physical therapists for balance ( actually the best). I have ideopathic foot (progressing sice 1990) and hand (newer) neuropathy, I have severe balance issues so thats why the PT. I am 85. I have taken gabapentin (made me dizzy), so no. Last time the PA said to try Duloxetine 30 mg and it made me dizzy. I take monthly injections of Vitamin B12, take B6, Magnesium glycimate, Fish oil, ALA, Vitamin D, Potassium. I even asked a neurologist in Vegas about stem cell. He seemed not to know about it. Its strange, but I have very little pain, just numbness and balance issues. I use a rolling walker byAcre.

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I can relate because I have a lot of the same symptoms as you and it’s no fun at all.


I am new to this forum although I have been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for 2 years (none diabetic). Like most sufferers I have searched endlessly to find supplements that provide some relief and a possible cure. My search has proved how impossible this quest is and so expensive due to misleading adverts and down right scams.What would be really helpful if members posted their experiences with supplements they’ve tried , which were useless/helpful or obvious scams. I am sure there must be some helpful supplements out there and we would all benefit if these were posted on this forum.

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I have peripheral neuropathy… my Rheumatologist recommended Quinol Health and Joint supplement… I’m also taking Gabapentin so not sure which is helping but I’m definitely better…


I am new to this forum although I have been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for 2 years (none diabetic). Like most sufferers I have searched endlessly to find supplements that provide some relief and a possible cure. My search has proved how impossible this quest is and so expensive due to misleading adverts and down right scams.What would be really helpful if members posted their experiences with supplements they’ve tried , which were useless/helpful or obvious scams. I am sure there must be some helpful supplements out there and we would all benefit if these were posted on this forum.

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I have been suffering with peripheral neuropathy for almost 30 years and have tried many things from prescription drugs to foot massagers with none working. Recently I purchased a red light therapy devise which helps with pain and gives me back some feeling in my toes as well as the feet not hurting from walking. As stated from another poster on this site, what works for one might not work for another. The name of the product I am utilizing is Novaa Red Light Pad (web site: People should do their own research on which brand is best for them.

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