Neuropathy of the feet: Any advice on how to eliminate the numbness?

Posted by murs @murs, Dec 22, 2023

I have neuropathy in my feet. No pain little tingling. However the numbness is increasing. Can anyone advise of a way to eliminate the numbness?

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.

I started wearing compression socks when I get up to when I go to bed , it's much better.
Good luck to you, hope you get relief soon


I have big feet. I do not seem to get socks that fit my feet. Help!


@murs, you might also be interested in the helpful tips and experiences shared in this related discussion:

- Neuropathy: Numbness only, no pain:


Good evening @murs. Welcome. I see you have received some helpful responses about your numb feet. I will briefly explain what has worked for me. I have both pain and numbness in my feet. In order to be able to drive I have two sessions of MFR (myofascial release therapy) every week. There are two MFR therapists with me because of the severity of my SFN (small fiber neuropathy) throughout my body. They both participate in the "foot bit" as I call it. Together they spend about 20 minutes bringing my feet back to life so I can walk, drive, and sleep at night.

Which reminds me....I just tried to wrinkle my toes at 11:17 pm and realized I had better get going if I wanted to have a good night's sleep. So if you wish to learn about MFR you can begin by reviewing the discussion created by @jenniferhunter. To get you started I will give you the link.

Don't hesitate to ask questions. And I am sure that @jenniferhunter will be happy to also answer questions for you.

May you be safe, protected and free of inner and outer harm.


I'm 55. I am a diabetic since 2017 and diabetic neuropathy started with my feet (tingling, numb, painful nerve strikes, etc..) in 2018 which nerve damages eventually spread into my calves and thighs plus waist. Until this day(2023), I have been dealing with incurable, unmanaged, uncontrollable diabetes II and painful lower body neuropathy (PM).

After all the doctors, neurologist, emergency rooms, hospitals, etc.. , plus prescribed medications (pre-gabapentin/gabapentin, Juniva, Metformin, Duloxetine, etc.. I awfully regret to spend thousands and thousands of dollars (Out of Pocket and/or Insurance)…

After 5 years with such conditions, you DO NOT want the neuropathy (PN-nerve damage) to quickly spread and affect your entire feet, calves, thighs, waist and hands as it is an extremely terrible feeling along with very poor state of mind, anxiety, stress, nervousness with daily activities, etc.. And not to mention, impotent for the last 4 years and specialized doctor(s) want 20K to make you believe that they can help with it. I declined!

Sadly, REAL answer for these serious mental and health complications and conditions were experienced as "NO CURE" ! The final solution mentioned was to amputate feet, legs, and hands. I could not live with myself with such decision. I will continue to endure and suffer which I have accepted to convince mind it is a part of the remaining style way of my life. Most importantly, my disability claim was denied with lawyers and by judge. I was devastated!!!

To say the least, I am attempting to remain positive with the job market. Currently, unemployed. I adopted a 4 year dog (German Shepherd) to help encourage walking at least 4 times a week which helps body, muscles, and aggravating feet and leg nerves and simply ignore the pain.

My dog is amazing! I seriously regret not adopting dog long ago.

My advice is to eat healthy, "exercise', and most definitely "Save your Money"…

My prayers are with you …


I'm 55. I am a diabetic since 2017 and diabetic neuropathy started with my feet (tingling, numb, painful nerve strikes, etc..) in 2018 which nerve damages eventually spread into my calves and thighs plus waist. Until this day(2023), I have been dealing with incurable, unmanaged, uncontrollable diabetes II and painful lower body neuropathy (PM).

After all the doctors, neurologist, emergency rooms, hospitals, etc.. , plus prescribed medications (pre-gabapentin/gabapentin, Juniva, Metformin, Duloxetine, etc.. I awfully regret to spend thousands and thousands of dollars (Out of Pocket and/or Insurance)…

After 5 years with such conditions, you DO NOT want the neuropathy (PN-nerve damage) to quickly spread and affect your entire feet, calves, thighs, waist and hands as it is an extremely terrible feeling along with very poor state of mind, anxiety, stress, nervousness with daily activities, etc.. And not to mention, impotent for the last 4 years and specialized doctor(s) want 20K to make you believe that they can help with it. I declined!

Sadly, REAL answer for these serious mental and health complications and conditions were experienced as "NO CURE" ! The final solution mentioned was to amputate feet, legs, and hands. I could not live with myself with such decision. I will continue to endure and suffer which I have accepted to convince mind it is a part of the remaining style way of my life. Most importantly, my disability claim was denied with lawyers and by judge. I was devastated!!!

To say the least, I am attempting to remain positive with the job market. Currently, unemployed. I adopted a 4 year dog (German Shepherd) to help encourage walking at least 4 times a week which helps body, muscles, and aggravating feet and leg nerves and simply ignore the pain.

My dog is amazing! I seriously regret not adopting dog long ago.

My advice is to eat healthy, "exercise', and most definitely "Save your Money"…

My prayers are with you …

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@michhino I have been a type 2 diabetic for about 25 years. I was unable, maybe unwilling, to keep my A1C in check except the last 2 years. For me, I found relief with a weekly 2mg injection dose of Ozempic, twice the diabetic dose. This dosage was for weight loss and it works for me. The neuropathy is there, but I take a test at Mayo called GSM at least once a year that tests for the severity of your neuropathy. Your neurologist may be able to help relieve some of that pain with this test. Also now is a good time for a kidney check as you don't want to go through what I and many others go through as a result of having Type 2. Have a healthier holiday season ahead and a much better year in 2024.


@michhino I have been a type 2 diabetic for about 25 years. I was unable, maybe unwilling, to keep my A1C in check except the last 2 years. For me, I found relief with a weekly 2mg injection dose of Ozempic, twice the diabetic dose. This dosage was for weight loss and it works for me. The neuropathy is there, but I take a test at Mayo called GSM at least once a year that tests for the severity of your neuropathy. Your neurologist may be able to help relieve some of that pain with this test. Also now is a good time for a kidney check as you don't want to go through what I and many others go through as a result of having Type 2. Have a healthier holiday season ahead and a much better year in 2024.

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Thank you for the info however I have exhausted my efforts to bring relief not to mention just a little with no success. I am insulin dependent as Metformin for diabetes is absolute waste at least for me.

And as far as neuropathy(PN), I decided to finally cope with the discomfort, numbness, tingling, etc. especially feet. I continue to take Gabapentin, Juniva, Icy Hot, sleeping pills, etc.. and until this day, I do not know why! I think its just a mind thing as I think pain will eventually disappear.

I also molded myself its simply part of the remaining life with no real cure. To say the least, I am one of those unlucky humans....

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024.


I'm 55. I am a diabetic since 2017 and diabetic neuropathy started with my feet (tingling, numb, painful nerve strikes, etc..) in 2018 which nerve damages eventually spread into my calves and thighs plus waist. Until this day(2023), I have been dealing with incurable, unmanaged, uncontrollable diabetes II and painful lower body neuropathy (PM).

After all the doctors, neurologist, emergency rooms, hospitals, etc.. , plus prescribed medications (pre-gabapentin/gabapentin, Juniva, Metformin, Duloxetine, etc.. I awfully regret to spend thousands and thousands of dollars (Out of Pocket and/or Insurance)…

After 5 years with such conditions, you DO NOT want the neuropathy (PN-nerve damage) to quickly spread and affect your entire feet, calves, thighs, waist and hands as it is an extremely terrible feeling along with very poor state of mind, anxiety, stress, nervousness with daily activities, etc.. And not to mention, impotent for the last 4 years and specialized doctor(s) want 20K to make you believe that they can help with it. I declined!

Sadly, REAL answer for these serious mental and health complications and conditions were experienced as "NO CURE" ! The final solution mentioned was to amputate feet, legs, and hands. I could not live with myself with such decision. I will continue to endure and suffer which I have accepted to convince mind it is a part of the remaining style way of my life. Most importantly, my disability claim was denied with lawyers and by judge. I was devastated!!!

To say the least, I am attempting to remain positive with the job market. Currently, unemployed. I adopted a 4 year dog (German Shepherd) to help encourage walking at least 4 times a week which helps body, muscles, and aggravating feet and leg nerves and simply ignore the pain.

My dog is amazing! I seriously regret not adopting dog long ago.

My advice is to eat healthy, "exercise', and most definitely "Save your Money"…

My prayers are with you …

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The Diabetes Code by Dr Jason Fung, this book saved my life. He is a nephrologist with a large clinic in Toronto. I lost 60 lbs, no longer required diabetes medication, my A1C runs about 5.7. I sleep better, digest better. I have numbness in the bottom of my feet (and still dealing with that).
Please check it out. Almost no Type 2 diabetic should have to take insulin.


I wish my neuropathy was caused by type 2 diabetes. At least I would have a cause and know what to do to treat it. I would gladly change my diet to whatever I needed to stop the neuropathy from progressing. I am totally healthy active 70 year old and have never been overweight or had high A1C. I exercise daily. Oh how I wish I had a known cause for this. If you know the cause is diabetes I hope you follow a diet needed to stop the progression. Have a great holiday!


Thank you for the info however I have exhausted my efforts to bring relief not to mention just a little with no success. I am insulin dependent as Metformin for diabetes is absolute waste at least for me.

And as far as neuropathy(PN), I decided to finally cope with the discomfort, numbness, tingling, etc. especially feet. I continue to take Gabapentin, Juniva, Icy Hot, sleeping pills, etc.. and until this day, I do not know why! I think its just a mind thing as I think pain will eventually disappear.

I also molded myself its simply part of the remaining life with no real cure. To say the least, I am one of those unlucky humans....

Have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2024.

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Hi Michhino
I read your post with much interest.
So sorry for your predicament but I am in the same boat as you are without the diabetics.
My neuropathy is a result of prostate cancer radiation. The cancer is gone thank God but ten years later, the radiation treatment did cause some nerve damage and peripheral neuropathy came to be my daily existence.' I have tried and still do everything under the sun.
Most important is going to the gym 5 days a week I take no medication at all just vitamins and I am now using "Infrared" treatment twice daily 20 minutes for about a year with no results.
My only hope in all this is that the numbness and pain will not progress any farther than it is.
I am 85 and walking with a cane. , but I am active as much as possible, I go on bus tours and try to be as positive as possible about this one fact of life I cannot change.'
Mary Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family.

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