Neuropathy in hands, feet, and face that came on quickly

Posted by ajwajw19601953seg @ajwajw19601953seg, Jun 27, 2023

I experienced intense painful muscle cramping in both of my calves for approximately. Immediately following this I had rapid onset mild numbness in my feet, face, and hands. Has anyone experienced anything like this?

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I also have what they're calling idiopathic polyneuropathy which came on quickly after my admission to the hospital with a clot on my lung. People started asking me if I had the vaccine and I did. a few months into the vaccine my knees became numb and my feet. w

When I was in the hospital it started to spread up into my trunk, arms and hands. My quality of life has been significantly downgraded. I tried to discuss the vaccine with my doctors but none of my doctors had any comment. I feel that it was from the vaccine. I hope that my condition will improve. I hope that yours will too.
Stay Well!

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You stay well too! Before Covid so many of us were already hoping for better understanding and research re: Neuropathy, and now with the reported effects of vaccine on PN, I hope it helps increase awareness for the need to help understand PN from all causes.


Mine came on over a 10 day period, pretty sudden compared to most. I wouldn't say I had "cramping" in my calves - for me, I woke up with a little foot & leg weakness/heaviness that continued to worsen. My then PCP suggested watching it and scheduled a Neurologist visit (for 2 months later!) By the 8th day I was struggling to walk & found evidence of a UTI; I landed in the hospital for treatment, where I finally fell and started my life in a wheelchair for 6 months, and the Neuropathy also took over my hands/arms. The 2 weeks in the hospital & 5 weeks in a rehab Nursing home gave my husband time to try to make our condo villa handicap accessible. (We made a mistake in thinking our 2 carpeted rooms were manageable for a wheelchair patient with little arm strength though, but was blessed to have a friend with a friend who got us in hardwood floors in 2 days). This sudden illness came with sudden major expenses!
It would seem my case sounded like Guillain-Barre, but the test was negative then, so I've been labelled an Idiopathetic puzzle. I'm thankful how I regained enough strength to ditch the wheelchair, walk/waddle and perform basic life necessities, including driving. I can't thank physical therapy enough, which I still do to maintain my strength and keep getting ideas on how to accomplish things most effectively. This Mayo Connect forum has been a Godsend to learn from people living with Neuropathy and knowing better than doctors how to manage & live with symptoms as well as how to try to cope with acceptance. I know I'll never get back to where I was and have accepted that I'll never be able to work again, but I still wish there was medical interest and research funds to help take the Idio out of many of our "diagnoses"! In the meantime, I'm living life to my fullest capability and trying hard to keep up with a husband 18 years senior!

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I experienced something similar. I had numerous tests and was finally diagnosed with fibromyalgia and functional neurological disorder. I had EMGs all come back normal, skin biopsy for small fiber come back normal, blood work for autoimmune all normal, MRIs and CT scans all normal. I went to Cleveland clinic and found them very helpful.


Thank you so much for your post. I live not too far from Cleveland Clinic. I think it is probably time to go there and be seen. My thoughts are with you.


The neuropathy in my right foot came on after a day trip to the Bay Area, about 7 hours of driving.
I vividly remember getting out of my car and my first step was my first recognition of neuropathy, & it’s never gone away, except for a brief couple of hours after I had a tooth pulled.
I will be following this thread to see if others have advice or gone thru similar.


The neuropathy in my right foot came on after a day trip to the Bay Area, about 7 hours of driving.
I vividly remember getting out of my car and my first step was my first recognition of neuropathy, & it’s never gone away, except for a brief couple of hours after I had a tooth pulled.
I will be following this thread to see if others have advice or gone thru similar.

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Same here. Especially my left foot. Only test I have had is an EMG. Numb in my should now! Neurologist thinks that it is a pinched nerve. PCP is on vacation. Think I'll run it by him when he gets back.
Thank you for your reply! Good Luck. Pat.

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