Diagnosed with colon cancer: Nervous..Help!

Posted by bravesfan @bravesfan, Jun 6, 2023

Hello everyone I was diagnosed 6 days ago with colon cancer . I am early 50s. now I am waiting for my next steps. Friday i have 2. Scans scheduled. I see a cancer doctor next Wednesday and then the doctor that did my colonoscopy on Thursday. I don't really know what's going to happen. I know after the colonoscopy He said he tattooed a 5 to 6 inch area and i might be needing surgery. i don't know what to expect. I also just lost my husband of thirty five years to covid a year ago so i'm going through this by myself. If I have the surgery am I going to need help at home question? how long will I have to be out of work ? They know nothing.. I'm not sure what to tell my job yet..I just have so many questions.. i'm sorry any help would be great.
I do believe my Lord has me but I also worry because I do have 2 sons 22 and 33 and 3 grand babies who just lost their papa. I'm not ready to leave them yet.
Does any of this make sense to you?

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I had abdominal ct scan that showed wall thickening and liminal narrowing. Stomach pain and cramps for a couple of months.. I’m 66 and thought healthy… I’m freaking out waiting to find out my exact results.. help !!!!


yes I did concierge services about hotels period that is all they would tell me O what will happen is top secret heaven forbid the patient would know what the heck is going on or will happen Think I have a patient portal but who knows I keep getting stuff from them from the colon rectal web site
So far my hands are very frustrated as my insurance agent & I spend 45 minutes going around in circles trying to get an answer if the doctor I am to see is in system many of the contacts tried to cover up answers with gibberies, But this gal was very sharp and stuck with it and explain what they were saying was not the answer or not true I Have been told that I will be there 5 to 7 days but everything is a big secret Have a hotel and when I see this team which was suppose to contact me, did not happen ahead of time I will be blasting them about all this top secret issues. I am at the point of why even try to stay alive everybody just does not do their job and wants you to go away Which I just about ready to go that route


don't know and cannot find any numbers Also waited 2 weeks for a 11"45 call today felt this maybe the call that tells me in general what is going to happen this next week Nooooooooooo just another stupid call about my name birth date everything they ask is on the chart & told them so. Don't bother me with stupid questions when it is in front of you

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@cvestor, did you contact Concierge Services?
Phone: 507-538-8438

I strongly encouage you to call them tomorrow morning. They can get you set up on the patient portal and help answer your questions about what to expect at your first appointment or who to contact to find out more.

You will be in good hands at Mayo Clinic. I read in your earlier post that you were told to plan for a 5-7 visit. During that time, you will get testing and a treatment plan. If you will be traveling far to get to Mayo, the Conceirge Services can also assist in helping to suggest accommodations and give information about getting around.


@cvestor, I hear you about anxiety levels skyrocketing during the period between getting the appointment and waiting for the day of consultation. Two weeks can feel like forever.

Mayo Clinic's patient portal, called Patient Online Services is your main source of communication between your team and between appointments. And so much more.
- See your records and results as fast as your clinician does.
- Manage your appointments with updated schedules and instructions.
- Handle your bills more quickly and simply.
- Refill subscriptions
- etc.

Here is the link to the patient portal where you can create an account.
You can also access this information on the Mayo Clinic app from your phone. Learn more about the app and download it here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/apps/mayo-clinic

To get personal help with setting up your account with Patient Online Services or to trouble shoot, contact Mayo's Concierge Services. https://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/minnesota/concierge-services
Phone: 507-538-8438
Email: concierge@mayo.edu

You can also learn more in this discussion:
- Mayo Clinic Patient Portal: How do I find it? Do you use it?
Have you signed up to the Mayo Clinic's patient portal yet?

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don't know and cannot find any numbers Also waited 2 weeks for a 11"45 call today felt this maybe the call that tells me in general what is going to happen this next week Nooooooooooo just another stupid call about my name birth date everything they ask is on the chart & told them so. Don't bother me with stupid questions when it is in front of you


wHY CAN NOT mAYo GIVE YOU A CALL RIGHT AfTER YOU SET UP AN APPOINTMENT WITH THEM i ASSUME IT IS AN INFORMATIONAL CALL. AGAIN THE MUSHROOM SYSDROM, KEEP THE PATIENT IN THE DARK, oops sorry about the caps. Certainly would help on the anxiety side of the appointment & what is going to happen instead of having to wait 2 weeks. Any replys Mayo staff on this

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@cvestor, I hear you about anxiety levels skyrocketing during the period between getting the appointment and waiting for the day of consultation. Two weeks can feel like forever.

Mayo Clinic's patient portal, called Patient Online Services is your main source of communication between your team and between appointments. And so much more.
- See your records and results as fast as your clinician does.
- Manage your appointments with updated schedules and instructions.
- Handle your bills more quickly and simply.
- Refill subscriptions
- etc.

Here is the link to the patient portal where you can create an account.
You can also access this information on the Mayo Clinic app from your phone. Learn more about the app and download it here: https://www.mayoclinic.org/apps/mayo-clinic

To get personal help with setting up your account with Patient Online Services or to trouble shoot, contact Mayo's Concierge Services. https://www.mayoclinic.org/patient-visitor-guide/minnesota/concierge-services
Phone: 507-538-8438
Email: concierge@mayo.edu

You can also learn more in this discussion:
- Mayo Clinic Patient Portal: How do I find it? Do you use it?
Have you signed up to the Mayo Clinic's patient portal yet?


😊 Thank you!
I’m very nervous my surgery is tomorrow they are removing the right side of my colon detaching it from the small intestine, and then reattaching attaching plus removing some lymph nose around it.

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Hola !!! Como te sientes? Como salió la cirugía? Estás bien? Espero que muy bien, un abrazo


Hola Vero, me hicieron una colectomia parcial. Sanando cada día . Mi tumor estaba en el colon derecho.

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Hace cuánto fue tu cirugía, Daniela?
Yo tuve una resección transanal en diciembre de 2022; mi pólipo estaba en el recto, cerca del esfínter. Me fue muy mal después. La cirujano no me asesoró bien y cada vez que iba al baño era un dolor tremendo. Me la pasaba haciendo baños de asiento para aminorar el dolor.
Ahora (26 de enero y 2 de febrero) tuve una doble cirugía con resección total del recto, mesorecto y sigmoid y una anastomosis coloanal. El cirujano empezó con dieta líquida y después me permitió sólidos astringentes: nada que provoque gases, nada con much fibra, nada que deje muchos residuos al procesarse en el intestino. Es muy limitado, pero me permite tener heces blandas, así no me duela la sutura. Estoy rozada, porque no tengo aviso previo de que necesito ir al baño, pero espero que irá mejorando a medida que aprendo a reconocer las señales y recobro control del esfínter y ano.
Estoy esperando que me conteste una nutrióloga clínica que me pueda guiar en la reintroducción de alimentos.


wHY CAN NOT mAYo GIVE YOU A CALL RIGHT AfTER YOU SET UP AN APPOINTMENT WITH THEM i ASSUME IT IS AN INFORMATIONAL CALL. AGAIN THE MUSHROOM SYSDROM, KEEP THE PATIENT IN THE DARK, oops sorry about the caps. Certainly would help on the anxiety side of the appointment & what is going to happen instead of having to wait 2 weeks. Any replys Mayo staff on this


Hi @lindab45, you mention that you've had several colon surgeries. Was this related to colon cancer? How are you doing now?

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Good Morning! I have had several surgeries at Rochester Mayo. I am a fourth generation to have colon cancer. I am doing well today Thank G-D and my great surgical Mayo team!


Hola Vero, me hicieron una colectomia parcial. Sanando cada día . Mi tumor estaba en el colon derecho.

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