Nerve Damage

Posted by shrimpy2435 @shrimpy2435, Jun 16, 2023

I am looking for answers on nerve damage. In 2018 I was in a car crash and worked for 3 years till I couldn't keep up mentally and physically. It sits right in my upper neck and causes the pain to move from my neck to my arms and down to the legs. Some times I can't even feel the muscle but just the bone weight it weighs down and causes me to become emotional and physical exhausted. I just don't know how to cope or what I can do for work when this makes me physically sick itd hard to get up most mornings

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Hello @shrimpy2435, Welcome to Connect. It must be extremely difficult trying to manage the pain and related symptoms since your accident in 2018. It sounds like you might have had a recovery and then went back to work for 3 years until it started getting worse again? Mayo Clinic has some information on peripheral nerve damage from injuries here that might provide some basic information -

Did you have any treatment following the accident?


Hello @shrimpy2435, Welcome to Connect. It must be extremely difficult trying to manage the pain and related symptoms since your accident in 2018. It sounds like you might have had a recovery and then went back to work for 3 years until it started getting worse again? Mayo Clinic has some information on peripheral nerve damage from injuries here that might provide some basic information -

Did you have any treatment following the accident?

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I saw pain management doctors and had a nerve stimulator placed in my back but it made me worse and I had to have it removed. I worked with the nerve damage for 3 years after the accident and was told keep at physical therapy but it hasn't seemed to help it. I've done a little research saying rest and heat and not so much go go go will help it with time. I just don't know how to cope with it now let alone work


I saw pain management doctors and had a nerve stimulator placed in my back but it made me worse and I had to have it removed. I worked with the nerve damage for 3 years after the accident and was told keep at physical therapy but it hasn't seemed to help it. I've done a little research saying rest and heat and not so much go go go will help it with time. I just don't know how to cope with it now let alone work

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It sounds like you have seen a lot of doctors and tried different treatments without much relief. Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic? Just wondering if it might give you other options. Did any of the doctors mention nerves being compressed as part of the problem? There is another discussion that some members have found helpful for various conditions dealing with nerve compression.

--- Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain:


It sounds like you have seen a lot of doctors and tried different treatments without much relief. Have you thought about seeking help at a teaching hospital or major health facility like Mayo Clinic? Just wondering if it might give you other options. Did any of the doctors mention nerves being compressed as part of the problem? There is another discussion that some members have found helpful for various conditions dealing with nerve compression.

--- Myofascial Release Therapy (MFR) for treating compression and pain:

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It's a torn nerve in the top of my neck left side close to my brain and spine


Nerve damage is a strange thing. Since all of us are different, nerve damage effects each of us differently. I have superficial siderosis, it has damaged my spinal cord, brain stem and my cerebellum. I just try to keep going.


Have you looked into upper cervical chiropractic (NUCCA) and cranial sacral
therapy ? Both have given me some relief over the yrs.
There is no cure, but if I stay in today there is hope.
Your not alone I have so much going on that I have to surrender to daily. I have been practicing accepting my limitations it is not easy.


Have you looked into upper cervical chiropractic (NUCCA) and cranial sacral
therapy ? Both have given me some relief over the yrs.
There is no cure, but if I stay in today there is hope.
Your not alone I have so much going on that I have to surrender to daily. I have been practicing accepting my limitations it is not easy.

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I've never really had anyone giving me information on it so being on here has helped I will look into it thank you. And I'm also looking into group therapy it still really messes with how I am able to do things and being someone who always took care of myself it's been hard mentally to accept


I've never really had anyone giving me information on it so being on here has helped I will look into it thank you. And I'm also looking into group therapy it still really messes with how I am able to do things and being someone who always took care of myself it's been hard mentally to accept

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I'm right there with you I've taken care of myself raise my daughter on my own. This is the hardest thing to finally surrender. I wish there was group therapy in my area .


I'm right there with you I've taken care of myself raise my daughter on my own. This is the hardest thing to finally surrender. I wish there was group therapy in my area .

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Yes definitely hard and since I have to tell jobs I have nerve damage majority don't even want to hire me around here. It's been very hard finding something I can do for work and not give myself so much pain I physically throw up and had to quit jobs because of the pain. Also very hard when people have said I'm probably faking it


Yes definitely hard and since I have to tell jobs I have nerve damage majority don't even want to hire me around here. It's been very hard finding something I can do for work and not give myself so much pain I physically throw up and had to quit jobs because of the pain. Also very hard when people have said I'm probably faking it

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Is it possible you have an issue with a cervical spine disc? MRI could diagnose that. You can pain down the arm with that.

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