Oxiplatin-induced neuropathy: Nerve conduction studies

Posted by kennycockerel @kennycockerel, May 26 2:30pm

I was diagnosed with anal cancer in Oct 2020 stage 2/3 . In Feb 2021 l had major surgery to remove tumour plus resection with end colostomy permanent stoma. In June 2021 l started chemo as there was a few cells seen on mri scan chemo oxaliplatin lasted 6 month's 8 three week cycles.
Mri scan Dec 2021 was all clear 😁
During chemo l started getting pins and needles in both feet also both hands gradually got worse the doctor said it is a reaction from chemo that would go in time. Jan 2022 they recommended precautionary radiotherapy to prevent possible recurrence 25 visits by this time my balance wasn't good l fell over about 8 times also my hands was worse kepted dropping plates etc they said it would get better in time. April 2022 another mri scan and ct imaging scan all clear again 😁 l was referred to neurology. In Nov 2022 l had nerve study diagnosis severe mainly sensory axonal polyneuropathy caused by chemo oxaliplatin. In Dec 2022 l started pregabalin up to a maximum dosage of 250mg over 10 weeks but in May 2023 the side effects plus not much difference in my condition they weaned me off pregabalin. June 2023 started duloxetine I'm currently on 100mg side effects not to bad but condition still the same . Now they want to reduce duloxetine to 60mg daily and add amitripyline at night does anybody have the same treatment my mobility is not to good need stick to correct balance which is a bit better. Operation went well but l still get discomfort when walking and sitting down they said probably nerve damage during operation scans show nothing anybody else had problems after tumor removal. Sorry for writing a book about all my problem's .

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That's awesome ! The right shoes make a big difference 🙂 I also have a few pairs of skechers that I wear regularly... they were the first shoes I progressed to after wearing bedroom slippers indoors and out for over a year!

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