Need hope: Neuropathy from chemo
Is there anyone going through neuropathy from chemo. If so how long until my mother will be able to walk again afterwards. It’s been 8 weeks every week gets worse
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Hi Connie, I know it’s tempting to stop chemo because side effects can be so harsh. However, the medication has a job to do and that is attacking and killing off cancer cells. Some cancer cells can be elusive to treatment. So it becomes necessary to do a progressive treatment plan to snag all of the cells for a better chance of remission.
From my experience, I do know that it takes longer to recover with each successive round of chemo. But you’re so close to the finish line with having only one more round to go. I’d encourage you to follow through and get that last round. If you didn’t and by chance the cancer returned, you’d always be kicking yourself for not going the extra mile to better secure your future. Does that make sense?
Dexamethasone is generally given with Carboplatin to help avoid nausea and vomiting. It’s a fairly low dosage. If you think the Dexa is what caused the side effects you could ask your hematologist for another anti nausea med. The side effects may have been caused by the chemo itself. Many of the symptoms you’re describing can be caused by Carboplatin and not so much the Dexa.
So hang in there…you only have one more round and then you’re on the road to healing and recovery. It may take time to regain your strength, energy and stamina. Walking daily, even for a few minutes at a time, working your way up to a sustained 15 to 30 minutes can really make a difference in your endurance and attitude. You’ve made it this far so keep on going to the finish line!! ☺️
I had a total hysterectomy in April 2024, a mass found on right ovary. It was a rare Brenner tumor.
I have one more round of chemo out of 6 of Carboplatin and Taxol. The tumor was encapsulated in the ovary.
The chemo is termed preventative chemo to help kill any microspic cancer cells. Today is day 14 after the last chemo, and I am still feeling very tired, numbness in feet, knees and ankles swollen and walking is a bit unbalanced. I believe these symptoms are from a steroid prescription I was provided called Dexamethasone 4mg tablet. I had just about all the side effects listed on the fact sheet.
My question is. I have one more round of chemo next Saturday, and I am thinking about not completing this last round. Would it really make a difference not to go through the last one? I truly do not want to go through another two weeks like these past two. However, I definitely would not take the steroid again!! I do not want to be a quitter, but is it justified?
@nana02 I hope some of the tips on here can help you too
It might be but see if you can look further afield. It is an excellent modality approved and often recommended by oncologists. It improves circulation, which raises energy levels and reduces inflammation.
It is probably hard to find one in my little town.
Acupuncture has been known to help with the various symptoms emerging from cancer treatment. If you decide on this please seek a very experienced Chinese medicine practitioner, not just anyone with a shingle posted outside their door.
I have neuropathy in my feet and had to give up driving after chemo for breast cancer. It's really scary not being able to feel the brake. It seems to be a fact of life now and I take gabapentin which helps the numbness. I use a Voxxlife Liberty patch that has helped me with my balance.
I get pqq at Amazon
Thank you. I will definitely give the co q 10 a try and see if I can get some pqq
I also have the neuropathy in both hands and feet. It started in just my feet with the chemo and now I'm on immunotherapy (Imfinzi) so it has gotten worse in my feet (but still manageable) but has now reached my hands - THIS is very annoying in that I cannot feel my fingertips and it's very difficult to open jars, etc. My Oncologist has suggested BComplex vitamin so I have started on that. I also use a cream on my hands and feet at night (wear socks and gloves). It's called Magnilife Pain Relieving Foot Cream and it does help. I've also tried Vicks on both hands and feet and it did help somewhat. I'll be curious to see if when the immunotherapy is finished if it subsides to a more manageable level. If there's a magic bullit out there, I would take it. I also agree that vibration therapy can help...lots of good suggestions here.
Good luck NeedHope...I hope that something works for you.