Need hope: Neuropathy from chemo

Posted by needshope78 @needshope78, Apr 24, 2020

Is there anyone going through neuropathy from chemo. If so how long until my mother will be able to walk again afterwards. It’s been 8 weeks every week gets worse

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Is the Cleveland Clinic study regarding CoQ10 and PQQ for chemo induced neuropathy only? Could these two supplements help for idiopathic neuropathies of the feet and hands?

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Study participants were a mix of neuropathy patients. I don’t know the exact breakdown by diagnosis.


There is no medication for neuropathy but there are numerous studies using supplements. I read one from the Cleveland Clinic that showed good results and have been following their recommendation with good results. They recommend taking 400 mg of CoQ10 and 20 mg of PQQ daily. The neuropathy in my hands is completely gone and my feet are much improved. The majority of the pain in my feet is gone, but I still have numbness in some places. I started this a year after chemo. The hands showed improvement quickly, the feet were slower. But the worst of the pain was gone in 3-4 months. Not an overnight cure, but my pain is gone.

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Is the Cleveland Clinic study regarding CoQ10 and PQQ for chemo induced neuropathy only? Could these two supplements help for idiopathic neuropathies of the feet and hands?


There is no medication for neuropathy but there are numerous studies using supplements. I read one from the Cleveland Clinic that showed good results and have been following their recommendation with good results. They recommend taking 400 mg of CoQ10 and 20 mg of PQQ daily. The neuropathy in my hands is completely gone and my feet are much improved. The majority of the pain in my feet is gone, but I still have numbness in some places. I started this a year after chemo. The hands showed improvement quickly, the feet were slower. But the worst of the pain was gone in 3-4 months. Not an overnight cure, but my pain is gone.

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Wow! That is amazing! Thank you for sharing that will me! I'm so glad to know that the pain is gone, even after a year after your chemo (though it takes time). Thanks again!


Hi Valentina, neuropathy is a common side effect with some types of chemotherapy, including some chemo regimens used for endometrial cancer. I think fellow gyne cancer members like @bendeb @chowmama2 @katethegreat @dianainstaug @needshope78 @sarcomasurvivor and @miriam57 may have experiences to share with you as well as tips on how to deal with stiff fingers and toes.

To help you connect with others talking about chemo-induced neuropathy, I moved your message to this existing discussion in the Cancer: Managing Symptoms group:

Valentina, you mention that the stiffness is especially uncomfortable the week after treatment. Does the stiffness ease in week 2 and later? How many weeks do you have between treatments and how many treatments will you have?

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Thanks for your response. My discomfort/stiffness/etc. begins in week two, and lasts into the third week. I receive chemo every three weeks and will have a total of six treatments; I'm scheduled for my fifth treatment this Friday, 11/19. Thanks for moving my message to the managing symptoms group; maybe someone will have some insight.


There is no medication for neuropathy but there are numerous studies using supplements. I read one from the Cleveland Clinic that showed good results and have been following their recommendation with good results. They recommend taking 400 mg of CoQ10 and 20 mg of PQQ daily. The neuropathy in my hands is completely gone and my feet are much improved. The majority of the pain in my feet is gone, but I still have numbness in some places. I started this a year after chemo. The hands showed improvement quickly, the feet were slower. But the worst of the pain was gone in 3-4 months. Not an overnight cure, but my pain is gone.


For any interested in all the chemo-related neuropathy discussions, here is a list:
– Chemo-related Neuropathy
– Need hope: Neuropathy from chemo
– Breast Cancer and Neuropathy
- Cancer survivor now developing late side-effect of neuropathy


Hello! Does anyone have any suggestions for what helps with chemo-induced neuropathy? My fingers and toes, especially, are stiff and uncomfortable the week after treatment. Any ideas are appreciated! Thanks.

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Hi Valentina, neuropathy is a common side effect with some types of chemotherapy, including some chemo regimens used for endometrial cancer. I think fellow gyne cancer members like @bendeb @chowmama2 @katethegreat @dianainstaug @needshope78 @sarcomasurvivor and @miriam57 may have experiences to share with you as well as tips on how to deal with stiff fingers and toes.

To help you connect with others talking about chemo-induced neuropathy, I moved your message to this existing discussion in the Cancer: Managing Symptoms group:

Valentina, you mention that the stiffness is especially uncomfortable the week after treatment. Does the stiffness ease in week 2 and later? How many weeks do you have between treatments and how many treatments will you have?


Hello! Does anyone have any suggestions for what helps with chemo-induced neuropathy? My fingers and toes, especially, are stiff and uncomfortable the week after treatment. Any ideas are appreciated! Thanks.


Stparker54. Sorry, I forgot to wish you luck with your chemo treatment.

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I had my first chemo treatment yesterday (7/20/20). After I finished it, I noticed that the mild neuropathy in my left foot, which I have had for years, was more pronounced. I got on the internet and found out there'd.s a company (OrthoFeet) that makes special shoes for people that suffer from foot problems, including neuropathy. I ordered a pair of their shoes. I'll let you know if they make a difference. The reviews for the shoes were very goo

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stparker54, I want to add to a post in April where I suggested B1 and magnesium for neuropathy. . I recently found Benfotiamine while searching for my wife's macular degeneration. Since it's fat soluble thiamine in the body it lasts longer and remains at a higher level. Please check into it for your neuropathy.

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