Need warm socks for my cold feet

Posted by bcool123 @bcool123, Sep 19, 2023

I have peripheral neuropathy in my feet can get so cold. Does anyone have a particular brand of warm, tall socks, that they would recommend? Non-compression please. Compression socks just make my feet colder. Winter is coming in Colorado!

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I have a pair of socks that were made out of alpaca wool. Warm, soft just love them but they are very slipery on my hardwood floors be careful so you wont slip and fall down.


Yes, I bought these last winter and I wear them all year long. EBMORE Womens Merino Wool Socks Winter Warm Hiking Thick Thermal Cozy Boot Crew Comfy Socks 5 Pairs
Amazon is where I go them.

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Thanks for sharing the socks that work for you. I'll try them and see if I can wear them. I've tried several different brands and so far I haven't found any socks I can wear. Socks make my feet feel as if someone lit a match and is burning me. Shoes I can only wear Abeo flip-flops it's awful winter I stay home as much as possible. I live in Virginia and the winters aren't as bad as years past. I cannot stand even bedding touching them no-one understand Doctors that is. Peripheral Neuropathy is the worst that has happened to all of us. This website connect helps me mentally, people understand since we are all in this together. Thanks again for a new brand to check. Appreciate reading and people sharing. Hope everyone has a good day moving forward.


I have an even more complicated situation. I have small fiber PN, which started with a faulty sense of burning while wearing shoes or other situations with pressure. Now it has advanced to pain and cold feet in anything other than "normal" temperature of around 70 degrees. Even air conditioned air causes this, particularly in a car.
As a result, I have to constantly switch from covering my feet with a blanket, shoes, socks, etc. until they start to burn, then switching to bare feet, then they start to feel extremely cold and painful, then repeat. The "Goldilocks zone" is very narrow.
Anyone else have this experience, and any suggestions for how to deal with it?

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My husband has your symptoms. This is what has helped:
Heating pad under feet as soon as coldness in feet start(he s retired so he can do at home)
Lidocaine topical cream
Capsaicin topical cream
BUT what has helped the most in twice a week deep foot massage
Good luck. I know it s unbearable


My husband has your symptoms. This is what has helped:
Heating pad under feet as soon as coldness in feet start(he s retired so he can do at home)
Lidocaine topical cream
Capsaicin topical cream
BUT what has helped the most in twice a week deep foot massage
Good luck. I know it s unbearable

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Thanks so much! I will try them all. Plain lidocaine has not worked for me in the past, but I have a lead on a lidocaine cream with another ingredient that I will try and post results.


FYI, socks.....I have also used Dr Scholl's "soothing spa" socks that have grippers. They have Vit E & Lavendar. They are very soft and warm, but it still takes awhile to get my feet warm. And, I realize what works for one may not work for another.


I buy foot/hand warmers for my husband. They can last up to 10 hours


Good morning my friends I’ve been reading your comments regarding foot problems, I have PN burning feet, numbness and poor balancing. I always thought these were the standard problems with PN. until last night for some unknown reason getting into bed my feet were freezing had to put socks on which helped but then I decided to take a hot shower, did the trick. My feet and legs felt normal. Went to sleep and slept like a baby. I’ve gone to multiple neurologist went through medical treatments with no success. I am currently vacationing in Italy and trying to figure out what happened last night. This morning I woke up and l feel fine almost normal. I will report back after a few days. Could it be the beautiful country, the food or the wine, I’m not a very big drinker. Whatever it is I feel better today. Let’s see what the rest of the days bring. As I said I have read so many unhappy stories, hopefully this is one that can bring hope to all the wonderful and beautiful people out there. GOD BLESS U ALL!


My husband has your symptoms. This is what has helped:
Heating pad under feet as soon as coldness in feet start(he s retired so he can do at home)
Lidocaine topical cream
Capsaicin topical cream
BUT what has helped the most in twice a week deep foot massage
Good luck. I know it s unbearable

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Agree - once I discovered reflexology - deep foot massage was so helpful. I think it wakes up those nerves.


I buy foot/hand warmers for my husband. They can last up to 10 hours

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That's a great idea...I use a heating pad that I throw into microwave...


I wish we were all were with you there in beautiful Italy! I think with feet burning you just have to keep trying until you find what works for you. For me it was socks for awhile till they did not work. Now when I get in bed I immediately pull up light covers and that seems to return my feet to normal. If I have waited too long and have severe burning I put socks on for a few minutes till I can tolerate the burning and then take them off and go with just the covers. The hot water shower seems worth a try too!

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