Need help gaining weight

Posted by summerof42 @summerof42, Jul 16, 2023

I would welcome folks to advise me how to GAIN WEIGHT. I'm now down to 90 lbs (normally, a healthy, active 127 lbs at 5'4").

As we all know, LT Covid ignites our nervous system off the charts and I'm sure that is what's going on because I feel totally on the edge, dealing with internal shakiness, etc.

I'm eating every hour to include very healthy foods, i.e., fish, chicken, turkey, tons of veggies, snacks in-between and cannot gain a lb. I also incorporate protein shakes.

Because I'm dealing with no medical support since the Doctors I've seen to date to not have any knowledge of LT Covid to include my primary MD. I'm so alone and frightened.

Please be sure to list the name of the products in your suggestions to include any vitamins, etc.

I know I also need the appropriate anxiety/depression Rx and a few have been tried to no avail, which is why I welcome your input on this as well and what has helped. Tried Zoloft and Escitalopram.

Prior to catching Covid twice, I was soooooo active and healthy and folks would always comment about my incredible health and age in the mid 60's (now 68) and they couldn't keep up with me.

I just want this beast of Covid out of me! I wish our medical teams were working on finding us a cure and help.

Hugs and prayers to all.

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Hi Rose,
I'm trying to gain weight also. I'm suffering from incontinence and for the longest time couldn't gain any weight! In fact, I lost weight. However, recently I'm gaining a little weight. What works best for me to gain weight is Filet Mignon, cheesecake, ice cream and noodle dishes. I should point out that the Filet Mignon is a very good quality brand; Allen Brothers. The cheesecake is Chuckanut brand, the noodles are Rose Brand and the ice cream is Blue Bunny natural vanilla. They are all natural; no junk in them. I also eat vegetables, potatoes and gravy made from scratch, cheeses, homemade biscuits etc. I was 144 and got down to 134 and my clothes wouldn't fit! They just hung on me. Now I'm back to 142 and my clothes fit once more! I also eat vegetables, potatoes and gravy made from scratch, cheeses, homemade biscuits etc. Try and stay away from additives and things you can't pronounce in your food.

Good luck! I'll remember you in my prayers!


Are you able to establish with a dietician for guidance? I had unintentional weight loss related to a different condition that preceded long COVID (which then flared up again after COVID infection), and my GI doctor referred me to a GI dietician. I learned dieticians have specialties also; you can find someone who specifically works with people with GI difficulties, but I would think any dietician would be able to advise you on safe weights to gain weight.

She's been invaluable to me. Many dieticians now do telehealth.

I may have mentioned this to you in a post before, but my GI dietician recommended Kate Farms. It's an enteral product--it can be used for tube feeding, or taken orally, completely plant-based/vegan, and GI-friendly. They have different formulas. I take Kate Farms Adult Standard Formula 1.0. To me, chocolate tastes the best. I believe it's 325 calories per serving. I don't drink the whole thing; I use it as a breakfast or snack usually.

The Standard 1.0 formula is actually the same formulation as their Nutrition Shakes product--the difference is the shakes are made to be sold to the general public. But the Standard 1.0 formula can be obtained by prescription. For me, it's covered by my insurance--my GI doctor sends a prescription to an enteral feeding company in network with my insurance.

What does your PCP say about medication for anxiety/depression? Or are you having trouble choosing?


Are you able to establish with a dietician for guidance? I had unintentional weight loss related to a different condition that preceded long COVID (which then flared up again after COVID infection), and my GI doctor referred me to a GI dietician. I learned dieticians have specialties also; you can find someone who specifically works with people with GI difficulties, but I would think any dietician would be able to advise you on safe weights to gain weight.

She's been invaluable to me. Many dieticians now do telehealth.

I may have mentioned this to you in a post before, but my GI dietician recommended Kate Farms. It's an enteral product--it can be used for tube feeding, or taken orally, completely plant-based/vegan, and GI-friendly. They have different formulas. I take Kate Farms Adult Standard Formula 1.0. To me, chocolate tastes the best. I believe it's 325 calories per serving. I don't drink the whole thing; I use it as a breakfast or snack usually.

The Standard 1.0 formula is actually the same formulation as their Nutrition Shakes product--the difference is the shakes are made to be sold to the general public. But the Standard 1.0 formula can be obtained by prescription. For me, it's covered by my insurance--my GI doctor sends a prescription to an enteral feeding company in network with my insurance.

What does your PCP say about medication for anxiety/depression? Or are you having trouble choosing?

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The opposite is true for me. 10 years ago I weighed 245 (rounded off) lbs. By last year I had come down to 212 lbs. I was ecstatic that I was heading in the right direction.

In January of this year i lost a few more lbs. By February i was down to 186 lbs. I’m a diabetic and was a type two.
My diabetes medication was stopped and my numbers didn’t spike up or get low. It was always around 102. Perfect.
I have to admit that I am on a blood thinner as several years ago I had open heart surgery and a new mechanical aortic heart valve was installed. My original valve had been leaking. Last January my chances of bleeding (mechanical valves promote clots or bleeding. I was in danger of bleeding out as my blood was way too thin.

I had to take levelor injections in my abdomen to increase the thickness of my blood levels. 12 abdominal injections resulted in hematomas (inside bruising).

I ended up with 12 internal abdominal bleeding hematomas. I was bleeding to death internally in my abdomen. It took January and February in patient while they eventually leveled me up and the bleeding stopped. 2 months lying in a hospital bed.

I lost the ability to walk as I had been in bed so long. Physical therapy was ordered and I went from a wheelchair to a walker to a cane. Presently using a cane forever. But by the time I actually got home I was still around 186. Great for my heart and diabetes! Now I have gained weight to the point that is depressing me.

I’ve been steadily watching my weight go up by one to two lbs a day and I am now at 205lbs. Probably heading back to 212 lbs. I’m obsessing over the weight gaining. I barely eat anything yet, I’m gaining weight. I would much rather lose weight than gain it.

I blame the medications I’m on. Especially Seroquel the great weight gaining medication. I’ve had to go from a 38 inch waist to a 36.
Felt great. I’m still in a 36 but they are getting tighter. And I gave my 2 pair of 38 away. What can I do?


I am also in the “I need to gain weight club” and appreciate any and all advice. I lost 25 pounds after total hip replacement and pulmonary embolisms. Also had Covid, which has affected my taste. I look forward to the day when my clothes fit again. I eat …


It’s so helpful to be able to relate to other people who are going through similar problems. I started losing weight a little when I developed health problems…gradually it continued after covid infection last November.. I was slim before but now I look like a skinny old lady lol.. I try not to stress about it and eat when I can, also eating good food but my anxiety and depression makes me go on binges eating everything that isn’t good for me, of course I gain a couple of pounds but the binging makes me sick later with lots of cramps and I lose my extra weight again.. I don’t want meds every time I have an issue, I swear the meds just add to the problem or cause other symptoms. It’s like I don’t know myself anymore since the pandemic and then cancer.. I pray every day for good news and hope that all the chaos in the world will settle down so we can all get back to just living our lives amen.


The opposite is true for me. 10 years ago I weighed 245 (rounded off) lbs. By last year I had come down to 212 lbs. I was ecstatic that I was heading in the right direction.

In January of this year i lost a few more lbs. By February i was down to 186 lbs. I’m a diabetic and was a type two.
My diabetes medication was stopped and my numbers didn’t spike up or get low. It was always around 102. Perfect.
I have to admit that I am on a blood thinner as several years ago I had open heart surgery and a new mechanical aortic heart valve was installed. My original valve had been leaking. Last January my chances of bleeding (mechanical valves promote clots or bleeding. I was in danger of bleeding out as my blood was way too thin.

I had to take levelor injections in my abdomen to increase the thickness of my blood levels. 12 abdominal injections resulted in hematomas (inside bruising).

I ended up with 12 internal abdominal bleeding hematomas. I was bleeding to death internally in my abdomen. It took January and February in patient while they eventually leveled me up and the bleeding stopped. 2 months lying in a hospital bed.

I lost the ability to walk as I had been in bed so long. Physical therapy was ordered and I went from a wheelchair to a walker to a cane. Presently using a cane forever. But by the time I actually got home I was still around 186. Great for my heart and diabetes! Now I have gained weight to the point that is depressing me.

I’ve been steadily watching my weight go up by one to two lbs a day and I am now at 205lbs. Probably heading back to 212 lbs. I’m obsessing over the weight gaining. I barely eat anything yet, I’m gaining weight. I would much rather lose weight than gain it.

I blame the medications I’m on. Especially Seroquel the great weight gaining medication. I’ve had to go from a 38 inch waist to a 36.
Felt great. I’m still in a 36 but they are getting tighter. And I gave my 2 pair of 38 away. What can I do?

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If can be so frustrating to see your weight drop and then go up again, especially if it’s potentially a medication side effect for something you really need.

I know your question probably was directed to the group writ large and not necessarily me specifically. But I’m not really the best to comment on restriction or dieting for weight loss…

I actually don’t diet, meaning restrict foods for the purpose of weight loss. My care team and I apply the principles of intuitive eating (the model created by dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch) to promote self compassion and decrease stress and guilt around food. I know that probably sounds really cheesy, but when I read more about it, it felt very appropriate for me.

Study after study has shown that weight cycling ultimately results in gaining more weight in the end. But I had to do it because part of what led to me losing so much weight that it became a medical issue was because so many doctors and others prescribed restricting my diet to manage GI conditions. Because I have chronic illness, I always in a way blamed myself because if this pervasive idea I “should” be able to eat my way out of chronic pain, as if it were that simple!

The binary between “good” and “bad” foods and counting grams of FODMAP-rich foods backfired (which apparently, is common) and caused me so much stress with eating and my symptoms got worse. But it’s not for everyone.

I’m sorry I don’t know what would be best in your situation, but I’m sending you much compassion and strength.


A cousin NP suggested pea protein as easily absorbed by the body. If you can get a smoothie down, try pea protein. Brand does not matter as long as nutritional value is there. I used Arbonne FeelFit Pea Protein Shake (Chocolate) together with Arbonne Essentials Green Balance (for other nutrients). The protein power also comes in vanilla, but chocolate helps mask the taste of the greens powder. To start, I had 1 smoothie in the AM, and one in the PM. I did this for a couple of days and found it stopped the weight loss and helped me put on a few pounds. It was almost like a 'reboot' and after a few days I was able to eat more of other foods. I still have the powder, but have only had to use it a few times since the initial reboot, if my weight gets too low. I find if I can put on a couple of pounds, eating in general becomes easier. Ice cream, cakes, cookies help maintain weight.


@earlylonghauer -I'm surprised you are able to eat ice cream, cookies, etc because us long haulers have to stay away from gluten and sugar.


A cousin NP suggested pea protein as easily absorbed by the body. If you can get a smoothie down, try pea protein. Brand does not matter as long as nutritional value is there. I used Arbonne FeelFit Pea Protein Shake (Chocolate) together with Arbonne Essentials Green Balance (for other nutrients). The protein power also comes in vanilla, but chocolate helps mask the taste of the greens powder. To start, I had 1 smoothie in the AM, and one in the PM. I did this for a couple of days and found it stopped the weight loss and helped me put on a few pounds. It was almost like a 'reboot' and after a few days I was able to eat more of other foods. I still have the powder, but have only had to use it a few times since the initial reboot, if my weight gets too low. I find if I can put on a couple of pounds, eating in general becomes easier. Ice cream, cakes, cookies help maintain weight.

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Thank for your responses.
My situation is very different. I live in an Assisted Living Facility and they provide all meals and snacks. This creates a problem for my weight. The food is mostly pasta dishes and despite my doctor telling me to avoid as much pasta as possible, I’m forced to either not eat (witch I did once for 28 days witch resulted in a brief hospital stay.) it didn’t really help because I only lost a couple of pounds and got dehydrated as well.

I suspect it is the Seroquel medication I’m on. It is known to cause weight gain.
So I feel trapped between a rock and a hard place. However, I’m seeing my PCP tomorrow and I’m going to ask him if he could substitute the Seroquel I’m on. So I have to eat what they provide or an alternate. And neither do either one of them is a “natural “ food.


I am so sorry— how frightening for you! So I hesitate to suggest this, as you may have tried it already? But you are in a terrible situ, completely without medical support, and you need it. Have you looked into telehealth? There are practioners in your state who could see you via zoom for your mental health needs, and that is vital! I access NP ( nurse practitioners) for as many telehealth appts as I can. They’re often better than Drs. Also: you don’t mention which state you are in, but there are often Long Covid clinics in-state, depending on where you are at. If you call and explain you are desperate for help, often you can get someone to refer you to the next practitioner; this is not to say you won’t be calling Dr. A, who refers to Dr. B’s office, who suggests Dr.C… etc. BUT— you must keep at it until you find someone— anyone— who will help. You may also call a clinic (Mayo? John Hopkins? Mt. Sinai?) and ask for assistance. They may be able to connect you to a clinic/individual who can help you. If your insurance allows— and many do because it is cheaper for them— see if you can connect with a nutritionist. IF you have insurance ( BOOOOO! Can’t stand em’!) they may be able to help you connect to mental health help and nutritionists at the very least.
This is long, I know: but.
Long haul Covid is exhausting. It is SO hard to do all the calling/coordinating I mentioned above… but you must. I’m in an urban area and still I have really struggled to find anyone who doesn’t just pat me on my head and send me on my way. You must hang in there. Do it in small segments, but DO IT— for you!!

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