Need a breast cancer buddy who has been through it (triple negative)

Posted by denise66 @denise66, Jun 21, 2023

I was just recently diagnosed with triple positive stage 1 Breast Cancer. I start chemo next week. 6 rounds of chemo once every 3 weeks followed by radiation then lumpectomy.

I would very much appreciate it if I could talk on the phone with someone who had gone through this journey. Especially chemo and being HER2 positive. I really don’t know what to expect with chemo and it’s giving me anxiety.

Would anyone who went through this journey be willing to talk to me?

I’m being treated at Mayo in AZ.

Thank you


Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Breast Cancer Support Group.

I am HER2 positive. Bilateral mastectomy on 12/1, Complications caused 5 more surgeries.
Chemo every 3 weeks for 1 year, plus an oral chemo pill daily. I take 2 different antinausea pills, morning/evening.
Most of the time they work, sometimes they don't/ I have daily diarrhea. (I've had a few accidents)
Fatigue is a big factor and loss of appetite, I'm constantly thirsty and drink ice water all day,
Fortunately, I don't need radiation.
Stay safe,


I have read all the remarks and the pain associated with estrogen blockers. I never thought about asking my oncologist to get a test for estrogen levels.

Also here I am sitting with pain in both of my hands and no strength in either. This has come on in the 8 weeks.
I am very weak and only work in and around the home for about an hour at a time. Maybe this is also is the cause of taking the estrogen blocker.
Now I am wondering if my estrogen levels come back a 0 , maybe i should stop taking the exe pill.

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Are you taking tamoxifen.


American Cancer Society can connect you with a volunteer who has had your exact diagnosis and treatment. Very helpful. Reach out to them TODAY and get 'er done!


American Cancer Society can connect you with a volunteer who has had your exact diagnosis and treatment. Very helpful. Reach out to them TODAY and get 'er done!

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Ok, that would be great, as I did not feel that my doctor thoroughly
explained that I could understand. Also, they kept saying that nodules in my lungs were lighting up and too small to biopsy .
I asked for a referral to a pulmonologist and saw a wonderful doctor who looked at a small nodule that could be biopsied.
I had a biopsy in August of 2022 of that nodule, and it came back to cancer Me stage 4, hr negative.
I am not sure when my oncologist would order a biopsy.
But the pulmonologist did and started on a chemo pill.
I only took it for 40 days, because the side effects were to extensive for me to handle.
So is there a specific phone number I call to get in touch with American Cancer?


Ok, that would be great, as I did not feel that my doctor thoroughly
explained that I could understand. Also, they kept saying that nodules in my lungs were lighting up and too small to biopsy .
I asked for a referral to a pulmonologist and saw a wonderful doctor who looked at a small nodule that could be biopsied.
I had a biopsy in August of 2022 of that nodule, and it came back to cancer Me stage 4, hr negative.
I am not sure when my oncologist would order a biopsy.
But the pulmonologist did and started on a chemo pill.
I only took it for 40 days, because the side effects were to extensive for me to handle.
So is there a specific phone number I call to get in touch with American Cancer?

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The number for the American cancer society is 800-227-2345. I just took this off of the website. I don’t know what services that will connect you with.


Hi Denise!
I do not know if we can connect by phone, or if it is even allowed, but I feel your anxiety, and know how you feel. I did not have chemo, but did have a lumpectomy and radiation. Today, 8 years later, at my yearly mammogram I was kept in limbo for an hour and a half while they kept checking the scar area. I walked in, optimistic, outgoing, and with no worries. I have so many other things happening in life right now, that I didn't allow that horrible anxiety to cross my mind. It quickly changed! I used prayer to calm myself while panicking. I can only hope and pray that at my next screening I arrive in my normal state of mind. Positive attitude is a must! I am a survivor, and live each day as if it is my last. My thought after treatment was, that I don't know how I will feel or deal, if I have to face it again. Today was a small taste of that. There are alot of support groups out there. I found a small local group through I think, the American Cancer Society. Lean hard on your support system, family, friends, etc. I thankfully was able to have light duty after surgery, and then worked through radiation at a very physically demanding job. I proved to myself how strong I was, and was already a survivor of many other challenges life had thrown at me, and I focused on surviving cancer. I wish you the best, and will keeping you in my prayers! Hugs! -Susan


I have read all the remarks and the pain associated with estrogen blockers. I never thought about asking my oncologist to get a test for estrogen levels.

Also here I am sitting with pain in both of my hands and no strength in either. This has come on in the 8 weeks.
I am very weak and only work in and around the home for about an hour at a time. Maybe this is also is the cause of taking the estrogen blocker.
Now I am wondering if my estrogen levels come back a 0 , maybe i should stop taking the exe pill.

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I have had my estrogen checked three times. The oncologist doesn't order it. I had my primary and gynecologist do it for me. Mine actually went down and then back up. I see the oncologist in a few weeks and will discuss this with him. My lowest score was 8.


I have had my estrogen checked three times. The oncologist doesn't order it. I had my primary and gynecologist do it for me. Mine actually went down and then back up. I see the oncologist in a few weeks and will discuss this with him. My lowest score was 8.

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I will have mine tested in a couple of weeks. My oncologist put me on Letrozole for 2 weeks then took me off. I’ll wait until it gets out of my system to have a true reading.


I will have mine tested in a couple of weeks. My oncologist put me on Letrozole for 2 weeks then took me off. I’ll wait until it gets out of my system to have a true reading.

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Please let me know what your levels are. Why did he take you off of it?


Please let me know what your levels are. Why did he take you off of it?

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Will do! One of the 3 areas of my bone scan was borderline osteoporosis. Switched me to tamoxifen for a year to begins after my radiation is done.

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