Myxofibrosarcoma: What treatments did you have?

Posted by jonezzi @jonezzi, Sep 24, 2022

I was diagnosed with Myxofibrosarcoma. It was large and a high-grade tumor. I had my surgery and will start my radiation treatment next week. My oncologist also stated that chemotherapy scheduled. My pathology report came back with no evidence on malignancy. Is chemo still necessary. I know it is my decision just needed to get a second opinion.

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Yes I was diagnosed with Myxofibrosarcoma Sept 2020
In my right lower calf

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Welcome @4me. I hope you don't mind, but I moved your post about being diagnosed with myxofibrosarcoma to this new discussion that @jonezzi started just 2 days ago:
- Myxofibrosarcoma

Jonezzi, will appreciate meeting someone else with this rare cancer.


Yes I was diagnosed with Myxofibrosarcoma Sept 2020
In my right lower calf

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Hello @4me and welcome to Mayo Connect. I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis of Myxofibrosarcoma. As you were diagnosed in 2020, I'm wondering how you are doing now?

Here is some information from Mayo Clinic's website about this disorder.

The article indicates that the usual treatment is surgery. Was this your experience as well? Have you needed any other treatments?


Has anyone out there had a sarcoma cancer? I am just wondering.

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Yes I was diagnosed with Myxofibrosarcoma Sept 2020
In my right lower calf


@jonezzi, that is such a good question. Is chemo still necessary?

Unfortunately, myxofibrosarcoma (MFS) is known to be a cancer that often comes back after treatment. I wonder if your cancer team wants to throw everything at it to make sure that the cancer cells are not only removed locally with surgery and radiation, but also cancer cells that possibly have moved to further parts of the body. Then chemo is a good systemic therapy.

Did you have lymph nodes removed at the time of surgery? Do they know if the cancer is fast growing or has spread?


Has anyone out there had a sarcoma cancer? I am just wondering.

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