Myotonia Congenita

Posted by kimcvi @kimcvi, Jul 20, 2020

Hello, does anyone here have MC and how to relive muscle pain

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Hi Kim,
I was recently diagnosed by three Dr's two of who were neurologists. They tell me I have Myotonia congenita AKA Thomsen Disease. I am 53 and mine seem to be triggered when I had to drag a guy out of my car into jail in August of 21. Causing back problems which led to what was believed to be sciatica. After multiple emg's they figured it was Thomsen’s and I had no trapped Nerves. I have tried a bunch of different medications, and nothing has worked. Gabapentin sent my AHI so high I had to stop it plus it was not working well. So now I just had my blood sent of to a lab in San Francisco for DNA testing.

I have pain in my legs like sciatic pain going from my butt down too my feet and into my toes. Then I get pains that come from my back around the front of my chest. I have shooting pains all over my legs in different places.

I have found from my research that Thomsen’s is common in Scandinavian countries where one in ten thousand have Thomsen’s as opposed to America where it is one in one hundred thousand people. So, it is very rare. I can trace my heritage back to the Viking and Dane invasions of England etc. So, I have to believe that Is how I inherited the disease.

I live in the Capitol City here in Minnesota and am beginning to look for resources and I am having the same problems you were experiencing a few years ago as I see I am late to the party 😊

Have you found anything that may help?

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Hi Kim. I got my DNA results today and they think I have hypokalemic periodic paralysis type 2.


I know this discussion board might not be active anymore, but I was researching Myotonia Congenita at Mayo as well and came across this page. I work at Mayo and have this rare condition. My mother has it as well. I have never met anyone else that has it. If you are still active on this website, please message me to connect!

I was diagnosed when I was about 6 years old. I am 20 now. I have dealt with it my whole life growing up and playing sports. I have Thomsen's version and have tried 2 medications to help with symptoms. I just requested to get in with a neurologist at Mayo, if anyone has any recommendations please let me know! I currently use Acetazolamide with the best results, but I often get a racing heart and tingly feelings in my mouth, throat, hands, and feet. I have also noticed that caffeine and sugary drinks like coffee and soda make my stiff movements worse. As well as colder weather for some reason. When it is warm I have fewer flare-ups. When it is colder, I am often more stiff, sore, and in pain.


I know this discussion board might not be active anymore, but I was researching Myotonia Congenita at Mayo as well and came across this page. I work at Mayo and have this rare condition. My mother has it as well. I have never met anyone else that has it. If you are still active on this website, please message me to connect!

I was diagnosed when I was about 6 years old. I am 20 now. I have dealt with it my whole life growing up and playing sports. I have Thomsen's version and have tried 2 medications to help with symptoms. I just requested to get in with a neurologist at Mayo, if anyone has any recommendations please let me know! I currently use Acetazolamide with the best results, but I often get a racing heart and tingly feelings in my mouth, throat, hands, and feet. I have also noticed that caffeine and sugary drinks like coffee and soda make my stiff movements worse. As well as colder weather for some reason. When it is warm I have fewer flare-ups. When it is colder, I am often more stiff, sore, and in pain.

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Hello Emily @emh011, Welcome to Connect. I think there may be quite a few active members in this discussion. You can see the last time a member was active by clicking on their profile icon to the left of the post. It shows when they were last active along with the number of posts they have made and when they joined Connect.

@jonesmon, @larryh123, @skeleton, @callalloo, @jcatrette, and others may be about to share their experience with you. @larryh123 share the Muscular Dystrophy Association site earlier in the discussion here that might be helpful:
--- Myotonia Congenita (Thomsen Disease and Becker Type):

Have you done any research for support information?


I tried the Life-Flo magnesium lotion and I use it everynite. I tried lots and lots of stuff, but this is the best, Thank you again John@Skeleton

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