Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS): Did you have stem cell transplant?

Posted by kjjjrader @kjjjrader, Nov 8, 2019

I am a caregiver for my husband who has recently been diagnosed with MDS. He has MM which he was treated for with a stem cell transplant using his own cells in January of 2018. He did 18 months of Revlimid post transplant as maintenance. His counts always were low once he started treatment and he had three incidences of pneumonia in those 18 months. The last time was September 2019 his neutrophils dropped to 300 and his hemoglobin (9.3) and platelets (83) also dropped. None of his counts recovered very quickly so they did another bone marrow biopsy and discovered the MDS. His MM is in remission but they discovered MDS. With the new diagnosis of MDS he no longer takes revlimid.

My question is, are their other people on connect who have gotten MDS from treatment or even have MDS? How long have you had MDS and are they monitoring it or have you had a bone marrow transplant with donor cells? And how was the transplant? We have lots of questions. So any answers would be helpful.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) & CAR-T Cell Therapy Support Group.


Has anyone had MDS diagnosis? If yes, how was it treated? Has it become AML?
My husband received this diagnosis a month ago. He will go back to MDA in Oct, .

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Hi @boi683, welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You'll notice that I moved your message to this existing discussion about Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS). I did this so you can connect with follow members like @5qdeletion @cybears @jaylevel1 @esperanzam @lithuanian @kjjjrader and @ikampel2. Click VIEW & REPLY to read through past posts.

You may also wish to see this discussion:
- Myelodysplastic Syndrome (MDS): how to increase red blood cells?

You ask about MDS becoming AML. Only about one-third of patients will develop AML. Is your husband in a higher risk category? What symptoms led to your husband's diagnosis?


Has anyone had MDS diagnosis? If yes, how was it treated? Has it become AML?
My husband received this diagnosis a month ago. He will go back to MDA in Oct, .


Are there any members on connect with MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndrome). How long have you had MDS? What treatments have you had? What side effects have you gotten with treatment? Did you have a bone marrow/stem cell transplant? How did that go? We are looking to get any answers from people who have this cancer and how it is going for them.

We will be doing treatment at Mayo in Rochester. We are hoping to get into a clinical trial. Treatment will start after the new year.

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I posted more detail here, just a few posts below.... Revlimid reaction after 15 days - a significant rash, severe enough to discontinue. That was after Procrit failed - my husband - he had weekly Procrit injections at 40,000 units from March 2018 - November 2019. He has been severely fatigued since December 2017 prior to the diagnosis, never having regained enough energy to live a "normal" life. He can walk about 100' at a time, then fatigue sets in. Sometimes he cannot even walk that far. He sleeps 5 or so hours during the day, sleeps all night, wakes up tired, stays tired all day, and cannot perform routine tasks. His hemoglobin now hovers around 8, sometimes going as high as 8.3 during the last six months.

A bone marrow assay with full DNA sequencing at Mayo revealed the 5q about 8 months after the initial bone marrow aspiration which was non-specific but suggested MDS. We are told my husband will be on Vidaza (because Procrit and Revlimid failed) until Vidaza fails, an unknown period of time; then transfusions. We are realists about this, knowing there is no cure, and that his condition will become progressively worse. Too old for stem cell - age 78.


My husband was Dx'd with MDS 5q deletion during March 2018. After 67 weekly Procrit injections at 40,000 units. Procrit failed in October 2019. During all that time his hemoglobin never rose above 9.5, and during the last several months it hovered around 8. He started Revlimid when Procrit failed.

After 15 days on Revlimid a slight rash turned progressively worse; the rash and raised skin welts were so severe they could no longer be controlled with Benadryl and Claritin. And his white cells & neutrophils were severely compromised - we were advised that would happen. The oncologist put him on 20 days of Levofloxican (spelling?) as a precaution. But.... his energy was much improved in spite of nearly every blood level being significantly out of range, with hemoglobin at 8. The oncologist said there are four ways to treat 5q deletion: Procrit, Revlimid, Vidaza, transfusions. Then hospice. Does anyone have information from hematologists or oncologists that suggest other treatments can be successful?

In November 2019 a port was surgically placed and he started Vidaza. His energy is somewhat improved after just one 7-day cycle. But the oncologist advised Vidaza would produce no improvement for at least 2 1/2 months. We are confused, surprised, and grateful. He starts the second cycle on January 6th, at which time a blood draw will reveal his hemoglobin level, neutrophils and all the rest. He is 78 years old, not a candidate for stem cell.

I will try to come back here soon to read more, and will be more specific about things as I learn more about treatment. We are reminded by the Mayo hematologist and our local oncologist that "everyone is different"... that Vidaza can work for a couple months, or not at all, or for years. We take it one day at a time.


My husband has not had to have any extra treatment at this time. His blood levels are low but not requiring any transfusions, We are just trying to enjoy the time with no treatment. He was taking Revlimid up until September for MM. Since being off of that his appetite has gotten better and he says he feels the best he has felt in over two years. Although I see the fatigue with the low hemoglobin. We are just looking for information from people who have this cancer. You can find all sorts of information for MM but not a lot for MDS. Any information from people who are living with this would be helpful.


Hello at @kjjjrader. I'd like to invite @motherofdragonsdk, @jaylevel1, and @cybears to this discussion as they have all posted about living with MDS or caring for someone who has it. You can see some of their posts here in the meantime, It is good to hear that you will begin your treatment at Mayo Clinic in the upcoming new year. How are you doing with symptoms while wait to begin treatment?


Are there any members on connect with MDS (Myelodysplastic Syndrome). How long have you had MDS? What treatments have you had? What side effects have you gotten with treatment? Did you have a bone marrow/stem cell transplant? How did that go? We are looking to get any answers from people who have this cancer and how it is going for them.

We will be doing treatment at Mayo in Rochester. We are hoping to get into a clinical trial. Treatment will start after the new year.


@kjjjrader If at some point you feel that a second opinion would be helpful, I would encourage you to make an appointment with a Mayo facility. Has your husband ever been seen at Mayo before?

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We have had a second opinion at Mayo. We are waiting for our local oncologist to visit with the doctor we saw at Mayo to go over the final results of the biopsy. He had his first stem cell transplant at Mayo for his MM.

Mostly we are wondering if others have MDS, how long, what treatments, etc.


We were told it could possibly be this type, Bone marrow with 40% cellularity is consistent with MDS ringed sideroblasts with multilineage dysplasia, 15% ringed sideroblasts . Cytogenetics and Next Generation Sequencing not back yet.
Here are the rest of the results.
The results are abnormal and indicate a 5q deletion in 65%
of nuclei, most of which was monosomy 5, and a 7q deletion
in 69% of nuclei, some of which was monosomy 7. These
results are consistent with this patient's diagnosis of MDS.
My husband feels great right now. This is the best he has felt since he started the revlimid. Which he has been off of since mid September. His blood counts are stable with the last 2 lab test. Hemoglobin 9.6, platelets 135 and neutrophis 900. At this point we have not had another consult with the doctors at Mayo but our local oncologist is doing a watch and see. Labs every 2 weeks and we will see him again after the first of the year.

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@kjjjrader If at some point you feel that a second opinion would be helpful, I would encourage you to make an appointment with a Mayo facility. Has your husband ever been seen at Mayo before?


We were told it could possibly be this type, Bone marrow with 40% cellularity is consistent with MDS ringed sideroblasts with multilineage dysplasia, 15% ringed sideroblasts . Cytogenetics and Next Generation Sequencing not back yet.
Here are the rest of the results.
The results are abnormal and indicate a 5q deletion in 65%
of nuclei, most of which was monosomy 5, and a 7q deletion
in 69% of nuclei, some of which was monosomy 7. These
results are consistent with this patient's diagnosis of MDS.
My husband feels great right now. This is the best he has felt since he started the revlimid. Which he has been off of since mid September. His blood counts are stable with the last 2 lab test. Hemoglobin 9.6, platelets 135 and neutrophis 900. At this point we have not had another consult with the doctors at Mayo but our local oncologist is doing a watch and see. Labs every 2 weeks and we will see him again after the first of the year.

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