Anyone else diagnosed with acoustic neuroma, a benign brain tumor?
My name is Tracy Daley. I live in Omaha, Nebraska. My diagnosis is a jumbled mess that I am sorting out right now. Can anyone tell me if anyone in this support group has been diagnosed and/or treated for acoustic neuroma, a benign tumor affecting the acoustic nerve, which is the eighth cranial nerve in your brain? This nerve is connected to your ear. These tumors initially affect a person's balance and hearing and then other symptoms may appear. This is a very rare tumor and one out of 100,000 people and 8-9% of the intracranial tumors. If no one has heard of this tumor, I understand.
Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Brain Tumor Support Group.
I had surgery for a 4cm at Vanderbilt Tn in 2014 I am in charge of a walk for this rare tumor in Ga on July 22 to help bring pubic awareness to this tumor. Their is an Acoustic Neuroma Association the corp office is in ga their are support group for Acoustic Neuroma all over the USA go on the association to find one in your area
When I asked my ENT doctor about surgery that way, he said that I was not a candidate for that since I still had quite a bit of hearing in my ear and my acoustic neuroma is still small. He suggested wait and watch and eventually radiation, when and if necessary, which I was also told can cause cancer in 2 percent of patients. That was a year ago, and I am due for another MRI.
I have an AN that was diagnosed in 2015. I was wondering if anyone opted for surgery directly through the ear? I know that it is 100% hearing loss in that ear but the surgery is not as involved.
Was diagnosed with acoustic neuroma a month ago by ENT after mri. I have all the symptoms of acoustic neuroma. Neurosurgeon said it was trigeminal neuroma after looking at mri. He wrote the name of tumor down on card after I wanted to know how to spell it. Said to watch and wait, that was it. Gave me no other info! Sent me to neurologist for pain meds for the nerve pain. She knew little about my condition. Recommended watch and wait too. I will have another mri in 5 months. Left with prescription for gabapentin and no info about what I had. Pain and symptoms are getting worse. Am I crazy to want another opinion to find out what's going on in my head and what to expect? I live in NC so I want to go to Duke University Hospital for 2nd opinion. Neurologist said I had to ask neurosurgeon to refer me. Going to see how that goes this week. Thanks and praying for all.
Hi Katfred! I had an acoustic neuroma removed in 1999. Yes life has changed but nothing that can't be handled. I found it helpful to reach out to The Acoustic Neuroma Association. Lots of helpful information and a forum to connect with others that have this same tumor as well. I hope you feel better and this website will help you as well.
GoodMorning KKK:
I don't know where you live, or who your Doctors are. But the U of M ,performs 300 of these brain surgeries a month.
there's No median age , when you consider 1 in 100.000 get an Acoustic Neuroma.I have GREAT Nueosurgeons there. I trust them...
Good Morning dinjian:
I will be 61 this year. I had my brain surgery in 2014. Ive hearing loss in my left side. Balance some days is a bit funky.
But like you, Ive found ways that work for me to cope with the after effects of the surgery.
You gotta realize, there is NO brain surgeon that can predict what your life will be like after this surgery. Everyone is different.
I just refuse to let Brain surgery keep me from doing the things I love to do. So my life is a daily challenge....
Good Morning Pedie:
Yes what I've learned being a brain patient, is "OneDay At A Time" is a good motto to have.....I may not be able to do things like I did before surgery. But I still Love Life....May Not be the life I had before surgery, but I've learned to deal with it...The Good Lord Never gives us more than we can handle. He just helps us find better ways....
Good Morning Katfred:
I know how you feel. Before my surgery I had a very active position working in Solar...After the surgery I am on SSI, and can most days work 3 hours due too imbalance ....I started doing YOGA last year, and it seems to help a bit stabilize some of my imbalance issues...
Hang in there...
Hi Linda:
Wow Thats some life incident there. I had similar in 2014. I went into my Dr. with an earache. Turned out I needed Brain surgery fora a tumor on my brain stem. Yea....ask me if I was shocked. I underwent a 12 hour surgery, where 3 brain surgeons scraped all but 2 % off my brain stem.
After the surgery I have hearing loss on my left side, and my balance is pretty funky some days. But I'm better than before the surgery.I of course cannot work full time. I am on SSI Dissability due to this surgery. But I am alive and look for new ways too improve my life each day. Quality of Life is NOT what doctors say it is. We as patients make our own quality in life.
My surgeons are at the University of Minnesota... Dr Tumula, and Dr Huong...Wonderful surgeons.....
I hope you find the answers your looking for....