My GFR Dropped from 54 to 44

Posted by nscappa @nscappa, Jun 22, 2023

I just got my blood results re my CKD3 and I am very concerned about the drop in the GFR number. I don't know if it's something that I am not doing correctly re my food (I am careful with salt and protein) plus other things. My creatinine is a bit higher. Any thoughts about this. I couldn't keep my appt. with my because I have pneumonia so I got my bloodwork at my primary location.

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@nscappa this lab result could be an “outlier” or a “one off”. Your GFR can easily vary due to a number of circumstances such as a concurrent illness. Perhaps your pneumonia affected the GFR. It is important to focus on trends over a longer period of time. Maybe you can repeat your lab work after your pneumonia has resolved? Feel better soon!


@nscappa this lab result could be an “outlier” or a “one off”. Your GFR can easily vary due to a number of circumstances such as a concurrent illness. Perhaps your pneumonia affected the GFR. It is important to focus on trends over a longer period of time. Maybe you can repeat your lab work after your pneumonia has resolved? Feel better soon!

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Thank you so much for the information. You have made me feel a bit better and I never knew about the things that could affect my CKD. Thanks for making me feel better. : )


@nscappa As @cehunt57 mentioned, your current health issue with pneumonia could very well be part of the reason for your eGFR value. Also, your hydration level. Another factor is that you used a different location, and there are probably different machines processing your samples. Although they are calibrated closely, there could be slightly different values. I wonder if there were any other values that were different this times, especially if your body is dealing with the pneumonia?

Sure hope you feel better soon! Being sick is no fun, right?!


A few months ago my eGFR dropped to 49 I was very sick with Covid. Last week my report shows I am up to 58 again. I think a lot has to do with what is going on with you.


Thank you for sharing this with me. Makes me feel better. : )


You are now in Stage 3b, drink only purified water. No alcohol, No coffee, No pops. No red meat. I have no idea why it would drop that much, unless you had a change in diet. Next test it might go back up. It would upset me also if I had 10 point drop; had a 2 point drop last time; doctor not concerned, but I was a little.


Thank you for your post. I have not been as diligent as I have been in the past couple of months and I also have pneumonia. No coffee??? I don't drink, very little red meat. I do watch my protein also. I have an appt. with my nephrologist in July so maybe more blood work. Thank you again for your info. : )


Thank you for your post. I have not been as diligent as I have been in the past couple of months and I also have pneumonia. No coffee??? I don't drink, very little red meat. I do watch my protein also. I have an appt. with my nephrologist in July so maybe more blood work. Thank you again for your info. : )

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Give up coffee and red meat...NEVER!😁 ....


Give up coffee and red meat...NEVER!😁 ....

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Maybe modify your intake? I drink one cup of good coffee a day. Now, this is from someone who used to drink 3 pots of it a day "back when"! Make that one cup count, savor it. One days I don't feel like drinking the whole cup, I save the rest for and make it iced in the afternoon.

As for red meat, I never was a big fan of it. Now I eat it once a month or less. I prefer ground turkey, or turkey, chicken, fish.

Are these doable for you?


Hi Ginger,

I feel like I know you and I so appreciated this post from you. I didn't really realize how bad coffee can be for CKD3 until recently. I do love my first cup and I do have a second one which I really do not need. Is the reason for this because it is dehydrating?? As far as one cup goes it's probably 9 - 10 ounces and lately, I assume because of the pneumonia, even my coffee doesn't taste very good (I LOVE coffee). As far as red meat, maybe once a week a ham burg patty and right now I have the meatloaf mixture so I will make that this week. I also love fish so I have Salmon and I think Flounder which I simply saute (I'm not one who loves to cook). I love my broccoli, lettuce, cabbage (which I will shred and add onions, etc. Some tuna, I watch my salt and my protein. I just hope that the 44 GFR won't drop any more. I do see my Nephyfrologist in July so maybe more blood work? Any thoughts as to why it dropped so much? My last blood work was 6 months ago. If it's something I am doing wrong I will right it. Thank you again for your kindness and caring. : )

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