My CKD3 numbers have dropped

Posted by nscappa @nscappa, Sep 24, 2022

Hello Friends,

I just got my blood test results and I am so disappointed that they have fallen 5 points from 49 back down to 44. I have been watching most of what I eat, loads of veggies, salads, some meat (two times a week - hamburg patties), some fish (maybe twice a week). I watch my protein and my potassium runs low anyway so I take supplements. I do not eat anything processed and I drain my canned beans, sometimes I rinse my tuna, etc. I don't know why this has happened but I think it's time to see a Nephrologist. Any advice???

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@nscappa It would be advisable to be aligned with a nephrologist. Good idea, and as you know, there is so much to consider as we journey through kidney disease!

Several factors to think about while you ponder why the drop in eGFR:
-Hydration plays a big part in healthy kidney function. Getting enough fluids into you on a daily basis goes a long way to keeping your kidneys happy. Dehydration can cause a drop in value.
-Look at trends of your labs, not a single lab result.
-Has there been any change in medications recently? Or change in other health conditions?
-Differences in processing labs and their machines can give you different results. For example, the on-site lab at my oncology center gives me a different eGFR value than the commercial lab where my "regular" labwork is done.

Are you able to self-refer to a nephrologist, or are you at the mercy of your doctor sending you to one? It would most likely ease your mind to see a specialist when you can get in!


@nscappa It would be advisable to be aligned with a nephrologist. Good idea, and as you know, there is so much to consider as we journey through kidney disease!

Several factors to think about while you ponder why the drop in eGFR:
-Hydration plays a big part in healthy kidney function. Getting enough fluids into you on a daily basis goes a long way to keeping your kidneys happy. Dehydration can cause a drop in value.
-Look at trends of your labs, not a single lab result.
-Has there been any change in medications recently? Or change in other health conditions?
-Differences in processing labs and their machines can give you different results. For example, the on-site lab at my oncology center gives me a different eGFR value than the commercial lab where my "regular" labwork is done.

Are you able to self-refer to a nephrologist, or are you at the mercy of your doctor sending you to one? It would most likely ease your mind to see a specialist when you can get in!

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Hi Ginger,
Thank you once again for your input. My blood work is a complete one showing everything such as my BUN, Creatinine, GFR, and much more important info. Is this what you asking? My nurse practitioner recommended a Nephrologist at my Lahey Health so I may make an appointment with her. I will start there since seeing a Nephrologist has been on my mind for obvious reasons. Again, than you so much for caring.
Nancy : )


Hi Ginger,
Thank you once again for your input. My blood work is a complete one showing everything such as my BUN, Creatinine, GFR, and much more important info. Is this what you asking? My nurse practitioner recommended a Nephrologist at my Lahey Health so I may make an appointment with her. I will start there since seeing a Nephrologist has been on my mind for obvious reasons. Again, than you so much for caring.
Nancy : )

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@nscappa Having the recommendation from your NP is a great place to start! Yes, make that appointment, and if it is a few months out, ask them to place you on the cancel list in case they get an opening. The more flexible you can be in your time commitments to figure out a date with the new nephrologist, the better. And if your NP puts in a good word for you, even better!

Now, relax for the weekend, do something that makes you smile. Can you do that?


@nscappa Having the recommendation from your NP is a great place to start! Yes, make that appointment, and if it is a few months out, ask them to place you on the cancel list in case they get an opening. The more flexible you can be in your time commitments to figure out a date with the new nephrologist, the better. And if your NP puts in a good word for you, even better!

Now, relax for the weekend, do something that makes you smile. Can you do that?

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Ginger, you are just great! Your help is always spot on, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I have three appts. in October with 3 co-pays so that month is not the best. I will try for an early one in November. BTW, this week my computer was out of service for about 5 days (I'm lost without it), I was hacked $206.00 from my Amazon account. I am having trouble logging into two of my important accounts and my new debit card arrived yesterday so I'm not sure that I will be able to relax completely today. I know this isn't really important on this site but I just thought I would share it with you. Many thanks! : )


Ginger, you are just great! Your help is always spot on, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I have three appts. in October with 3 co-pays so that month is not the best. I will try for an early one in November. BTW, this week my computer was out of service for about 5 days (I'm lost without it), I was hacked $206.00 from my Amazon account. I am having trouble logging into two of my important accounts and my new debit card arrived yesterday so I'm not sure that I will be able to relax completely today. I know this isn't really important on this site but I just thought I would share it with you. Many thanks! : )

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@nscappa, sorry to hear about your computer and the account hack! IDK about anyone else, but to me your sharing it is important on this site because it's part of your overall well-being, including kidney health. I, too keep getting slammed with co-pays and unpleasant financial "surprises" and daily semi-crises and sometimes full-on crises, usually medical or medical equipment, so I can understand where you're coming from. I wish you well.


Ginger, you are just great! Your help is always spot on, and I truly appreciate you taking the time to help me out. I have three appts. in October with 3 co-pays so that month is not the best. I will try for an early one in November. BTW, this week my computer was out of service for about 5 days (I'm lost without it), I was hacked $206.00 from my Amazon account. I am having trouble logging into two of my important accounts and my new debit card arrived yesterday so I'm not sure that I will be able to relax completely today. I know this isn't really important on this site but I just thought I would share it with you. Many thanks! : )

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I can definitely sympathies with your computer and financial problems related to hacking. Computer not working = Tons of anxiety and stress !!
I hope you can see the doctors you need asap. It is tough to wait when you don’t know what to expect.
I really know nothing about my condition until October 26. And that will be just the beginning .
Margaret Anne


Recently had a UTI that was caused by Enterococcus faecalis. I have never had one caused by this bacteria. Mine have always been E. Coli. Went to urgent care and couldn't pee. I was not in pain other than a burning urethra and bladder. They said I was dehydrated which was strange because I drink 9-10 8 ounce cups of water a day. They wouldn't listen to me and said that is impossible. Meant time after 2 bottles of water I was able to produce a very small urine sample. It was brown like mud and turbid...cloudy. it showed blood and protein and some pus. No nitrites. I was started on Bactrim but because the culture showed E. Faecalis they changed me to Cipro. Two days later I broke out in Hives. They took me off of Cipro and finished out a 5 day antibiotic treatment plan with 3 days of Amoxicillin. Iam a 77 year old female. I was in the hospital 12/2021 for a septic gallbladder (gangrene) that they had to remove immediately. I was on IV antibiotics for 1 1/2 days, and than released with no follow up antibiotic treatment. In 2/2022 I had to have a inguinal hernia repaired. It was same day surgery. My question would be, is it possible that I got this E. Faecalis bacteria from the hospital?


I want to emphasize that Iam not blaming the hospital as I realize they do the best they can to prevent infections but sometimes it happens.

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