My brother

Posted by siamsam @siamsam, Jan 26, 2023

My 79 year old brother experienced 90% kidney failure last spring. It was caused by a medication for blood pressure.
He has regained full use of his kidneys. However, he is exhausted all the time. My robust 79 year old brother was, before the medication a hiker, camper and had general good health.
His Orimary Dr is stuck with no idea what is wrong or what to do. He has done MRI’s, thyroid, brain scans. Is it normal to be wiped out this long? What should he do? What specialist should he see?
** He lives in New York State.

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Some of us go through this sometimes, but not consistently. Does he use a CPAP? He probably should see someone who specializes in Insomnia and be sleep tested. There seem plenty of those docs around. You may want him to go to his pharmacist to see if there is an interaction among the medication he is taking. Lastly, Mayo referred me a while back to a PhD specialist who taught me not to take naps during the day in order to get a restful sleep at night.


I am curious, would you know what stage is the kidney function - would you by any chance have the name of the BP medication.. Thanks. If the kidney function below 60, then You should have your 79 year brother see a Nephrologist.


Try to keep short: I had CDiff in 2018 and over 100 pills VAncomycin, plus other changes in meds and have been basically on my bed ever since.,going to medical appointments as have to; no energy and recently bought a book by a prior USA professor who had infection, medications etc, and has been on her bed for about 20 yrs..... she feels she has Chronic Fatigue Syndronme and I feel I have it!!! She has written 3 books while in this condition and I was somewhat relieved to know there are others out there with NO ENERGY after being "normal" all their lives but I don't want to live like this... plus other medical issues and there is no test for Chronic Fatigue Symptom but maybe your brother could check into... I wish him the best, doesnt hurt but life changer.


@siamsam Your brother deserves to have the best quality of life possible. I hope he will consider getting a complete physical done, and all the associated testing, so he has a clear understanding what might be going on. If he does not have a nephrologist [doctor who specializes on kidney disease and maintenance], get one! It sounds to me, from what you related, the a specific medication caused his kidney failure. What was done to regain kidney function? What is his kidney function now [known as eGFR or estimated glomular filtration rate]

We have many members here with different kidney issues, and will be happy to answer questions for you.


What was the blood pressure medication prescribed by his doctor. I have been on Eliquis for years without such effects.

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