Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Posted by ldscott @ldscott, Dec 14, 2022

I was exposure of gasoline on my skin as a result a gas station nozzle malfunction in 2017. I experience prickling, burning tingling, redness, itching, etc regular to any scents. It has been and still is a challenge for me to wear clothes, be in certain places, or allow anything to touch my skin. I have to wash 3-4 x per days sonetimes. I'm sooooo uncomfortable, I don't want to be around people. When experiencing a flare-up- it zaps my energy and makes my immune system and week resulting in bed for days.

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Hello @ldscott, Welcome to Connect. I'm really sorry to hear that your exposure to gasoline on your skin as a result of gas station nozzle malfunction in 2017 has caused you so much discomfort and problems. When I was in my 30s my neighbor was into racing hydroplane boats. He needed a fill in for his refueling team and I volunteered one weekend. I was introduced to a gasoline spill from a large floating drum that drenched myself and another man. Fortunately we were in the water but even so I've never felt so bad with burning itching skin. It took a few days for me to heal but I never had any long term effects so I guess I'm lucky.

Here's an older article on contact dermatitis from the adverse effects of gasoline on the skin.
-- Adverse effects of gasoline on the skin of exposed workers:
Have you seen a doctor about your symptoms?


I have suffered with multiple chemical sensitivities for years and now my symptoms after coming into a space with fragrances or scents are becoming debilitating. I have gone from having anaphylaxis reactions to tasting these fragrances in my mouth accompanied by a terrible burning taste and inflammation in my mouth and on my lips. It happens constantly now and my standard of living is being affected. I go to church and it happens. I go to work and it happens. I never visit others homes because I have no idea what chemicals and scents, fragrances, sprays or even dryer sheets they may be using.
I contacted the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville through the online portal. The request started in immunology or allergy department. I got a call from dermatology??? They said they couldn't help me and focused on the "burning mouth syndrome" and not my reaction to chemicals and fragrances. Dermatology sent me back to immunology/allergy and the lady said they don't deal with fragrance allergies.
It appears that everyone is missing the fact that I am in chronic pain and I don't know who to reach out to or where I can start to try to get some coordinated care. I have gone the ENT route, primary care, dental, and digestive route.
I need help.

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