MRI MRCP - Cyst (IPMN) - Newbie

Posted by chasenkw @chasenkw, Jul 12, 2022

So much gratitude for this group. Thank you !

My New GI doctor at University of Miami Healthcare ordered this test after I called needing colonoscopy. I discussed frequent abdominal pain, bloating, and more frequent bouts of pancreatitis. The findings:

Pancreas: Homogeneous parenchymal enhancement with a 0.6 cm cystic lesion in the pancreatic body, likely reflecting a small side branch IPMN. Otherwise, no lesions or ductal dilatation dilatation.

Should there be further testing of these finding? I have not heard from Dr yet. The test was last week, I obtained results from portal. “Is NO news GOOD news?”

Again, many many thanks.

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Pancreatic Cancer Support Group.


Thank you for allowing me into the group. The following is my latest results from a MRCP I had done

PANCREAS: Multiple cystic lesions are redemonstrated. There are 2 dominant lesions in the head measuring 2.0 x 1.7 cm and 2.2 x 1.4 cm, These both show demonstratable communication with the main pancreatic duct. There numerous additional smaller cystic lesions that appear stable. No mass or ductal dilatation.

I'm waiting for input from my doctor as to what should be done next. Has anyone had a similar experience and can tell me what to ask my doctor. Needless to say, I'm very anxious about this.

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I had an MRI in June 2021 that indicated a 2cm cyst on the tail of the pancreas. I had an endoscopic ultrasound with fine needle aspiration, and the labs indicated a benign cyst. It was decided by surgeon to check out again a year later. The next MRI in June 2022 showed slow growth to 2.1cm. However, the main duct showed marked dilatation in the main duct. So, I had a distal pancreatectomy, and the pathology report indicated an adenocarcinoma that was removed cleanly in the surgery with no spread, but I am a stage 1b pancreatic cancer patient doing chemo treatment presently. I hope this a little helpful to you. Let me know if you have any questions. Good luck.


Thank you for allowing me into the group. The following is my latest results from a MRCP I had done

PANCREAS: Multiple cystic lesions are redemonstrated. There are 2 dominant lesions in the head measuring 2.0 x 1.7 cm and 2.2 x 1.4 cm, These both show demonstratable communication with the main pancreatic duct. There numerous additional smaller cystic lesions that appear stable. No mass or ductal dilatation.

I'm waiting for input from my doctor as to what should be done next. Has anyone had a similar experience and can tell me what to ask my doctor. Needless to say, I'm very anxious about this.

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You need to ask when/if cysts turn into cancer. And should you take action now. Your cysts size is the exact dimension of the cancer lesion on my pancreas. You are lucky you caught this at cyst stage. Push for direction and use their experience. Get a second/ third opinion - this is your life.


I have cysts on pancreas but no word about it. I’m seeing a another doctor closer to where I live.

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Good luck with your diagnosis.


I have cysts on pancreas but no word about it. I’m seeing a another doctor closer to where I live.


Thank you for allowing me into the group. The following is my latest results from a MRCP I had done

PANCREAS: Multiple cystic lesions are redemonstrated. There are 2 dominant lesions in the head measuring 2.0 x 1.7 cm and 2.2 x 1.4 cm, These both show demonstratable communication with the main pancreatic duct. There numerous additional smaller cystic lesions that appear stable. No mass or ductal dilatation.

I'm waiting for input from my doctor as to what should be done next. Has anyone had a similar experience and can tell me what to ask my doctor. Needless to say, I'm very anxious about this.


Thank you for your kindness.
My friend, a former rheumatologist, has made some suggestions to me in terms of what labs she would like to see. One of the labs she wants ordered is B6, which I have asked for. She also wants me to review my labs going back 2 years, specifically looking at bilirubin levels and providing this information to her. She said she keeps her license current, volunteers for Sacramento County and cannot take any payment for her help. I will think of some way to repay her for her kindness, perhaps a painting.
My symptoms consist of terrible itching, chronic diarrhea, no appetite and pain in my upper abdomen. I will be having a CT scan in 2 weeks for the pain I have had for quite some time in my left upper abdomen, toward the center. Probably epigastric issues. I am going to call Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco to confirm whether or not the hepatologists at Sutter who rotate to Sacramento only see those who need liver transplants, as my friend did not think that was true. She explained that all of the specialists rotate to Sacramento, so one may not see the same doctor each time. If in fact, a Sutter hepatologist could treat me, that might be of benefit. Especially considering what I was told this past week by my doctor. All hospitals are having problems and are far behind in seeing patients in specialty departments. I suppose I have waited this long, what would another few months be worth? My weight seems to be holding around 94 lbs, so I am not losing weight. I continue to walk and lift small weights each day so I do not lose muscle mass.
I have a new therapist and she seems to be more "real" than the former one who did not want to work with me. I have found during my navigation of my disease that I am feeling more empowered, a feeling that was always so foreign to me. I have let many of my "friends" go, especially those who could not or would not have anything to do with me once I became "chronically ill." There were some people in my life who lacked the same value system that I have, such as humanity, kindness and compassion to all, and after much thought I realized I had to let go of these people if I wanted to live a more satisfying life. I understand some people just can't handle having a friend who may not be 100 percent; however, the odd thing is that my personality has not changed, I am not asking anyone for help or things like that. Perhaps these people were afraid I would ask for help. This is not to say that sometimes I do need help with something, but usually it's something easy like helping move my furniture or something mundane. In many ways I feel stronger even though my physical being may be weakened. I wonder if this is a common issue with others who suffer from a chronic illness.

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Hello again, @frances007,

I'm always delighted to read your posts and hear how you are proactively tackling this problem. You've acquired some great helping relationships and they are definitely providing you with some direction. We all need those types of friendships!

I read that you are asking for a B6 lab, which was recommended by the rheumatologist. I'm guessing that there must be some question about absorption of vitamins? Do you know if this is the reason?

Yes, sometimes our friendships do change as our life situation does. Chronic illness can take a toll on the relationships that exist in our life. I have a feeling that you will find others to relate to and who can also support you during this time (and those whom you can support as well). Your new therapist seems to be one of those individuals.
As you've mentioned that you are an artist, are you aware that on Connect there is a discussion group on Art and Healing? In this discussion group, members post about their experiences using art as a healing tool.

You might especially enjoy seeing some posts by @jenniferhunter. Here is a link to two of her posts, and
There is also a post by @harriethodgson1 with her doodle art,
I would personally love to see a photo of one of your watercolors!

I look forward to hearing from you again. Will you continue to post about your search for an answer and any helpful results from the tests?


I appreciate your update, @frances007! I am sorry to hear that there is confusion about your doctor's referral being received by UC Davis. That must be very frustrating.

I am glad to hear that you are pursuing other avenues for autoimmune disorders. How wonderful that your rheumatologist is keeping in touch with you and offering suggestions.

I so admire your attitude. Will you post again when you have more information from your test results? I'm also wondering what kind of symptoms are you experiencing now? Any changes?

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Thank you for your kindness.
My friend, a former rheumatologist, has made some suggestions to me in terms of what labs she would like to see. One of the labs she wants ordered is B6, which I have asked for. She also wants me to review my labs going back 2 years, specifically looking at bilirubin levels and providing this information to her. She said she keeps her license current, volunteers for Sacramento County and cannot take any payment for her help. I will think of some way to repay her for her kindness, perhaps a painting.
My symptoms consist of terrible itching, chronic diarrhea, no appetite and pain in my upper abdomen. I will be having a CT scan in 2 weeks for the pain I have had for quite some time in my left upper abdomen, toward the center. Probably epigastric issues. I am going to call Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco to confirm whether or not the hepatologists at Sutter who rotate to Sacramento only see those who need liver transplants, as my friend did not think that was true. She explained that all of the specialists rotate to Sacramento, so one may not see the same doctor each time. If in fact, a Sutter hepatologist could treat me, that might be of benefit. Especially considering what I was told this past week by my doctor. All hospitals are having problems and are far behind in seeing patients in specialty departments. I suppose I have waited this long, what would another few months be worth? My weight seems to be holding around 94 lbs, so I am not losing weight. I continue to walk and lift small weights each day so I do not lose muscle mass.
I have a new therapist and she seems to be more "real" than the former one who did not want to work with me. I have found during my navigation of my disease that I am feeling more empowered, a feeling that was always so foreign to me. I have let many of my "friends" go, especially those who could not or would not have anything to do with me once I became "chronically ill." There were some people in my life who lacked the same value system that I have, such as humanity, kindness and compassion to all, and after much thought I realized I had to let go of these people if I wanted to live a more satisfying life. I understand some people just can't handle having a friend who may not be 100 percent; however, the odd thing is that my personality has not changed, I am not asking anyone for help or things like that. Perhaps these people were afraid I would ask for help. This is not to say that sometimes I do need help with something, but usually it's something easy like helping move my furniture or something mundane. In many ways I feel stronger even though my physical being may be weakened. I wonder if this is a common issue with others who suffer from a chronic illness.


Thank you for your question. Nothing has changed. A referral was sent multiple times to UC Davis for me to see a liver specialist there after I insisted on being sent there for further treatment. As luck would have it, two months have passed and UC Davis keeps telling me that they do not have the referral from Sutter Medical Foundation. In the meantime my doctor is running a variety of lab tests after I had a conversation with my former rheumatologist who I had remained friends with after her retirement, and who was sure that many of my issues were autoimmune in nature. Some tests have been returned which show a diagnosis of hypogammaglobulinmia. I see my doctor today and will find out more about this. I think he is waiting on one more test to finalize this diagnosis. In any event, I am pretty much in the same situation, and quite frankly, starting to lose interest in any future care for my medical problem. Not giving up, but perhaps giving in because getting any kind of solid diagnosis, or being seen by a liver specialist has become frustrating to say the least. I continue to have the most positive attitude that I can, and am remaining as active as I can as opposed to curling up in a ball and laying around all day. That's just not in my make up.

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I appreciate your update, @frances007! I am sorry to hear that there is confusion about your doctor's referral being received by UC Davis. That must be very frustrating.

I am glad to hear that you are pursuing other avenues for autoimmune disorders. How wonderful that your rheumatologist is keeping in touch with you and offering suggestions.

I so admire your attitude. Will you post again when you have more information from your test results? I'm also wondering what kind of symptoms are you experiencing now? Any changes?



I was wondering how you are doing. Do you have any answers or treatment plan?

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Thank you for your question. Nothing has changed. A referral was sent multiple times to UC Davis for me to see a liver specialist there after I insisted on being sent there for further treatment. As luck would have it, two months have passed and UC Davis keeps telling me that they do not have the referral from Sutter Medical Foundation. In the meantime my doctor is running a variety of lab tests after I had a conversation with my former rheumatologist who I had remained friends with after her retirement, and who was sure that many of my issues were autoimmune in nature. Some tests have been returned which show a diagnosis of hypogammaglobulinmia. I see my doctor today and will find out more about this. I think he is waiting on one more test to finalize this diagnosis. In any event, I am pretty much in the same situation, and quite frankly, starting to lose interest in any future care for my medical problem. Not giving up, but perhaps giving in because getting any kind of solid diagnosis, or being seen by a liver specialist has become frustrating to say the least. I continue to have the most positive attitude that I can, and am remaining as active as I can as opposed to curling up in a ball and laying around all day. That's just not in my make up.


Thank you very much for your reply, it is encouraging.
Regarding the doctor telling me to get a second opinion threw me off as I have not heard of a doctor suggesting the same. Since I cannot get a second opinion from Sutter Hospital anywhere in Sacramento, Davis, Roseville, Auburn or other areas nearby, I will contact the doctor in San Francisco who is doing the study. I am simply exhausted from whatever is going on with me and also having to contact so many people just to get the right treatment. The MCRP was especially stressful as Medtronic had to ship me a new control device because the representative had locked the device when he programmed it after my recent surgery to remove and replace the device which enabled me to finally get the exam. It took a long time for the technicians to contact the representative and get the device programmed for the MCRP so that I could finally have the exam.
I thank you for your interest and comments. The medical system needs to go back to "slow medicine" per my OB/GYN, but she does not see this happening any time soon and that is a sad thing. I will keep you apprised.

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I was wondering how you are doing. Do you have any answers or treatment plan?

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