Detecting cancer in women with dense breasts: MRI?

Posted by jaynep @jaynep, Feb 8, 2023

I had my one year mammogram today on my left breast and saw the nurse practitioner at my surgeon’s office. She told me it looked great! I asked about a MRI in six months when I am scheduled for my next appt with her and she agreed. However, when I got home I received the mammo report in their my chart app and it stated that the left breast is heterogenously dense which may prevent them from seeing a mass in some cases. So, this concerns me. Does anyone has any experience with this?

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Yes. I have very dense and cystic breasts and they follow me every 6 months. That is why they do the 3D mammogram. It sees more then traditional scans. And I get bilateral sonograms to make sure the breasts are stable. Look at the bottom of the scans report. They grade via Birads. That should give you an indication of what is happening as well as the doctor.

Ps: I had an MRI a few years back. It showed up all white so they could not tell much b/c of that.

Best of luck.

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My breasts are dense too.. what bothers me after going through breast cancer that years later , my breasts are sore. I’ve mentioned to drs nurse ( on phone) it scares me if my cancer came back. All I get for responses is in July I have appt so it could wait 😫 What kind of answer or reassurance is that?! How would the nurse know that, at times if you never been through cancer like alot of us they don’t understand the anxiety, depression and the frightening thoughts that goes through my head wondering if my cancer has come back. So now I wait till July and hope🤞I have nothing worry about 😢


My breasts are dense too.. what bothers me after going through breast cancer that years later , my breasts are sore. I’ve mentioned to drs nurse ( on phone) it scares me if my cancer came back. All I get for responses is in July I have appt so it could wait 😫 What kind of answer or reassurance is that?! How would the nurse know that, at times if you never been through cancer like alot of us they don’t understand the anxiety, depression and the frightening thoughts that goes through my head wondering if my cancer has come back. So now I wait till July and hope🤞I have nothing worry about 😢

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I am so sorry for all your worry. I didn’t realize you had cancer. I’m so so sorry. Could the soreness be scar tissue? You should be given answers. My mom had breast cancer as well and she had to follow up with the specialists until years later. Maybe you could go to the primary care and ask for a breast exam? I know it isn’t expediting the specialists job, but if they feel something, that doctor can call the other doctor on your behalf. If that is not something you can do, perhaps you could go on the patient portal. It sounds like you need to bypass the nurse. Maybe you could be put on the cancelation schedule in case someone cancels and you could take their place? Patient portals are good to use. Most doctors respond. Maybe put a note this way the doctor is on notice. I would try the pcp and to call and ask to speak to the doctor. Are you having any discharge, dimpling, pea sized felt? I’d be ticked at that unreassuring nurse. That nurse should be aware of what cancer patients endure and react appropriately, not dismissively. I’d try to bypass the nurse and speak directly with the doctor. I wish I had more helpful advice for you. 🤗


Thank you for understanding my concerns. Unfortunately my oncologist is leaving so I have no idea who the new


So, this is gonna be a bit complicated, but I have to know what women out there may have experienced what I am experiencing. First of all, I have PCOS, a pituitary growth (tumor) which my Mama also had, so it’s in my genes. I also have a meningioma in my brain (as well as neuropathy, arthritis throughout every joint in my body, degenerative disc and bone disease, spinal stenosis on my cervical spine (neck), muscle spasms and am suppose to be having a biopsy done of my muscles) and a few other issues. I don’t know if all this is connected or separate issues, but my labs show an autoimmune disease (they thought Lupus, but now they aren’t sure). I don’t know what density my breast tissue is, but I know they’re highly dense, enough for them to typically call me back in to do a repeat mammogram. My Mama had stage 4 metastatic breast cancer, one entire breast was a mass, and it had spread to her hips and femur. They tested her to see if it was genetic and no genetic gene was found. We were told that most women that get breast cancer have no genetic gene, it happens mostly on a random basis. So here’s one of my many issues. I am an odd patient, meaning I am often referred to as an enigma (must’ve inherited that from my Daddy). My pituitary tumor is only detectable by MRI Imaging. When they do bloodwork, my prolactin level is ALWAYS normal. It was only detected because my Mom had it and I was producing milk, so the doctor I had at the time decided to do an MRI per my request. Sure enough there it was. My labs often do not show certain issues, I need further testing when there is a suspicion to rule things out, but Drs don’t want to do the further tests because my labs are either “normal, inconclusive, or don’t match certain symptoms which should accompany such suspicions” so they scratch their heads and send me in my way saying “I’ll see you in 3 months and we will run tests again or see if you still have these symptoms.” Well, this is gross, but my pituitary hasn’t been checked for over 3 years, typically it is monitored once a year, and now I have something going on with my right breast which has my Dr “baffled” (his words). I told him my breast has some leakage, of course I have to milk it a little, and the leakage comes from a few small holes (where milk typically comes), from one hole it’s white, similar to milk, BUT, from two other holes it appears black, like dark black, but on a tissue it’s like a dark dark green, almost black. He is so confused. So everything that happens to me, and is currently going on, it a mystery. My bones hurt, my muscles spasm, my joints kill me, my nerves are damaged, I have autoimmune disease…but I don’t have autoimmune disease, my back kills me, my neck kills me, I’m severely fatigued, often feel toxic, my memory is screwed, my vision and hearing are worsening quickly, I have breast leakage, a family history of these issues, but all I am being told is “wait and see, wait and see, wait and see.” Meanwhile…here I sit, sick, full body pain, muscle’s killing me, with VERY limited mobility.

I’m so frustrated. I don’t know what to do. 🙁

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I have fibrocystic disease. Which is dense fibrous tissue with cysts. I have had that type of discharge for years. It's especially noticeable after they smash your boob for a mammogram. I've always been told that it's nothing to worry about. I don't know the real medical reason behind it. I just know it has something to do with the fibrocystic disease.


Thank you for understanding my concerns. Unfortunately my oncologist is leaving so I have no idea who the new

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ER is another option. Once you explain your history they may order an MRI or contact your new doc.

Geographically speaking do you have options … like switching clinics or presenting at a teaching hospital ER?


My first diagnostic was an ultrasound ordered by my midwife, which came out BRads5. I am young (41 now, 38 then) and have dense breasts. UCLA has me do yearly mamos with ultrasounds done the same day, alternating with yearly MRIs so I am checked every 6 months. I like having the ultrasounds in the mix.


My ultrasound was just done at a normal imaging clinic (RadNet), maybe your PCP could order one to see if the discharge ties to fibrocysic (sorry for spelling)?


ER is another option. Once you explain your history they may order an MRI or contact your new doc.

Geographically speaking do you have options … like switching clinics or presenting at a teaching hospital ER?

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I do not have a teaching clinic near me nor oncologist. It seems a lot of drs are leaving where I live. For right now I have 100% faith “in my regular pcp doctor”. I had never had MRI before and listening to others whose cancer was found by MRI you can bet I’ll make sure to in excluding breast cancer


My first diagnostic was an ultrasound ordered by my midwife, which came out BRads5. I am young (41 now, 38 then) and have dense breasts. UCLA has me do yearly mamos with ultrasounds done the same day, alternating with yearly MRIs so I am checked every 6 months. I like having the ultrasounds in the mix.

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Yes… let’s get the whole mix! I get yearly mammo and ultrasound and hands on physical exam … and yearly MRI alternating every 6 mos.

Wish I had been doing that all along.


ER is another option. Once you explain your history they may order an MRI or contact your new doc.

Geographically speaking do you have options … like switching clinics or presenting at a teaching hospital ER?

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I may ask my general MD to order an MRI otherwise I have to wait till my doctor’s replacement arrives

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