Mouth Sores from chemo: When do they go away?

Posted by walkingmom @walkingmom, Dec 24, 2022

Any suggestions for mouth sores? Mine started a few days after my first infusion of Taxotere and Cyclophosphamide. Am using Magic Mouthwash consisting of lidocaine, maalox and benadryl with baking soda, salt and water rinse in between. Day 4 and no relief. For those of you who've had them, do they not go away until all infusions are complete? If so, I don't think I can handle it 🙁

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I have not started chemo yet, and hope oncology nurse will have some suggestions. Meanwhile I read that holding ice chips in your mouth as long as possible during treatment closes blood vessels and reduces the amount of chemicals entering mucous membrane in mouth. Maybe ask your nurse about this. Not sure if it’s medically sound, but sounds logical.

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I used Oral mouth antiseptic rinse and it seemed to help.


I have not started chemo yet, and hope oncology nurse will have some suggestions. Meanwhile I read that holding ice chips in your mouth as long as possible during treatment closes blood vessels and reduces the amount of chemicals entering mucous membrane in mouth. Maybe ask your nurse about this. Not sure if it’s medically sound, but sounds logical.


I got mouth sores after my second chemo treatment and picked up the prescription mouth wash. I was having chemo at my local hospital. Mayo called to check on me that week. When I told them about my mouth sores they asked if I had sucked on ice chips or a popsicle during the chemo. I had not. My local hospital did not know to have me do that.
Wow! What a difference it made. After the sores healed for me in about a week, I did suck on ice chips for all the rest of my chemo treatments. Did not experience any more mouth sores!


I have Essential Thrombocythemia. I take oral Hydroxyurea capsules twice daily. I also take an oral inhaler for a separate pulmonary condition. SO I have several possible reasons for occasional mouth sores. Right now they seem to be a little better. I do get heartburn with the oral chemotherapy and have ever since I first started taking it 7 - 1/2 years ago. SO I hava to take an acid reducer as well. When I have mouth sores, using a solution of 1/2 water 1/2 peroxide for 3-4 days several times a day seems to help.

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My oncolagist gave me KGH mouthwash ,swish and swallow 4 times a day as needed.. It works great


My body didn't have the enzyme to breakdown the 5fu chemo medication and I had severe mouth sores, ulcers and lips peeling. I was unable to take anything by mouth for over 10 days. The sores caused my throat to swell and damage all the way down my track to the exit with awful fecal incontinence. My heart is with you as it's the worst thing I've ever gone thru. So severe that the magic part was the doctors had me stocked up on lidocaine 2% and 5% that I used by itself seems every 20 minutes on a 24 hours day it's exhausting. It does take some time and healing seemed very quick but it lasted around 4 - 5 weeks. Then it's the problem with getting the calories you need and food down was not appealing because the trauma of barely being able to take in a syringe sips of water was devastating. Ice chips and cool washcloths I would suck on helped, and if you like junior mints you can put them in either the fridge/freezer for a flavor chip. Good luck with your journey and I'll look forward to hear anything you find that helps you.


I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I used Biotene mouthwash and also switched to children’s toothpaste (like bubblegum flavor). I couldn’t tolerate the minty stuff anymore. Also going with a bland diet helped a lot, too. I hope you are better now and I wish you well.


Hi my dad is very uncomfortable with his mouth as well.. what do you think helps? I didn't quite understand your response. Would love to know, he's so miserable. Thank you.

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I am sorry I wasn’t very clear.
I mix salt and a tiny bit of baking soda in warm water and rinse daily. This is a prevention and I get less sores because of this.
When I get sores especially the ones in my throat or behind my upper lip, I use the magic mouthwash from my compounding pharmacy. This an amazing pain reliever for the sores. You have to use it several times a day but it works well. You can ask his doctor for a prescription.
Does this answer your questions?


I am not sure what HU is, but I get mouth sores from cancer treatments and I use it. It is the only thing that makes the ulcers feel better allowing me to eat and in some cases, even talk.
I use salt and baking soda for prevention, and it does mean I get less of them and mostly smaller, but when I get them I use the mouthwash, it has lidocaine, an antacid and a few other things.
I do get it from my compounding pharmacy but it cost 32.00, regular price.
What is HU?

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Hi my dad is very uncomfortable with his mouth as well.. what do you think helps? I didn't quite understand your response. Would love to know, he's so miserable. Thank you.


@walkingmom In my case, magic mouthwash was the only thing available at the time (2007). I always felt pretty good before the infusions but the side effects always came back. Personally, I always had chipped ice and small pieces of watermelon to get rid of the blood in my mouth. The bonus was that they helped with constipation which stool softeners could not completely help with. It took me years before I would eat anything spicy! You're almost there. Hang tough and fight the fight we're all praying for you. P.S. I had a recurrence this year but decided to do the bilateral mastectomy. No node issues = no chemo. But the mastectomy has been pretty darn difficult, yet here I am able to ninny about it ; )


What is the magic mouth wash? Is it for people who get mouth soars from HU?

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I am not sure what HU is, but I get mouth sores from cancer treatments and I use it. It is the only thing that makes the ulcers feel better allowing me to eat and in some cases, even talk.
I use salt and baking soda for prevention, and it does mean I get less of them and mostly smaller, but when I get them I use the mouthwash, it has lidocaine, an antacid and a few other things.
I do get it from my compounding pharmacy but it cost 32.00, regular price.
What is HU?

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