MMR vaccine

Posted by chardar @chardar, Mar 15 9:02am

Was there a time, in the 1960's, when the MMR vaccine was less effective and a booster is needed now?

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According to Dr Elizabeth Hammershaimb, from U of Maryland School of Medicine in an article from Kiplinger:

"Some people who received the old, inactivated measles vaccine between 1963 and 1967 may benefit from a booster with the live MMR vaccine," advised Dr. Elizabeth Hammershaimb, an infectious disease pediatrician with the University of Maryland Children's Hospital and an assistant professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.

About 600,000 to 900,000 people in the United States received the inactivated vaccine, according to Johns Hopkins. Still, anyone vaccinated during that period should check their vaccine records to confirm which version of the shot they received.

Here’s the full article:

Similar statements are found in several online articles from CDC, Yale School of Medicine,, etc.

You can also have a serum titer run at your doctor’s office lab to see if you have enough antibodies to protect you from measles. Or, you can simply have a vaccine at a local pharmacy.

I remember standing in line at school, with fellow classmates when I was a kid in the 60s…waiting for our shots. Do you recall that too or did you have yours at a doctor’s office?


Here’s what I know. I had the measles , German and American as a child in the 50’s. It was no laughing matter. I can’t remember which was worse, but one was way worse than the other. Then later on I had the vaccines. And then later on still in 1975 as a teacher I came in contact with the measles. I was pregnant and had to get immunoglobulin shots because my titer was low. My thought is that any of us “grown ups” who had the vaccine years ago will probably have a low titer and should probably get revaccinated especially if we live in Texas or a state dealing with an outbreak. We should all ask our PCPs. Irene5

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