Mixed Glial Tumor??? Help

Posted by julcou55002 @julcou55002, Jun 1, 2023

Hi there-

I am reaching out to see if anyone has experience with my tumor type, as I feel extremely alone and in the dark.

My tumor was located in my left parietal lobe and was resected February of 2022. The ultimate diagnosis came out to be: A mixed glioneuronal tumor with cross features of a pilocytic astrocytoma, ganglioglioma, and pleomorphic xanthoastrocytoma. The MIB rate was 2-3%. It stained weakly for BRAF, which was interpreted as a negative stain, and the only other genetic mutation that was present was focal p53. Under a microscope it was described to have hyper-cellularity and nuclear atypia.

I understand these genetic features do not meet the diagnostic criteria for any one tumor type. It seems that makes the likelihood of recurrence totally up in the air and no one seems to be able to help me answer that question. Is it possible the tumor was transforming to a malignancy when it was resected? I don't understand how its cellular features and genetic tendencies don't match a classic low grade glioma (from my albeit limited understanding), yet that is how it was diagnosed.

If anyone has experience with low grade, mixed gliomas, please share! 🙂

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Hello @julcou55002 and welcome to Mayo Clinic Connect. You certainly have a complex, and maybe even rare, diagnosis so it is completely understandable wanting to find others who you can connect with to understand where you are at and what you are dealing with.

@IndianaScott may have some knowledge he can share with you regarding what you have encountered.

I did find some information that may be helpful as you work to understand things better:
- NEURONAL AND MIXED NEURONAL-GLIAL TUMOURS: https://www.braintumourresearch.org/info-support/types-of-brain-tumour/neuronal-and-mixed-neuronal-glial-tumours

Do you have an opportunity to ask your neuro-oncologist more information about how this could come to be or are you considering a second opinion?

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