Miraculous Interventions

Posted by gina5009 @gina5009, Aug 20, 2023

Nearly everyone has had unusual moments where things happen that seem to defy any sort of rational explanation. Is it kismet, angels, luck?? Share your stories. I stated I believe I have experienced this more than most, and was not going to explain any further, but I have had a request to do so.
1. When I was 18 months old, after a long session with Whopping Cough, I developed pneumonia ( I should state this was in 1932) No penicillin, no antibiotics). My mother was told by the local Emergency Health Doctor, that I would be dead by morning. My grandmother spoke with her current employer (Maturnity Physician). She was told to pack me in ice. If they could keep my temperature down until morning, I MIGHT HAVE A CHANCE. Happy to say, here I am 90 years later I have at least 5 more, but will not bore you with all these stories. Just know, God has you on his list, and no one is leaving until he says it is time.

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@gina5009 and all...Thank you for your message, Gina. today is a day I need the extra support you sent. That in itself is a miracle, an answer from God through one of his warriors. I believe this is one way God talks to us, through others like you. I'll get back to you later with a couple of instances I definitely experienced His miracles in my life.
Blessings, Elizabeth


Thank you for your kind words. I think it might be of interest to you to know my greatest miracle. When I was 26 1985, I was found to have breast cancer. I had a radical mastectomy, and 14 lymphs glands removed. No Chemo, No radiation, no followup medications. Simple mastectory two years later due to increase in Fibrous lumps. No other treatment. Hear I am, smiling at you at 92. May God bless you, and keep you in his tender care


May God Bless All of you greatly today, encourage you greatly and give you strength daily. He is a God of miracles as mentioned above. You all are encouraging! Hugs & Prayers....


That is amazing! God had plans for you. 😀
My mom was driving home one day years ago, and suddenly another car, without stopping to look, turned out of a neighborhood into the street. My mom had no time to react and should have gotten hit, but a moment later somehow found herself safely past the spot where the collision should have happened, without having actually passed through it. Guardian angels exist! 🙂


Just wanted to say, you all are my miraculous intervention right now; I've been feeling stressed and sad over something lately, but talking with you guys always encourages me. God bless!
I'd love to share something special that happened to me when I had my scoliosis corrected. I was scared silly wondering if this was the right move, and the Sunday before the operation, one of the readings at Mass was Philippians 4:6: "Have no anxiety over anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving make your requests known to God." I have a super tough time with this one, but it was exactly what I needed at the time. My spine didn't miraculously heal like I had asked, but I had the surgery with no complications and made an incredible recovery; I was supposed to work up to walking a mile a day by a month after surgery, but I was already doing that on day 3 - after having 11 levels fused! Jesus, Mary, and Joseph heard my and my family's and friends' prayers!


It sounds like God did hear you. What a blessing to be able to walk so well.


Hi Gina5009,
What a nice subject! God really did want you around didn't he? That's just great! Plus you are so right when you state that you don't leave here until God says so.

I was born in May, 1946. Our family doctor thought I was dead and set me aside and tried to revive my mom who was also dying. The nurse saw me move and told the doctor but he said I was gone and he was trying to save my mom. The nurse insisted that I moved. So he left my mom and looked at me. He picked me up and swatted me on the bottom and I let out a big screech! About that time, my mom woke up and literally said, "Shut that damn kid up!" The doctor went running into the waiting room proclaiming to my grandparents, "It's a miracle!" Mom and I both survived thanks to God and the prayers of the doctor, nurse and my grandparents in the waiting room! I should point out that it was at the end of WWII and my father was stationed in the Philippines when I was born. I am now 77. Mom and I were very close all of my life. She went to heaven in 1991.

God is always there for us. We just have to ask for his help. I have a wonderful husband who has lung cancer. We pray constantly and my husband is getting better each day!



I read these wonderful experiences this morning and it warmed my heart. I hear so many say, there can’t be a God or all these disasters and horrible things wouldn’t be happening in this world. How sad. They just don’t understand we live in a world that is fallen. That came from being given free choice, not to live as puppets. Only through pain and reminders we are not self-sufficient do we run to our Father, like any child, and cry for help. Through pain we become stronger. Hard to remember when the fires are raging, but truth doesn’t change. Who can understand the mind of God? It’s all about faith. Thank you for sharing your experiences.


When one of my sons had Encephalitis [inflammation of the brain] he was 10 years old. I'd never heard of the disease. I was told he likely got it from a mosquito bite, that had bitten a bird with it! His doctor told me that the best we could hope for was that he would have to be re-educated; but we should expect worse. She was very caring; she even called me at her lunch break to check on him She came to check on him TWICE a day in the hospital. Most doctors have no idea just what our Heavenly Father can do for us. My son had NO effects from the disease, even though his temperature was 105 constantly, and my keeping ice on his wrists and ankles brought it down only as long as I held the ice rags on him. I know God healed him. I don't know how people make it in this crazy world without Him.


Hi Gina5009,
What a nice subject! God really did want you around didn't he? That's just great! Plus you are so right when you state that you don't leave here until God says so.

I was born in May, 1946. Our family doctor thought I was dead and set me aside and tried to revive my mom who was also dying. The nurse saw me move and told the doctor but he said I was gone and he was trying to save my mom. The nurse insisted that I moved. So he left my mom and looked at me. He picked me up and swatted me on the bottom and I let out a big screech! About that time, my mom woke up and literally said, "Shut that damn kid up!" The doctor went running into the waiting room proclaiming to my grandparents, "It's a miracle!" Mom and I both survived thanks to God and the prayers of the doctor, nurse and my grandparents in the waiting room! I should point out that it was at the end of WWII and my father was stationed in the Philippines when I was born. I am now 77. Mom and I were very close all of my life. She went to heaven in 1991.

God is always there for us. We just have to ask for his help. I have a wonderful husband who has lung cancer. We pray constantly and my husband is getting better each day!


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My husband also had lung cancer from a Service Connected disability. He left this world in 2005. Strange, my mother also died in 1991. She was 91.

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